Your thoughts about "standard" vs. "premium"

  • Thread starter LP670-4 SV

What would you have rather had PD do about "premium" vs. "standard" cars

  • Keep everthing the same

    Votes: 324 19.1%
  • Release the game later with all the cars "premium"

    Votes: 213 12.6%
  • Not do "premium" cars at all but focus on other features i.e. dynamic weather

    Votes: 134 7.9%
  • DLC packs after the release

    Votes: 844 49.8%
  • Wished PD didn't get are hopes up, lol

    Votes: 180 10.6%

  • Total voters
They need to speed up their car modeling process if its taking 6 months per car. You sure that's just not all the man hours put together instead of 6 months in actual time? If its actually taking them 180 or so days to model one car, they need a new team. No matter how detailed they are, that's too long.

im sure its 6 months of man hours. 6 people taking a month, 3 taking 2 months, 1 person taking 6 months

it cant be 6 months on the calander for the whole team together to model one car. thats 100 years to do the 200 premiums. 200*6/12
Another "issue" that has determined these situation, was Sony stupid decision to have GTpsp ready for the PspGO (hyperfail). Man... that made me MAD!

As long as more people get to enjoy GT I can't be mad. That was a good move on PD's side to release it for more people. 👍
Why? DLC lets PD sell the GT6 cars to GT5 owners in dribs and drabs ahead of the launch of GT6 when they can sell the same work to the same people a second time but for less. If they sell car packs at $5 for 10 then quite a lot of GT5 owners will buy them, sell one pack every other month for 2 years and you have an extra 120 cars and PD has an extra $60. You can then sell GT6 with the GT5 premiums + the 120 DLC premiums plus another say 60 or so premiums 6 months after the last GT5 DLC, this gives GT6 a reasonable number of cars, enough extra over GT5 premium as a selling point with the addition of the extra features and tracks in GT6.

Thats great in theory, but when GT6 ships with a HUGE 60 extra cars for people who have already bought DLC, you can expect some more 'whining'.

Personally I just don't see PD following a similar structure to Forza and releasing regular DLC and keeping the roster up to date,
Given the development routes PD have taken already I don't see them doing the 'obvious' or even the 'right' thing:ill:

For all we know we may only see a couple of extra cars, a couple of making of docs and nothing till GT6 drops whenever.

Though, of course, its all speculation.

But a version of standards would be better off not rearing their ugly heads again.
If I'm honest by GT6 it may be time to clear out some of the standards anyway as a lot of them a 1999-2003 cars and most of these would have been replaced and irrelevant. Don't get me wrong the should keep the classics and the iconic cars but not outdated ford, Citroen and cars like that.
I think the main point in these superfight, is...

If the standards never existed... how many NEW premium cars would have been in the game? twice as now? With mind blowing detail and all that stuff.

I think people should think about this
. 'Cause I see many people that says: Hey, we have 800 standard and 200 premium, so if the premium never existed, we get only 200 premium. MISTAKE!!!

Yeah, no. You'd have maybe a handful of premium cars more if the standards were not messed with. It's also likely that different teams worked on prems/standards.
Seems like you're the one who's making the mistake of assuming what could've been based on nothing.
Yeah, no. You'd have maybe a handful of premium cars more if the standards were not messed with. It's also likely that different teams worked on prems/standards.
Seems like you're the one who's making the mistake of assuming what could've been based on nothing.

I don't get you point... but if there were 2 teams, it's the same. There would have been a bigger team for premiums only, no?
It wasn't stupid, its marketing. Same reason Gears of War 3 was delayed, marketing. If Sony thinks they can sell a few more PSPgo's with the release of GTPSP than thats a good strategy. It worked for a short while and it drove a push for Digitally distributed PSP games.

As long as more people get to enjoy GT I can't be mad. That was a good move on PD's side to release it for more people. 👍
PspGO, should, have, never, existed. It is a proven failure. Sony knows it, we all know it. It's a fact.
They could just push back GTpsp and wait until GT5 was out in the market.

It's like all that could go wrong against the development of these AAAA title, happened!
If I'm honest by GT6 it may be time to clear out some of the standards anyway as a lot of them a 1999-2003 cars and most of these would have been replaced and irrelevant. Don't get me wrong the should keep the classics and the iconic cars but not outdated ford, Citroen and cars like that.
Most have already been replaced before GT5 let alone GT6,
Again its one thing to have iconic cars, but wheres the new Focus, new BMW's, the A1, etc, etc...

For the most part this list is hugely outdated already with most of the cars replaced or facelifted in real life more than once.

Yeah, no. You'd have maybe a handful of premium cars more if the standards were not messed with. It's also likely that different teams worked on prems/standards.
Seems like you're the one who's making the mistake of assuming what could've been based on nothing.

A bit hypocritical, no?
They need to speed up their car modeling process if its taking 6 months per car. You sure that's just not all the man hours put together instead of 6 months in actual time? If its actually taking them 180 or so days to model one car, they need a new team. No matter how detailed they are, that's too long.

GT6 is already being hailed here as the greatest racing game ever made, because it has to be,

WOA! Calm down with such claims or your expectations might get crushed once again. Ive learned to take what I get and not to expect too much or theres a chance your hopes will get crushed. If your expecting all cars in GT6 to be premium and theyre not we will have a repeat of this thread in the GT6 forum.
WOA! Calm down with such claims or your expectations might get crushed once again. Ive learned to take what I get and not to expect too much or theres a chance your hopes will get crushed. If your expecting all cars in GT6 to be premium and theyre not we will have a repeat of this thread in the GT6 forum.
My point wasn't completley clear,
Those aren't my expectations, there many other peopes,
Look through the threads, GT5 is being compared to the other odd numbered GT's, so 'logically' the even numbered GT6 will be super fantastic with GT5's flaws sorted.
I would certainly hope tht many of the problems are sorted and that that includes getting rid of standards for a consistent quality car roster, but with that said I'm personally barely thinking about GT6, I'm waiting on GT5 still.
My point wasn't completley clear,
Those aren't my expectations, there many other peopes,
Look through the threads, GT5 is being compared to the other odd numbered GT's, so 'logically' the even numbered GT6 will be super fantastic with GT5's flaws sorted.
I would certainly hope tht many of the problems are sorted and that that includes getting rid of standards for a consistent quality car roster, but with that said I'm personally barely thinking about GT6, I'm waiting on GT5 still.

You see thats the problem. Theyre expecting the world and if they dont get it then the uproar starts and then they start demanding. People need to chill and stop having such high expectations.
You see thats the problem. Theyre expecting the world and if they dont get it then the uproar starts and then they start demanding. People need to chill and stop having such high expectations.
It does boreder on obsession at times, but to be fair Kaz dosn't help with his 'expect perfection' BS or a 6 year development time.
He knows too well what his fans think of him and they will eat up anything he says,
The standard cars are a long, long way away from perfection, regardless of anyones opinion, yet they make up roughly 80% of the car roster.
There is NO way 2-3 years ago that anyone would have believed you if you told them you couldn't change wheels on 80% of cars in GT5,
That was not an unreasonable expectation(to change wheels), thats the opposite of progress.

I thinking that game was GT5
Like most others here, me included, that was the expectation.
WOA! Calm down with such claims or your expectations might get crushed once again. Ive learned to take what I get and not to expect too much or theres a chance your hopes will get crushed. If your expecting all cars in GT6 to be premium and theyre not we will have a repeat of this thread in the GT6 forum.

I agree with you, and it depends completely on the number of years of development of GT6, if GT6 get released in 2012 (2 years of development), having 1000 cars premium (or even just 500) is just IMPOSSIBLE, they have to reuse the standard cars...they wont have a choice or else they will have a embarrassingly low number of cars in the game (300-400 compared to GT5 or forza3-4)

Now if GT6 takes 4 years of development time, that could be done (700-800 premium cars) + they could externalize some of the modelling proceess to achieve 1000+ premium cars (knowing japanese culture externalizing the process of modelling is improbable)

Now if the game takes 3 years of development time, thats an issue for Polyphony, they should decide : releasing the game with only 500 premiums without the standards, or repeat what they have done with GT5...they should choose, it would be a very difficult choice : after the 1000+ cars of GT5, it would seem for marketing reasons a backward step to have only 500 cars for the same time, reusing the standards in 2013 is problematic with the competion of Forza 4 and other games...Tough decision....I am sure kazunori, his team and sony are actually negotiating their plans for GT6...
GT5 could get hit hard by reviewers about the Standard cars (if there anything like the hardcore fanbase), so I believe they wont be seen in GT6 personally.
A bit hypocritical, no?

Hope my answer isn't too far out of line with what Dave meant, since I feel I get what he's saying.

Not including the Standards wouldn't have doubled the Premium car count. It probably would've added a handful of Premiums. All of the assets were there; it was a matter of updating textures and adding in this new, odd melted-butter damage model. It's a fair assumption to think without Standards, the Premium count would be higher, sure. But not double. Standards (most likely) didn't account for that many man-hours that 200 Premiums could've been made from it.

I agree with a few people who have mentioned that, going forward for the series, PD would be wise to trim a few of the cars on their quest for Premiumization. The Xsara road car in the game, for example, is not historic in any way, since it really has very little to do with the rally car, and isn't even the VTS! I wouldn't mind seeing the focus shift back towards more affordable, everyday sporty cars; like has been mentioned, there's a very limited modern hot hatch selection in the game, and even a historical look back at the segment yields spotty results. The German companies are also sorely lacking both from their sporty sub-brands (M's, AMG's, and RS'), and the more down-to-earth core models. Even the Japanese selection is drying up in regards to new metal; it's the "usual suspects", the big names like GT-R, LF-A, and hybrids, but part of the fun I had in GT1 and GT2 was finding the frankly awesome JDM cars like the Chaser. JDM weirdness is now seemingly up to Suzuki and Daihatsu.

GT2 had a lot of cool cars that GT3 dropped when it made the move to the next generation. GT4 rectified that count with arguably a far more diverse swath of the automotive realm. Sure, a few fan favourites have never returned (Alcyone, first-gen RX-7, 90's Cosmo...), but we did gain a lot of other interesting makes and models. I wouldn't mind GT6 doing the same; ditch the last-gen stuff, bring over what you can, but explore new avenues.

I *do* appreciate the Premiums we currently have, since I like a large portion of them. And I can understand if maybe Kaz is reluctant to get rid of the older Standard models; there are a lot of good cars there. But at some point you do have to start fresh in his line of work; Standards can still look pretty good (as one of the Range Stormer shots showed), but because of how they're modeled, they're just not able to do what is quickly becoming more expected in the genre these days. GT doesn't exist in a vacuum; it does have competition, very serious competition, something that GT1 didn't really have to worry about. Adaptation is key here, and while PD has stayed strong in some aspects, they need to move quicker in others. I want to see them continue succeeding.
My view on the standards is that they look great in motion, in still pictures some look better than others i.e veyron looks better than micra but lookswise I'm not that bothered. I'm a cockpit veteran from prologue and it'll take time to use roofcam and cockpit cam on different cars. But after the wait gt5 will be worth it, i'm determined of it now!

i just hope with all the gripe and anger, PD will have a change of heart and make a future patch. anyway even if it is a standard I hope the Veyron will still be accurately represented and still looks good. I still find it strange that a legendary car like Veyron is just a standard while those stupid suzuki and tons of Nissans are premium
I expect in GT6, all the cars in GT5 will be in it. Most of the unique ones will be premium, along with a lot of new additions. I also think they will create some system for non-premium cars to car basic dashboards just so you can get a cockpit view. Also I believe they will cleanup the standard cars (outside), and remove the imperfections. Every car should look like premium on the outside, wheels and all.

I hope they get rid of repeats. We don't need things like a Corvette Z06 '08 and a premium Corvette Z06 '08 or even '09.
i just hope with all the gripe and anger, PD will have a change of heart and make a future patch. anyway even if it is a standard I hope the Veyron will still be accurately represented and still looks good.

Have you seen the picture? posted by RDK. It looks good for a standard. Future patch is our best bet of hope.
I think PD should focus on making cockpit view for all cars and modelling only premium interior for standard cars WITH 1:1 STEERING ANIMATION OPTION!!! (at least for the next game)
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Standard cars are only the additions to the premium perfection. Cause admit it: if polyphony just gets all the content (more content) up to the GT5 level... perfection (=GT6)?
Im sure if the premium cars werent in GT5 and there was no restriction to tuning , then nobody would be complaining about the standards. In my opinion they should have kept the premium cars for GT6 and try to double the premiums. Then take out the standard cars in GT6.
Im sure if the premium cars werent in GT5 and there was no restriction to tuning , then nobody would be complaining about the standards. In my opinion they should have kept the premium cars for GT6 and try to double the premiums. Then take out the standard cars in GT6.
I don't know man, it depend do you mean keep the current standards line up or a new 'standard level' car lineup,
Becasue I for one would have been more than a little miffed to have waited so long for a game with a roster very close to GT4's with very few additions.
I don't know man, it depend do you mean keep the current standards line up or a new 'standard level' car lineup,
Becasue I for one would have been more than a little miffed to have waited so long for a game with a roster very close to GT4's with very few additions.

It would be better than 170 standard cars.
Where does the 170 come from, sorry?
I thought you ment all of the standard cars or do you mean 170 premiums?

I did mean all the standard cars , but they could just have imported the cars from GT3 instead of GT4 all 170 of them and they could have left the standard cars out.
I did mean all the standard cars , but they could just have imported the cars from GT3 instead of GT4 all 170 of them and they could have left the standard cars out.

I'm not sure I get your angle, why bring in only 170 standards from GT3 and not the cars from GT4, that dosn't make a lick of me anyway....
I'm not sure I get your angle, why bring in only 170 standards from GT3 and not the cars from GT4, that dosn't make a lick of me anyway....

You were complaining that if just the cars from GT4 were brought over you would be miffed , my point is if there was just 170 standard cars you would have a good reason to be miffed.
I agree with you, and it depends completely on the number of years of development of GT6, if GT6 get released in 2012 (2 years of development), having 1000 cars premium (or even just 500) is just IMPOSSIBLE, they have to reuse the standard cars...they wont have a choice or else they will have a embarrassingly low number of cars in the game (300-400 compared to GT5 or forza3-4)

Now if GT6 takes 4 years of development time, that could be done (700-800 premium cars) + they could externalize some of the modelling proceess to achieve 1000+ premium cars (knowing japanese culture externalizing the process of modelling is improbable)

Now if the game takes 3 years of development time, thats an issue for Polyphony, they should decide : releasing the game with only 500 premiums without the standards, or repeat what they have done with GT5...they should choose, it would be a very difficult choice : after the 1000+ cars of GT5, it would seem for marketing reasons a backward step to have only 500 cars for the same time, reusing the standards in 2013 is problematic with the competion of Forza 4 and other games...Tough decision....I am sure kazunori, his team and sony are actually negotiating their plans for GT6...

No. This 1000 cars idea is crazy. There will not be any other game with so many cars. GT6 will only have premiums. Advanced weather, damage and more tracks. They will probably tweak the physics as well and have all premiums from GT5
No. This 1000 cars idea is crazy. There will not be any other game with so many cars. GT6 will only have premiums. Advanced weather, damage and more tracks. They will probably tweak the physics as well and have all premiums from GT5 as well

You know this how? I cant recall PD announcing what will be in GT6. If you think this get ready to have your hopes crushed.