I've actually been using the two Camaro's as my best example of hope for future Premium models; I get the feeling they were going through GT4 models, and picking which were getting the upgrade. We don't really have any idea what criteria they use, but for whatever reason, the Z28 was picked, and the SS hasn't been... yet. Maybe PD picks what they think the fans would want most? Maybe it's whatever cars are easily available?
I'm really not sure what they did when making such decisions; the Z28 and SS are such popular, well known badges that I'm shocked they didn't do both. I will say this though - maybe they kept some premium cars in standard versions because the 2 tiers will be separated through either a game mode or separate events? (I hope so)
I may be unhappy with Standard cars, and I'll continue to voice that, but I do recognize that they are very, very likely a one-game issue. Premium will be the new standard, quite literally, in a few years.
Agreed. As big of a blow as the standards are to the game, it still features 200 premium models which will look flat out amazing on any decent HDTV, so I'm trying my best to look past it as far as my excitement for the game is concerned. Regardless, the standard cars thing was a really dumb decision...at least, the way they marketed the game was. If they honestly said from the beginning "GT5 will feature over 200 amazingly detailed car models, and as a bonus, there will be a GT Classic mode where you can drive all of your favorite cars from past GTs in high definition graphics!" then I would have been hyped like crazy for it. But instead, they tried to make it sound like the game actually has 1000 cars with somewhat similar detail.