Just making sure that you know the 2nd picture is of the new challenger. The old car has tinted windows. Only standard cars have tinted windows, no?
These models possibly have maybe 100,000 poly's max, the real issue is the texture maps especially on the race models, it looks blah.
If those are 100,000 poly models, then PD needs to go back to school. There are user-made cars for games like NFS and rFactor using 10-20k polys that look better than the GT5 standard models. The fenders on the Corvette aren't even rounded; you can clearly see how wide the polygon rows are, a clear indicator of a low poly (probably less than 6k) model. The vents on the front bumper and on the door aren't rounded either. No way thats even a 10k poly model, not including wheels.
Hmm... Kratos has a lower poly model than Drake and still looks better.. Poly count doesn't mean too much nowadays.
If those are 100,000 poly models, then PD needs to go back to school. There are user-made cars for games like NFS and rFactor using 10-20k polys that look better than the GT5 standard models. The fenders on the Corvette aren't even rounded; you can clearly see how wide the polygon rows are, a clear indicator of a low poly (probably less than 6k) model. The vents on the front bumper and on the door aren't rounded either. No way thats even a 10k poly model, not including wheels.
My assumption is just going off the fact that they also include the interior, the driver and tires, more than likely undersides(assuming they can roll over). Sorry about the high number poly assumption, but needless to say, none of those game come close to GT scale period. If those are 7k models PD are wizards of the highest order then.
My original post is about these models actually being more detailed than the GT4 models and not just the same GT4 models reused. In fact they have more polys everywhere, wish I had a closer photo to examine more thoroughly but just from the photos alone a keen eye can see the difference in the two models.
Wrong. They're still low poly GT4 models. I just did a quick edit in Paint and drew red lines to all of the major details with squared edges:
All of those places are also squared off in the GT4 model, in the same places!
The polygon rows are in the exact same spots! So what, you're saying they just remodeled the cars in the exact same fashion?
Except it's not improved. GT4, as dave_sz said nicely, had to paralyze the models for them to work with the PS2. Now that they have the PS3's power to work, they can run them the way they originally wanted them to. The only thing they have improved is for the cars to look better with the lighting & what not.Because it not like GT4. It is a improved version of it to make it compatible for GT5. If they wanted to make GT4 HD they could have done with some tracks like Sony did with GOW colletion which was 40$ and it still sold more than a million copies.
The differences you are seeing are due to the different lighting of the two pictures/graphics engines. If they were remodeled, then why are the squared edges (polygon rows) in the exact same spots along the fenders, vents and mirrors?
Why PD use such lower count models is probably because they were strapped for time
Are you kidding me? So you are telling me that the rounded edges and larger and more defined polygon differences I pointed out are attributed to different lighting? So you want me to believe that behind the wheel wells in both photos that a lighting engine can somehow change what was in GT4 a flat texture shaded dark spot to give the appearance of being a 3 dimensional part(up close you can see it's just a texture wrap), into an actual 3 dimensional part up close? Are you breathing the same air I am? I'm not sure we are looking at the same thing are we? There is a definite size difference to the vents just over the wheel wells that you can visibly see, the GT5 vents are bigger and the photo is actually snapped from further away(How is that even possible). The front headlight on both cars look different, the GT5 model is more flushly applied to the car(care to disagree?!?). If this was lighting was doing this then those mirrors wouldn't be the same. This shows that they re did the models and left more detail in other places, it's more logical to think this as it makes more sense than being attributed to lighting engine differences. That is one fantastical lighting engine they have there, many people in the industry would love to get their hands on that code, lol.
So you're trying to tell me that they did all of those stupid small details while leaving the fenders squared off? There are only 3 or 4 rows of polygons there to make the fenders...that's nowhere near enough for a nicely rounded fender. And the side mirrors are also clearly untouched. Why in the world would they spend their time on the small, hardly noticeable crap (which you're still wrong...the vents are the same size on both models, for example) and leave the huge, main body features untouched? A lot of the stuff you're referring to is related to depth perception, which is evident with different lighting engines. Sorry dude, even people who like the standard models admit to them being GT4 models. A few added polygons here and there won't change the fact. And until there is definitive proof otherwise, they will remain to be looked at as recycled, last generation car models.
This may be one of the dumbest most pointless arguments I have ever seen. EVER.
The vent ABOVE the wheels wells are the same size? I do not have access to photo editing software or the time right now to point it out, but I hope you can understand simple english, the vents ABOVE the wheel wells(meaning right over the wheels). Look in both photos and come tell me again that those vents are the SAME SIZE! The one in the GT5 photo is clearly reaching the headlights, the entire modeled vent including the shape. Why they left the models so low is because these are more than likely the ones they used in GTPSP. I've got things to do, I'll try to get some editing tools and point it out if you are still confused. I would answer the othr bloke but why waste time, answer one and you answer all. Check you guys later.
People who are arguing, please model a car, thank you. 👍
People who are arguing, please model a car, thank you. 👍
I was just saying, if people are complaining so much, let's see what they can do.![]()
I was just saying, if people are complaining so much, let's see what they can do.![]()