Your thoughts about "standard" vs. "premium"

  • Thread starter LP670-4 SV

What would you have rather had PD do about "premium" vs. "standard" cars

  • Keep everthing the same

    Votes: 324 19.1%
  • Release the game later with all the cars "premium"

    Votes: 213 12.6%
  • Not do "premium" cars at all but focus on other features i.e. dynamic weather

    Votes: 134 7.9%
  • DLC packs after the release

    Votes: 844 49.8%
  • Wished PD didn't get are hopes up, lol

    Votes: 180 10.6%

  • Total voters
It's in large part due to a long string of dissapointments of exactly this type...

We have seen confusing or poor translations over and over, some members consistently read them to be as positive as they can only to find out later indeed it what it sounded like and not cleverly hidden positives in a bad translation.

Or, we act completely negative (like the guy who's panties are in a bunch because there is no word of drag racing :lol:). I am for saying nothing but keeping an open mind until we play it... 👍

You guys really make GTPlanet not as good a place as it could be.

yet, is premium?

So you know, I could care less for any interior view. Thanks.

Also, the NASCAR cars look more realistic in those screen shots on my computer than that old Vette.

Instead of hopping into a discussion blindly, try reading it. It's been discussed on more than a few occasions. That Vette in the picture is a separate model from the one in the video. Plus, since we can clearly see in the picture that body panels are modelled separate, not all-of-a-piece with shutline textures, it's obviously a Premium car.

This has all been covered. Numerous times.
...I feel the need to bookmark a lot of the grasping at straws with this whole interior views thing. The wording couldn't be clearer on the website, but since people are now bending it around to support their hopes, I wouldn't mind reminding them when November 2 comes along.
Sure, you can do that, but I'm still sticking to my point that all cars will have dash view, hell, I don't even drive with it so you or anybody else can't label me as desperate (which is totally stupid btw), it's just what I think.
Marketing for Prologue was something like this: All new interior dash view.
And I don't see the word "dash" mentioned in the standard car sentence.
When real information goes live (let's hope for Gamescon) you can sure quote me, and if I was wrong I'll admit it.
I have my reasons for sticking to my point and if that point is wrong in the end it's not like my world will be crushed or something, I don't even care for that feature too much.
Sure, you can do that, but I'm still sticking to my point that all cars will have dash view, hell, I don't even drive with it so you or anybody else can't label me as desperate (which is totally stupid btw),

As I said, I think the desperate monicker may be ill applied but is due to a long string of people on this forum grasping at every positive meaning possible no matter how many of them turn out to be negative in the end.

It may be unfair as any one person may not have done it multiple times, but you know how it is on forums, a type of person tends to get attributed with the actions of the group. Kind of like if there has been a lot of negative talk about some features and someone new pops in, he will often be called a whiner right off the bat despite it wasn't really him that set the precident.

Overall if you look back, the string of expectations has been set high by some number of members choosing to believe the best possible when historically there is no reason to be so optimistic.
Sure, you can do that, but I'm still sticking to my point that all cars will have dash view, hell, I don't even drive with it so you or anybody else can't label me as desperate (which is totally stupid btw), it's just what I think.
Marketing for Prologue was something like this: All new interior dash view.
And I don't see the word "dash" mentioned in the standard car sentence.
When real information goes live (let's hope for Gamescon) you can sure quote me, and if I was wrong I'll admit it.
I have my reasons for sticking to my point and if that point is wrong in the end it's not like my world will be crushed or something, I don't even care for that feature too much.

I just don't understand that reasoning. "*Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views." taken in the most straight-forward sense, means that no views inside the car will be available. I can see how it can be twisted to support the current straw-grasping, but that's purposely avoiding everything I've learned about this language over the years. I'm taking the statement, at face value, as a blanket statement.
Here is the outside of a standard model-

And this line, "Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views", may be talking about this view-

Everyone worried about every car not having a cockpit view should chill out, and everyone that is getting excited because some might be wrong about all cars having a cockpit view should just be less adament.

To be honest nobody here knows anything.

They are divided into 2 groups. Optimist and pessimist.

No interior view means no cockpit ? We have to wait and see. Surely they can have some cockpit view like nfs Porsche. But who knows ... may be, may be not :confused:
To be honest nobody here knows anything.

They are divided into 2 groups. Optimist and pessimist.

No interior view means no cockpit ? We have to wait and see. Surely they can have some cockpit view like nfs Porsche. But who knows ... may be, may be not :confused:

Also i don't get why they switch the word up this is whats getting everyone so damn confused when GTP 1st came out it was Interior dash view

Key Features: GT5P

Stunning Graphics --Race over 60 cars from worldwide automotive manufacturers, including Ferrari, Audi, BMW, Ford, and Nissan, precisely modeled both inside and out. Experience the race from right behind the wheel with the all-new interior dash view, featuring full driver animation and gauges that accurately reflect the car’s performance in real-time. Compete on 6 tracks with 12 total layouts, including Daytona International Speedway®, London City, and Suzuka Circuit. Every last detail is rendered in stunning 1080p at 60 frames per second with crisp, realistic lighting and camera effects (replays rendered in 1080p 30fps) for the most intense racing experience ever.

In the end we all have our opinion and i respect all of them. Im not going to sit here and tell people they are desperate, negative etc I will stick with my opinion and wait for some information that will clear this up 👍
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That phrase on the GT website seems pretty clear to me. It sounds like no cockpit veiw if you were to ask me. I don't use cockpit veiw, but that is a tad dissapointing.
That phrase on the GT website seems pretty clear to me. It sounds like no cockpit veiw if you were to ask me. I don't use cockpit veiw, but that is a tad dissapointing.

Yea some people made sense, they said that camera views mean all views including cockpit not just replay camera view as seen with the premium cars. I can defiantly understand their point of view. I will still keep my head up till i see video proof.
Yea some people made sense, they said that camera views mean all views including cockpit not just replay camera view as seen with the premium cars. I can defiantly understand their point of view. I will still keep my head up till i see video proof.

Your point of view appeals to other forms of rhetoric besides just logic.

And anyone who thinks strictly in a logical manner concerning PD should know better by now.
Yea some people made sense, they said that camera views mean all views including cockpit not just replay camera view as seen with the premium cars. I can defiantly understand their point of view. I will still keep my head up till i see video proof.

Its Curious that people who bashed us because we were lying about the Interior View thing..

Are now accepting it :dunce:

👎 I will accept it when i see video proof or somebody clears it up 100%

When i see video proof and your right i will :bowdown: to you chepu :lol:. I have never bashed you though on your opinion 👍
I must say what bugs me the most in this debate is the dodgy communication policy of Polyphony Digital and Sony.

I mean they either want to tell us, or they don't. I am okay with both of these options, but unfortunately, they chose to do neither. All kinds of officials have been winding out of having to answer even the most straightly asked question about the cockpit view. And yet, they put up this short and unclear sidenote of a sentence on the Japanese GT-website, leave this exact sentence out on the US-website only to add it just as unclearly worded as the Japanese one two weeks later for whatever reason. Why the delay? And what does it mean anyway? Why don't they just say "No cockpits for standard cars"?

I really don't get it. Are they trying to soften the blow? I mean we will find out anyway, probably sooner than we think. And most of us will buy the game either way. But if they don't want to tell us, why do they give us these cryptic messages in the first place?
Its Curious that people who bashed us because we were lying about the Interior View thing..

Are now accepting it :dunce:

I think your statement is way out of line.
I for one did not perceive your stance as lying.

There was obvious conflicting info about the whole interior/cockpit scenario.
With the unequivocal retraction by PU, (fitting call letters) that their cockpit reports were erroneous, along with the change of wording on Sony's website, the lingering possibilities of a standard car cockpit view were cut off at the knees so to speak.

It has nothing to do with anyone lying.

EDIT: If anyone is to blame, it is the usual suspects: Sony/PD and their, as usual disjointed PR approach. Chock full of conflicting half ass innuendo on every corner, so they can confuse the s**t out of everybody.
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I think your statement is way out of line.
I for one did not percieve your stance as lying.

There was obvious conflicting info about the whole interior/cockpit scenario.
With the unequivocal retraction by PU, (fitting call letters) that their cockpit reports were erroneous, along with the change of wording on Sony's website, the lingering possibilities of a standard car cockpit view were cut off at the knees so to speak.

It has nothing to do with anyone lying.


When i see video proof and your right i will :bowdown: to you chepu :lol:. I have never bashed you though on your opinion 👍

Wasnt directed to you or someone in Particular, just that now some people are accepting it, but like a week ago I was the Bad Guy,aaand Nobody wanted to even see my Posts :lol:

And no reason to :bowdown: to me, whoever is right, its just a game 👍

I think your statement is way out of line.
I for one did not percieve your stance as lying.

Nobody Said I was Lying, Although, most of the people thought I was crazy and I was just Posting BS, and being In Hard Denial and Blinded at the same time :lol:

Besides, its just a Comment, an Off Topic one :sly:
@ Chepu

A lot of people were saying, "Wait until we get some real confirmatin, because they have been very vague on the subject," and now that have been clear you can rant and bash all you like too. Personally I am a tad dissapointed, but I am not THAT dissapointed. cockpit veiw was never a game breaker for me, because I don't like it. :yuck:
Well you can label me desparate or in denial or whatever, but I'm also yet to be convinced of no cockpit view, and still think this is the most likely scenario.

And this line, "Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views", may be talking about this view-

Because there's a couple of things I can't quite get my head around.

Purely from a business point of view, how can you release Prologue as a taste of whats to come, where every single car bar one concept has a cockpit view ..... and then release the real deal where only 20% of cars have a cockpit view ? It just seems you're buying yourself a whole lot of deserved criticism in any sort of business if that turns out to be the case.

And also.. you lovingly model the interior of a Suzuki Cappuccino down to the last stitch ... but just use a bodged up model with no cockpit view for a Lamborghini Countach ? Something doesn't quite ring right there either. (and yes I am exaggerating to make a point)

Of course I could turn out to be wrong and it won't be the first or the last time, but the fact that one more website is now referencing the same (deliberately ?) ambiguous sentence thats been around since E3 on this issue doesn't mean its been 'clarified' as so many seem so willing to believe.

You're not insane if you still have a little hope people !!
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Purely from a business point of view, how can you release Prologue as a taste of whats to come, where every single car bar one concept has a cockpit view ..... and then release the real deal where only 20% of cars have a cockpit view ?

This is the same company that released awesome GT5p car models and are now releassing only 20% cars with that quality.
@ Chepu

A lot of people were saying, "Wait until we get some real confirmatin, because they have been very vague on the subject," and now that have been clear you can rant and bash all you like too. Personally I am a tad dissapointed, but I am not THAT dissapointed. cockpit veiw was never a game breaker for me, because I don't like it. :yuck:

First of all, Im not angry (Just pointing that, because this is a Friendly conversation)👍

But I remember seeing posts even saying people didnt want to read anything written by me or something like that.

Although, I understand, because we werent talking about Reverse lights, but 800 Cars, so Hopefully this will be solved at GamesCom.

And My best hope is for kaz to say they will progresively Update Standards to Premium, and also sell some cars as DLC.

Or that he says that they will work on that For GT6 and It will come for the PS3.

Thats a best case Scenario for me. 👍

Honestly, PD have muddied the waters so much that I'm sticking with the assumption that there will be no interiors at all for Standard Cars, with the possible addition of a black frame as substitute for a cockpit view. And I will admit, I'm okay with this.

However, I also wouldn't be surprised if I was proven wrong in November...
I'm gonna say that I'm still skeptical about "Only Premium Cars Have Interior Views" because if it ends up being true the game will get absolutely ripped to shreds when it comes out. I assume Sony knows this as well.
My bet is on Kaz and PD to surprise all of us. Whether that's with new content we have yet to know about or something more about track editing or creating or whatever, I don't think this issue will be on people's minds very long. I am still holding belief that the japanese site has said this for weeks and it's just been translated to the english site because of the questions to PD/Sony about the clarification about the japanese text. I don't think it is correct in it's wording though. Because 'interior' is different in what Kaz says to what we say. Kaz says interior is inner workings of the car, stitching of the back seat, etc. Interior views is plural, whether or not that has to be kept in the sentence in the english language is up for grabs. My interpretation is that the interior on the english site is only a translation of interior on the japanese site. As far as we know, all this is only up to date information of what we have seen. Kaz has yet to reveal things and there could be changes to the Japanese site and the english site as more information is released in the coming weeks/months. Gamescon is soon and hopefully we'll see more of this topic. My hopes are still that we'll get some generic view of the cars dashboard view. Interior views in my book mean the back seat, the drivers helmet, shifting animations from different VIEWS or angles and stuff like that. I could be wrong, but I'm not taking anything as officially official until we see video confirmation. I hope gamescon clears things up and it goes my direction, if not it's still not a biggy for me, as bumper cam is the most realistic and the fastest race point of view in my opinion.

Somebody hasn't paid attention to this thread very well. Yes, that is a premium car, as shown here:


Thank you, have a nice day. Please read through the thread before commenting, as this has been posted several times already. And before you go there, yes, there are 2 different 69 Camaros. The Z28 is premium, the SS is standard.
Somebody hasn't paid attention to this thread very well. Yes, that is a premium car, as shown here:

Round and round we go...

Yes, he was told that by 3 people already. We don't need another one, you, adding to a matter that was already closed.

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