Your thoughts about "standard" vs. "premium"

  • Thread starter LP670-4 SV

What would you have rather had PD do about "premium" vs. "standard" cars

  • Keep everthing the same

    Votes: 324 19.1%
  • Release the game later with all the cars "premium"

    Votes: 213 12.6%
  • Not do "premium" cars at all but focus on other features i.e. dynamic weather

    Votes: 134 7.9%
  • DLC packs after the release

    Votes: 844 49.8%
  • Wished PD didn't get are hopes up, lol

    Votes: 180 10.6%

  • Total voters
Call me a backseat mod but I'm getting tired of endless argumentum ad hominem walls of text.

Ad hominem...I haven't seen that term in ages.

On topic, I'm quite amazed half of these threads haven't been locked as it's just the same things over and over again.
Ad hominem...I haven't seen that term in ages.

On topic, I'm quite amazed half of these threads haven't been locked as it's just the same things over and over again.

Talking about the same things over and over again won't get the thread locked. Personal bickering on the other hand...
LOL at that I put words in your mouth or that Slip makes up things you say & then you type this.

I don't race online, but you'll have to point out the part where I said I don't use photo mode or paint cars. Wait, there isn't one because I have done that stuff.

Don't be bitter because I call your bias & hypocrisy out. You're a fanboy & if you can freely admit that, then don't get upset when you learn no one takes fanboys seriously. ;)
I stand corrected, your holiness. :D
Been a good read the last couple pages:tup:
Just doing my job, citizen. ;)

I'm wondering if the storm has mostly blown over... wishful thinking? Or are people finally holding their breath, waiting for GamesCom? Naah, I'm sure the pillow fights will start up again tomorrow, but hopefully it will be good stress relief until November.
Just doing my job, citizen. ;)

I'm wondering if the storm has mostly blown over... wishful thinking? Or are people finally holding their breath, waiting for GamesCom? Naah, I'm sure the pillow fights will start up again tomorrow, but hopefully it will be good stress relief until November.

Believe me I felt like I got punched in the gut when we found out that there is a 2 tier system, and the (debatable) lack of cockpit views for standards. I fell in love with cockpit view after playing Prologue so the news hit me hard. But I think, just backing up and looking at the full scope of all the features we are getting in the game eases some of the pain, (and still more to be revealed at GamesCon and TGS).

I'm more of a car enthusiast than a graphic 🤬 so the standard/premium thing doesn't kill me (still stings though) as much as the lack of cockpit views. The new physics engine applied to the standard cars will also make the pill easier for me to swallow. All in all, I'm sure when the day arrives and we pop the disc into our ps3, the sensation that 'it' is finally here, and all the features that it comes packed with will blow our minds (for most of us atleast).
I'm more of a car enthusiast than a graphic 🤬 so the standard/premium thing doesn't kill me (still stings though) as much as the lack of cockpit views. The new physics engine applied to the standard cars will also make the pill easier for me to swallow.

I'm really looking forward to karting, that should be enormous fun for online racing combined with the track editor. A bit of light-hearted fun and some good laughs I hope.

And I'm pretty sure I won't miss the cockpits at all with karts.

But on the other hand, once I got used to a proper "helmet cam", I miss the possibility to switch to it even though hood cam is the better choice when being competitive.

I feel very connected to the particular car when driving it also in helmet cam mode and, secretly, I despise of folks using chase cam. But I can see their point, after all they get the exhaust noise and once in a while see what car they drive.

Anyway, could be that GT5 offers a good and FUN online mode with racers who are not too competitive and like good and clean races.

But, if it's the usual business I'd be spending most time offline doing races or challenges or just going for a ride or chasing the Stig's laptimes.

Can't help it but the "standard" cars would be like GT4 with better resolution on the same old tracks :(
Call me a backseat mod but I'm getting tired of endless argumentum ad hominem walls of text.
Oh the front seat mods have noticed the exact same thing and are more than interested in the conduct and manner of a good number of members.

Nothing wrong with heated or full-blooded discussions, as long as they stay on topic (I seem to have lost track of the number of times I have pointed out this is not a thread for the comparison of GT vs FM) and within the AUP.

A number of members are sailing very close to the edge, when they sail over it I can assure you they will know.

Petty insults and digs as a way to needle others or avoid a discussion are not acceptable and to be honest over the last 24 hours a number of members have almost stepped onto the wrong side of the tracks.

This is in part a last public appeal to those posting in here to calm down and post with respect to each other, failure to do so will see action taken.

Ad hominem...I haven't seen that term in ages.

On topic, I'm quite amazed half of these threads haven't been locked as it's just the same things over and over again.
Quite a simple reason in all honesty, if I were to lock the two standard vs premium thread right now, all that would happen is that the self same arguments would spill out into other totally unrelated threads. At that point you would see a lot of infractions and warnings hit PM in-boxes.

This way we can keep it contained and see who exactly believes the AUP is optional when it comes to how they post.

Anyone who thinks the staff don't keep an eye on these threads and that we haven't discussed the conduct in here is very, very much mistaken.

It's taken them 5 years to give us GT5's new engine, features, and 200 cars. How much do you think they can really do in 2 months?

If they can add some sort of feature like Tessellation to the cars then it would make a big difference. This wouldnt have to be added to each car individually just like Tessellation works in DX11. It could be added easily in a month.
Really I do at times feel like giving up at times.

TWO posts ago I reminded everyone this wasn't a GT vs FM discussion thread, so what does someone do.

That's right posts up FM3 screenshots (bugger all else just the screenshots).

That post has been deleted and the member is question is lucky to not be reading an infraction message right now.

If you think about GT5 as the first game of the "new" generation the content will be good, even with only 200+ (wich might be up to 250) premium cars. Back in the time when GT3 was released everyone was happy to get a game for the new generation and though people complained about it having not as many cars as GT2, in retrospective it is considered the best Gran Turismo game to date.

GT5 may lack in one of the major features: cars, but on the other hand, we get a brand new physics engine and many many new features, that will give us more fun with less cars. BUT this time arround we get all the old cars in addition. Though Iam not happy with two differnt kinds of cars, we will at least be getting all the cars.
I don't know. I don't know why sources other than OPM were adamant that Standard cars would be of great detail and include cockpits. You'll have to ask them.

Reading the article, it's not clear either way; the press could've been treated to a secret Standards presentation, or they could've got the same as us. Though the idea of PD giving up a secret video of Standards looking closer to Prologue levels of quality and less like GT4 carryovers dumped in the new system doesn't make much sense; you'd think they'd want to put their best foot forward in regards to giving fans new info. Surely they knew what they could expect giving us what they have so far...

True, but then I forgot to mention that we don't know what the original skin art resolution is. Maybe nothing nedes to be reskinned but the Standard tracks we might be getting. There's no telling. Kaz is keeping a lot of cards close to his chest, but then he does have two more conventions he wants to keep interesting with fresh news.

I feel like tracks can probably get away with a very basic re-texturing than the cars (the asphalt and immediately surrounding areas of the track). People are going to be inspecting their cars a lot more; it's kind of what GT's been more and more about ;).

Though, I do recognize that we've been getting little snippets of info spread out over each public outing lately (the Nurb, Le Mans, E3), and obviously those items weren't all finished just in time for those shows. PD does seem to know how to control their information leaks better than other companies, so yeah, maybe we can expect the same onward march of new info next month.

I suppose, but then you may be a better human than I. ;)


I think the main problem is that you can't understand how easy it is to accept shortcomings in GT5, when the ones in Forza cause me actual headaches sometimes. I mean, the frustration of just trying to get a handful of pics sorted and transferred to my pic sharing site in a condition remotely like the originals, to the point that it becomes 4 am, and I STILL haven't accomplished what in any other game is a simple task! And this is just one issue. For others, it's a broken online system. For others, it's the anger over AWD domination. For others, it's the physics exploits ruining leaderboards to this day.

One thing I really hope isn't tampered with, since PD is talking about automatic Youtube uploading of replays, is the Photomode method. I won't argue the FM3 one is bogus; GT4's is simple and let's me deal with getting it online. I wonder the reasoning for T10's method; they get a look at what people are taking pictures of? They're able to use anything they want for future ads or things like that? I dunno. Keeping it related to standards and premiums; GT's photomode is going to be operating at a frankly ridiculous 18mp. I mean, it's great, if people are planning on printing... but I feel like most of us are going to be wanting to knock that down a more manageable level for galleries around here. Oh, and we'll have to if the subject is a Standard car :-/.

Okay, the Standard car - and possibly track - matter is harder to avoid, especially if you only race in cockpit view and are afraid that those 800 cars won't have any interior at all. You can say that Kaz was an idiot for allowing his artists to go insane modeling back seats. But this is an HD game. Would it be acceptable to have something like Forza's foggy interiors, for the sake of maybe 50 more Premium cars? 25? You might be enthusiastically saying yes, but I prefer Kaz's call on that. As well as not farming out work to third world countries.

I think I've covered this one before; I can go either way. Part of me is annoyed that Kaz thought this level of Premium was a good idea for the simple reason he knew it would cause a two-tier approach. Sure, the models are the highest quality on consoles, but they are also far and away the longest-developed models as well. No other game has given us last-gen assets mixed in with the cutting edge, because it can (and will) disrupt gameplay. And immersion.

On the other hand; he's prepared for the future. No other game has models like Premium, and looking at the Premiums, I don't see any need for a step up in quality until at least the next generation of consoles. And even then, maybe. They could fine-tune some things (smooth out some rough polys in the interiors), but rule of diminishing returns starts to apply. I hope they cut down the dev time, actually. Either way, GT6 has a very, very solid foundation in GT5; day/night transitions, damage, weather, livery and track editors. If all those things are indeed included (and aren't limited to certain tracks in the case of the first 3), then I can't think of a whole lot more to add, features-wise. The focus could then be on getting all the cars up to the same quality. Win!

And your opinion? ;)

I know people complain about the 100,000,000 Skylines in GT4, and I've voiced some disdain myself over the trucks, SUVs and "dinkmobiles" in the GT vehicle lists. But I've still raced every single one make race in GT4. I figure if Kaz took the time to put them in there, I should take the time to see why he thought they were important, and I never did rant that I wanted my 10 minutes back. And obviously, GT5's car list is going to look a lot like GT4's. Works for me.

"dinkmobiles"? The trucks and SUV's in the game arguably add more diversity than a company like Daihatsu where, one car aside (the Storia X4), all the cars come with very, very similar drivetrains (if not identical), and even roughly the same performance due to weight and size. Don't get me wrong, I understand the importance of Keis in Japan, but there are definitely more than enough in GT4 to give outsiders an idea. PD's getting better at providing us with more up-to-date offerings from outside their home country, but we'll see how accurate they are once we get the game (the Z06, the Mustang R, and a bunch of others cars were horribly underpowered in GT4).

If you're looking for 300 more supercars, I bet you aren't going to be very happy. But I have a feeling that we're both going to enjoy endless car shopping in all classes and ranges, so it's all good.

Oh, I'm actually all for the variety... I would really love to see the new SHO or Fusion. I'm just saying, to an extent, PD is noticing what the people want and providing it; we've got more Ferraris, Lambos, Masers, the SLS; a lot of the new cars have indeed been supercars.

Do you recall me saying that the Standard cars - and tracks if we get them - would all be of the level of Prologue's models, or even Forza 2's? You'll have to remind me where I posted that. ;)

Gah, dammit, I'm not sifting through 80-some-odd pages. I know you have said "as good as anything else this generation", or something very similar. I've never said Standards look bad, really... in isolation. They just look like last-generation models.

A good call!

Y'know, when you write it out as 114 days, it somehow seems even closer.
"dinkmobiles"? The trucks and SUV's in the game arguably add more diversity than a company like Daihatsu where, one car aside (the Storia X4), all the cars come with very, very similar drivetrains (if not identical), and even roughly the same performance due to weight and size. Don't get me wrong, I understand the importance of Keis in Japan, but there are definitely more than enough in GT4 to give outsiders an idea. PD's getting better at providing us with more up-to-date offerings from outside their home country, but we'll see how accurate they are once we get the game (the Z06, the Mustang R, and a bunch of others cars were horribly underpowered in GT4).
I'll whittle this down to one quote and then comment on the rest when it suits. And maybe the rest will feel a little mellower about the whole Standard car debate.

I think we've figured out years ago that the Sensei ;) is kind of a kooky eccentric in some ways, treating Gran Turismo like a work of art rather than a sellable commodity. I'm sure he's caused the suits at SONY no end of headaches, and they were hoping that the GT4 marathon of delays for a year or more were the ordeal that wouldn't repeat, or not quite as long...

And we shouldn't be surprised at the car lists. In every interview in which he's asked about his love of cars and when it began, he starts at age 3, going with his dad as he did his business rounds and looking at all the traffic in wonder. And supposedly naming all the cars. Mom told me I did the same thing, strangely.

And he's right that there's a genetic thread of sorts running through all these different makes to the fastest Formula 1 road missiles. All these "dinky" Japanese cars are part of the diet that fueled his love of motorsports, and he clearly wants us to understand this, that he grew up around these cars whizzing down the road and they amazed him. These ancestors to the GT-R are why we have a GT-R. I'm sure most people go, "Oh God, slow dinkies..." but I see where he's coming from, and it's why I did all those races in GT4.

Dan Greenawalt and the guys at Turn 10 obviously have an American perspective, all about Elvis Presley, testosterone and muscle, lots of muscle, so we have very few small, average cars. This suits Americans and many Europeans better. But at the same time, a lot of cars get overlooked for the sake of a Mustang or BMW. Maybe we'll get a classic Ford Escort or Pontiac Fiero in Forza 4. But we'll have a much better chance of seeing them in GT5, and I want to see them. The car list in Gran Turismo is always more even, because of cars others might turn their noses up at.

Which brings us to... those 800 cars, because that's where a lot of GT5's variety lies, the Standards. I've been poking around in my Forza gallery, which is huge by the way, and checking out the car and track models. I have to say that Forza 2 doesn't look much better than Forza 1, and not because FM1 was all that incredible. I'll spare Scaff a piccie post or three, though I might do one later, it depends. But the point is that I see all the things that people complain about with the Standard car visuals. I see faceted body panels. I see headlights that look like headlights in GT4. I see uncomplicated, basic modeling. You know, some of you guys throw a fit if someone posts an unflattering pic of a Forza car. So what do you do? Post the most unflattering pic of a Standard car. Is that any different?

I'm about ready to say that you guys are looking at the worst case examples to force your points, that the Standard cars look way better than you're giving them credit for, and are about the same quality as the car models in Forza 2. Heck, in most cases, they're more accurate. Well, I'll just do it. There, I said it.

Amirite? I don't know, but I think I am. Does it make the Standard haters any less hateful? Probably not. But I watched one of those old pre-release FM2 videos, and it looked about the same as the Standard car video, minus the Rally stuff with dust flying and headlights shining.

I know this is a weird subject. No one expected Kaz to do this, not even GT haters to my knowledge. If they don't have cockpit view, which is likely, 80% of the cars are going to require people to adjust, or they may just ignore them altogether. But I think this subject is driven much more by emotion than reason. Maybe I'm fine with this because I think Forza 2 still looks pretty good. :lol: You know, I didn't throw my game away or sell it just because Forza 3 or Prologue came out.

I know the comparison between the two games is frowned on but tolerated here. In this case, I think it's a good thing, because if the Standard cars look "undeniably" like crap, so does Forza 2. In fact, some of Forza 3. I don't think they look like crap, even in comparison. I don't even think they drive like crap in comparison, I reserve that for GRID and Shift. The bugs and flaws, yeah, that's a lot of crap. :lol:

I just think, once again, that this argument is an example of how spoiled we are, and what an incredible thing the team at Polyphony accomplished with the Premium cars. Let the arguments rage, but I have a feeling that people are going to get the game and go, "Ohh... that's not so bad at all..."
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treating Gran Turismo like a work of art rather than a sellable commodity.

These ancestors to the GT-R are why we have a GT-R.Maybe we'll get a classic Ford Escort or Pontiac Fiero in Forza 4. But we'll have a much better chance of seeing them in GT5, and I want to see them. The car list in Gran Turismo is always more even, because of cars others might turn their noses up at.

But the point is that I see all the things that people complain about with the Standard car visuals. I see faceted body panels. I see headlights that look like headlights in GT4.

I'm about ready to say that you guys are looking at the worst case examples to force your points, that the Standard cars look way better than you're giving them credit for, and are about the same quality as the car models in Forza 2. Heck, in most cases, they're more accurate. Well, I'll just do it. There, I said it.

I just think, once again, that this argument is an example of how spoiled we are, and what an incredible thing the team at Polyphony accomplished with the Premium cars. Let the arguments rage, but I have a feeling that people are going to get the game and go, "Ohh... that's not so bad at all..."

Following suit, I'll use less quote tags to make this a bit more manageable. Also only left the stuff I'll comment on.

I applaud his vision, but the fact is; it is a sellable commodity. Games live and die based on sales. GT doesn't have a lack of sales, but it also doesn't have any direct, same-console competition. It certainly is taking cues from other games though to offer a wider range of enticing features to ensure these sales continue. Kaz needs to keep a steady balance between his vision, and the fact he is in a business.

I agree GT-R ancestors are responsible for the GT-R. A late 80's Kei car isn't ;). As for the Escort and Fiero... I know it's all speculation, and I'll agree with a maybe on the Escort... but am almost willing to put money on the Fiero not showing up. Kaz and his team have cottoned onto the historic Japanese and European cars, and grabs more modern American cars to balance out a fairly well thought-out muscle car representation; but there's a glaring hole between the end of the muscle car era and the very late 80's in regards to American representation. I hope that improves... me painted on panel gaps on FM3. Or Grid. Or Shift. That is how GT5 Standards are last-gen. Watching a replay in GT4 is very, very similar to watching the Standard video.

I'm going less by the still images (hard to compare directly), and more by just watching the Standard video, then watching GT4 on my own TV. I don't see any progression outside of reflections, which is disappointing considering the time.

Meh, spoiled is a strange way to look at it; we're told we have these incredibly powerful modern gaming consoles, I think its safe to expect companies to back up these claims with things that don't look half-a-decade old ;).

I hardly see including over 200 fully detailed vehicles as opposed to 140 as "losing the plot."

Hey, welcome to the conversation. Glad you could pick one line out of the entire discussion and attribute it to one point, while managing to miss the point completely. Nice 👍

(Go read what the post I quoted said, specifically, "going backwards")
Well at least the Forza topic is washed out of this topic,and with some hopes the forums,it was a huge spot for fights and moaning,not reason,but anyway

They said that standard cars would be updated versions of the other Gran Turismo games,(in the video of the standards they show some GT4 and apparently with photomode details) which is not bad but in the same video we see that textures are also updated,as well shadering and all the details,sure they looks like crap at the side of premiums but to today standards they are OK.



If you see a gran turismo 4 cars compared with a with other game cars(sure not compared to Forza but for games like NFS hot pursuit(screenshots),NFS shift and grid,they don't look that bad as some claims describe them,since trailers mostly shows pre render cars and tracks,is fair to say that the actual gameplay do looks like some scenes of the GT trailers(the premium cars and tracks only,not standards) and is fair to say that way better spend development time on new features that send time in more cars(sure the cars are everything but lets not forget shall we that is racing game,not a car game)as such more aspects should be improved,like track conditions,tracks,also modes and physics,the idea of racing game is having more interaction in the racing and driving experience,sure the lack of cockpits on standard cars will have a mayor effect on the overall experience,but the driving experience will stay the same since the graphics engine has nothing to do with the physics engine,adding to that the term standard car establish its graphical performance,not the real car performance.

BTW:to the moderators

Considering that there are members here to who call PD gods, "have the most faith", & call Kaz, Master, I wouldn't be surprised if someone challenged you & said, yeah, 2 months is all they need.

Posts like this one goes against the rules of AUP,therefore this kind of reply should be reported as spam,they are offensive and out of place(not saying that jokes are not allowed,its because this paraphrase has been repeated in several threads and they are becoming quite offensive,and if it its a joke its a very frequent one).

The term of "hope" have very meanings for English speakers,but for foreign like me it is synonym of "expectation",besides the Forza thread was down because the discussion about it was out of place,it will look bad if a GT thread will be in the middle of the Forza motorsport web page,I am not saying that discuss about it is bad,but bashing around because of it without solid valid reasons is out of place,as such I have to say that comparatives between Forza and Gran Turismo should be taken place on the general discussion threads,the GT5 threads section,I hope everyone get my point and take all of this discussions to that place where it belongs,avoiding the spamming on these forums :) .
BTW:to the moderators

Posts like this one goes against the rules of AUP,therefore this kind of reply should be reported as spam,they are offensive and out of place(not saying that jokes are not allowed,its because this paraphrase has been repeated in several threads and they are becoming quite offensive,and if it its a joke its a very frequent one).

The term of "hope" have very meanings for English speakers,but for foreign like me it is synonym of "expectation",besides the Forza thread was down because the discussion about it was out of place,it will look bad if a GT thread will be in the middle of the Forza motorsport web page,I am not saying that discuss about it is bad,but bashing around because of it without solid valid reasons is out of place,as such I have to say that comparatives between Forza and Gran Turismo should be taken place on the general discussion threads,the GT5 threads section,I hope everyone get my point and take all of this discussions to that place where it belongs,avoiding the spamming on these forums :) .

How is that against the AUP? People here have referred to PD as "Gods," and that "Kaz would never let us down," he wasn't attacking anybody.
It makes you wonder why, if the Premium cars are so good, has Kaz allowed some influence or other to compromise his team's hard-work by including sub-premium cars.

Is it anticipation that the market wouldn't be happy with a cut-down game after the number in GT4?

Was it Sony's influence?

It's a compromise of the art to offer more quantity.
It makes you wonder why, if the Premium cars are so good, has Kaz allowed some influence or other to compromise his team's hard-work by including sub-premium cars.

What influence? What compromise? Them having 1000 total cars as opposed to 200? You're assuming that the time spent on the standard cars was enough to halt the production of some premium cars?
Maybe he saw as hey, we can only do some 200 premium cars, why not take the collection we already have from previous games, kick them up a notch and include them. Why complain about having more cars?
Well at least the Forza topic is washed out of this topic,and with some hopes the forums,it was a huge spot for fights and moaning,not reason,but anyway

They said that standard cars would be updated versions of the other Gran Turismo games,(in the video of the standards they show some GT4 and apparently with photomode details) which is not bad but in the same video we see that textures are also updated,as well shadering and all the details,sure they looks like crap at the side of premiums but to today standards they are OK.

If you see a gran turismo 4 cars compared with a with other game cars(sure not compared to Forza but for games like NFS hot pursuit(screenshots),NFS shift and grid,they don't look that bad as some claims describe them

but the driving experience will stay the same since the graphics engine has nothing to do with the physics engine,adding to that the term standard car establish its graphical performance,not the real car performance.

Posts like this one goes against the rules of AUP,therefore this kind of reply should be reported as spam,they are offensive and out of place(not saying that jokes are not allowed,its because this paraphrase has been repeated in several threads and they are becoming quite offensive,and if it its a joke its a very frequent one).

Firstly... Four! Four periods in that whole thing!'s odd that a page after Scaff mentions deleting a post full of Forza pics... you feel like posting NFS pictures are somehow different? Not to mention they actually hurt your cause more than help, but I'll get back to that.

We haven't been given any hint of updated textures on Standards. Yes, in that very video. Theymay be up-rated, but they're just as blurry as before. "Details"? Nope, the models still have the same... quirks, as in GT4 too.

Since you posted those pictures, I can't help but notice those cars have an obviously higher level of polygons, and incredibly clearer textures, than Standard cars. I can't say definitively if they have textured panel gaps or are actually modelled multi-piece; but at least I'm having trouble telling, which isn't the case with Standards. What's so hard with accepting they really aren't up to current-gen standards?

Nobody has ever questioned the physics engine under the cars.

What's wrong with what he said? I'm pretty sure the mods all would list their first language as English (...right? I feel like that's the case, genuinely wondering now). I feel like they may understand the AUP a bit more thoroughly. Besides, you are the one who referred to Americans as what, exactly? Hmmmm.

How is that against the AUP? People here have referred to PD as "Gods," and that "Kaz would never let us down," he wasn't attacking anybody.


It makes you wonder why, if the Premium cars are so good, has Kaz allowed some influence or other to compromise his team's hard-work by including sub-premium cars.

Is it anticipation that the market wouldn't be happy with a cut-down game after the number in GT4?

Was it Sony's influence?

It's a compromise of the art to offer more quantity.

It'd be interesting to hear the reasoning, even though we probably never will. I guess a multitude of reasons, all pointing to the fact gamers have a much harder time swallowing a sequel that isn't bigger in every way than its predeccessor. Can we call it the "superhero movie enemy count" effect? ;)
Reading this thread it does make you wonder if some want to actually play GT5 or just sit there looking at the car models. For me personally I shall be too busy focussing on racing and marvelling at the stunning tracks to care about standard or premium cars. I've hardly read anyone commenting on how stunning the tracks look and how much effort PD put into these.

From what I have read GT5 is going to be far superior to GT4 in many respects. When im playing MW2 im not sitting there looking at how realistic my gun looks as im too busy focussing on shooting people!

What makes me laugh is many complain about the length of development of GT5 and yet if had 1000 premium cars the release date would be 2015. Some of you may say you are disappointed because its taken 5yrs and we only have 200 premium cars, but there is more to a racing game than just the car modelling. From what I can gather PD have spent alot of time developing the online side of the game and in my opinion this is more important.
BTW:to the moderators

Posts like this one goes against the rules of AUP,therefore this kind of reply should be reported as spam,they are offensive and out of place(not saying that jokes are not allowed,its because this paraphrase has been repeated in several threads and they are becoming quite offensive,and if it its a joke its a very frequent one).
1 member has said PD are gods, you and others have said, "those with the most faith" when talking about interior views in standard cars & Ten. calls Kaz. Master for some reason. It's not like I'm making anything up or being sarcastic, b/c you guys have all indeed said these things. I have not repeated this phrase at all & again, you guys have said it yourselves, so I fail to see how it's offensive when I just repeat it to someone else.

All I did was merely use you guys as examples to show Toronado that there are members here who do believe & hope the changes Toronado noted can be done in 2 months, even though it's against the odds. And sure enough, 1 member stepped forward & told Toronado that it is possible. I didn't attack anyone, I didn't use your statements as jokes.

I know you have beef with me, but if you're going to result to this tactic of trying to turn a simple statement into an attack, then go ahead. Mods have made it clear they're tired of getting reported posts that are made more in anger or vain than somebody actually doing something wrong.
Reading this thread it does make you wonder if some want to actually play GT5 or just sit there looking at the car models. For me personally I shall be too busy focussing on racing and marvelling at the stunning tracks to care about standard or premium cars. I've hardly read anyone commenting on how stunning the tracks look and how much effort PD put into these.

From what I have read GT5 is going to be far superior to GT4 in many respects. When im playing MW2 im not sitting there looking at how realistic my gun looks as im too busy focussing on shooting people!

What makes me laugh is many complain about the length of development of GT5 and yet if had 1000 premium cars the release date would be 2015. Some of you may say you are disappointed because its taken 5yrs and we only have 200 premium cars, but there is more to a racing game than just the car modelling. From what I can gather PD have spent alot of time developing the online side of the game and in my opinion this is more important.

👍 Nice post man.
Reading this thread it does make you wonder if some want to actually play GT5 or just sit there looking at the car models. For me personally I shall be too busy focussing on racing and marvelling at the stunning tracks to care about standard or premium cars. I've hardly read anyone commenting on how stunning the tracks look and how much effort PD put into these.

From what I have read GT5 is going to be far superior to GT4 in many respects. When im playing MW2 im not sitting there looking at how realistic my gun looks as im too busy focussing on shooting people!

What makes me laugh is many complain about the length of development of GT5 and yet if had 1000 premium cars the release date would be 2015. Some of you may say you are disappointed because its taken 5yrs and we only have 200 premium cars, but there is more to a racing game than just the car modelling. From what I can gather PD have spent alot of time developing the online side of the game and in my opinion this is more important.

Bravo. Again, this is another reason why GTPlanet needs a culture change.

For example, look at the people scrutinizing the comment section every time Jordan posts a video clip and or screen shots.

It's time to nip it in the bud in my opinion.
What makes me laugh is many complain about the length of development of GT5 and yet if had 1000 premium cars the release date would be 2015. Some of you may say you are disappointed because its taken 5yrs and we only have 200 premium cars, but there is more to a racing game than just the car modelling. From what I can gather PD have spent alot of time developing the online side of the game and in my opinion this is more important.
If you knew this from the beginning, why didn't you tell us? I'm not that bothered, but I know many are...

EDIT: By the way, yes, I like just watching and admiring the cars, because I love cars. Always has, always will. And graphics is what makes the cars look good, period.

Of course I also love driving the cars, but If physics was my only concern I'd concentrate on iRacing and rFactor.
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What influence? What compromise? Them having 1000 total cars as opposed to 200? You're assuming that the time spent on the standard cars was enough to halt the production of some premium cars?
Maybe he saw as hey, we can only do some 200 premium cars, why not take the collection we already have from previous games, kick them up a notch and include them. Why complain about having more cars?
Ok, one thing I don't get is this. If the standard cars have been refurbished by a lot, PD had to spend quite some time on them. Maybe not that much on the individual car, but it will add up over the course of 800 cars.

Dunno, but we're either going to assume that the cars have indeed been refurbished to a notable extend or that they didn't take time away from modelling further premium cars. But increasing their quality drastically without a noteworthy investment of time seems, well, unlikely.

I'm not going to comment on what I think would be more likely, but I guess you get my point.
From what I have read GT5 is going to be far superior to GT4 in many respects. When im playing MW2 im not sitting there looking at how realistic my gun looks as im too busy focussing on shooting people!
I guess you would be kinda baffled if some of your guns, for some reason, wouldn't allow night vision to work as well while you're using them (no low/high beams), the reloading animation was butchered (less detailed damage) and you might not be able to zoom in to use the gun's notches (possibly missing cockpit view).
Ok, one thing I don't get is this. If the standard cars have been refurbished by a lot, PD had to spend quite some time on them. Maybe not that much on the individual car, but it will add up over the course of 800 cars.

Dunno, but we're either going to assume that the cars have indeed been refurbished to a notable extend or that they didn't take time away from modelling further premium cars. But increasing their quality drastically without a noteworthy investment of time seems, well, unlikely.

I'm not going to comment on what I think would be more likely, but I guess you get my point.

I guess you would be kinda baffled if some of your guns, for some reason, wouldn't allow night vision to work as well while you're using them (no low/high beams), the reloading animation was butchered (less detailed damage) and you might not be able to zoom in to use the gun's notches (possibly missing cockpit view).

But if there were 1000 weapons, with 200 of them being practically perfect in every way, I wouldn't care.
Reading this thread it does make you wonder if some want to actually play GT5 or just sit there looking at the car models. For me personally I shall be too busy focussing on racing and marvelling at the stunning tracks to care about standard or premium cars. I've hardly read anyone commenting on how stunning the tracks look and how much effort PD put into these.

From what I have read GT5 is going to be far superior to GT4 in many respects. When im playing MW2 im not sitting there looking at how realistic my gun looks as im too busy focussing on shooting people!

What makes me laugh is many complain about the length of development of GT5 and yet if had 1000 premium cars the release date would be 2015. Some of you may say you are disappointed because its taken 5yrs and we only have 200 premium cars, but there is more to a racing game than just the car modelling. From what I can gather PD have spent alot of time developing the online side of the game and in my opinion this is more important.

If you're looking for comments on the tracks, why are you in a thread about the cars?

The modelling does affect gameplay though; if we do get some sort of bodykit modifications, don't expect it on the Standards. The bumper on your Standard vehicle can't be removed from the model. Nevermind the issues that Luminis has pointed out: Standards have a built-in disadvantage with night racing, and depending on how complicated the aerodynamics are in the game, Standards will also run with a built-in advantage in races with damage. They don't have to worry about bits falling off their cars, just the mechanical damage.

Pointing out that if 1000 cars were Premium, it'd be released in 2015, doesn't really prove much, except that these cars take far, far too long to model. I don't see how that is a huge selling point. The online better be good since the majority of the car lineup is GT4... and we were promised online back then!

RedSuinit - So in a game with 10 weapons, and only 2 offered all those features... you wouldn't care?
If you're looking for comments on the tracks, why are you in a thread about the cars?

The modelling does affect gameplay though; if we do get some sort of bodykit modifications, don't expect it on the Standards. The bumper on your Standard vehicle can't be removed from the model. Nevermind the issues that Luminis has pointed out: Standards have a built-in disadvantage with night racing, and depending on how complicated the aerodynamics are in the game, Standards will also run with a built-in advantage in races with damage. They don't have to worry about bits falling off their cars, just the mechanical damage.

Pointing out that if 1000 cars were Premium, it'd be released in 2015, doesn't really prove much, except that these cars take far, far too long to model. I don't see how that is a huge selling point. The online better be good since the majority of the car lineup is GT4... and we were promised online back then!

RedSuinit - So in a game with 10 weapons, and only 2 offered all those features... you wouldn't care?

Well you see, now you're changing the game. You're keeping the same ratio, but not the same quantity. That changes EVERYTHING and isn't even remotely close to the same scenario. If GT was only coming out with 10 vehicles, and 2 of them were Premium, I would be pissed. You can't do a fair comparison like that. You're simply trying to manipulate the hypothetical in order to force the other person to agree with you, even though your new scenario is not even the close to equal.