So I've just been a spectator for a few days now, and it just keeps going in circles, and many people keep missing and/or conveniently avoiding the 2 main points.
1. The Standard cars are not up to par with other current generating racing game models. This isn't an opinion, it's fact. Textures are blurry and hard to read, body lines/curves have obvious squared edges, panel gaps are drawn with textures etc. If we could ever see a wireframe of a standard model, it would be complete proof. But anyone who knows anything about 3D modeling knows for a FACT that they are not up to today's standards. Do they look better than they do in GT4? Thanks to GT5s better graphics engine, of course they do. Do they look pretty decent ingame? Sure, to many people they will. Are they as detailed (and btw, accuracy is not part of this) as models in most other current generation games? Not a chance. Saying otherwise is kinda like saying that, in your opinion, the moon is brighter than the sun. You can claim it as opinion and how opinions can't be right/wrong, but it's obvious that you don't know what you're talking about and/or are in denial about the subject. Now keep in mind, whether or not they look GOOD is up for opinion, but whether or not they're up to TODAYS STANDARDS is a complete other subject. Lots of people just resort to "well I think they look good" when the actual question is "Are they up to par with what a car model in a 2010 game should look like?"
2. The marketing behind the game for the past few years has been completely misleading, almost to the point of being embarrassing. I've never seen another game spend so many years pushing out glorious media of a game and outrageous content claims, then just a few months before release, decide to announce "Oh btw, 80% of the main focus of the game is completely not up to par with anything that's been out within the last several years. Instead, it's more comparable to the game we made 6 years ago on previous generation hardware." That's just wrong, and is what has me somewhat irritated with the whole thing. Had it been marketed as a game with 200 high quality models with a separate bonus mode with GT Classic cars, that would have been great and I wouldn't have complained one bit. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Those 2 points, to me, are the core of this discussion.