Just my thoughts on the issue, and I might get blasted for saying this on here, but its my opinion:
For the majority of the people, GT is just a good racing game. They know it says simulator on the cover, but they don't treat it like one (I'm sure we have all had our experiences with the intellectually-challenged drivers who cut straight across the chicanes time and time again). Atleast in my experience, I've found there to be a lot more of these 'casual' racers out there, than people who know how to race legitimately, and for who having fun while racing doesn't equate to winning the race. The point I'm trying to make is that these casual racers will more than likely use the flashiest, most popular cars in the game, which are probably going to be premium. If one takes a moment, and thinks about it, 200 is a pretty big number of cars to model in such high detail, and still a good number of cars to choose from. So, PD has, imo, taken what the masses like (most popular cars) and made the models of those cars the best in the genre. Yes, it does leave a few of us disappointed due to the lack of cockpit view for the ~800 standard cars, but the fact is you can't please everyone.
Personally, I do not think this is such a big deal because:
1. I use the chase view while racing (but this might change now because I'd like to experience the highly detailed interiors of the premium cars)
2. Most, if not all, of the most popular cars will have all the views anyway.