Your thoughts about "standard" vs. "premium"

  • Thread starter LP670-4 SV

What would you have rather had PD do about "premium" vs. "standard" cars

  • Keep everthing the same

    Votes: 324 19.1%
  • Release the game later with all the cars "premium"

    Votes: 213 12.6%
  • Not do "premium" cars at all but focus on other features i.e. dynamic weather

    Votes: 134 7.9%
  • DLC packs after the release

    Votes: 844 49.8%
  • Wished PD didn't get are hopes up, lol

    Votes: 180 10.6%

  • Total voters
I have said countless times that if GT members play offline only and are expecting to play GT5 in the same way as GT4 then my word your going to miss out on the fun. Thankfully PD have moved with the times!

Well, as an avid time attacker, I will play mostly offline. ;) Getting a nice car to a nice track and then trying to beat your personal best, without even looking to leaderboards and other players ghost replays.....nice times back in GT4.

Online will be a must, for sure everyone will at least give it a try, but to me, offline will still be the best part of the game.
I was just wondering, in GT4 the car models in the showroom were somewhat much better looking (no noticeable polys like on the roof, fully detailed rims, the borders of separate panels aren't textures, etc.) than what we actually drove in the game. Don't you think those models would be used for GT5?

I think that's the current theory...
Is this mitsubishi a premium car? It doesnt have painted in headlights , the shutlines look modeled and the windows are clear


Amongst other things the panel gaps are clearly actually there and not drawn on. You can tell because they have depth and the edges of them correctly reflect the light for the angle they are at.
See what gets me is that this is the kind of thing that should be obvious... I mean everything on that car screams premium included actual panel seems... yet we have people who can't see that... and many of those people (note necessarily pointed at any one user) are probably posting strongly as if they are on parr with those who can easily spot those things.
See what gets me is that this is the kind of thing that should be obvious... I mean everything on that car screams premium included actual panel seems... yet we have people who can't see that... and many of those people (note necessarily pointed at any one user) are probably posting strongly as if they are on parr with those who can easily spot those things.

I feel where you're comming from.

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Guys! WTF!?

Seriously, how come some kids still don't get this ****!? I don't know whether I should laugh or cry...
Yes there is a little sarcasm on these forums. Because of all this talk of premium and standard everyone is dissapointed there is even such classes.

One rule of thumb you can use, if you can see through the windows the car is premium. Unless they change that for standards but I doubt it. Some people can't tell if the panels on the cars are actually panesl placed on the car or if the gaps are textured in.
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Are you still discussing this BS?
Why? You are only going circles, with no conclusion.
Let this end for now, and let's wait for GamesCom.

Thank you. 👍
WOW I am a bit old to be a kid when I am 37 years old. I posted a picture with a question and its gone all rude once again.

It's just that you unfortunately exemplify a rather annoying problem which is that we have a lot of members who just aren't keeping up with what's going on and it seems to be leading to a lot of poor/unreasonable arguments being put forth in this thread by those who don't really get it but talk like they do.

That might not necessarily be you, but the point is that by now we should all really be able to spot the premiums especially when they are staring us in the face like that.
This thread is becoming a huge :lol: ,primary because the argument/counter argument is not making sense any more and just a few people really care about,the whole argument is based on 1.26 min of video and even so we haven't seen any gameplay video so far,people here based its statements on pure speculation or becoming this another Forza vs Gran Turismo thread,besides of that there is people replying at any time in this thread which is hilarious some times,we should keep this discussion after gamescom or TGS (and in those presentations is very likely that we get another track and more premiums not a video from standards),we are going in circles and is no point keep arguing and fighting about something that really don't exist,just wait.

And as an aside note I want to say that whatever they throw at us (premiums/standards) I will be driving those cars,not zooming at them in race or anything,I cant imagine someone try to look at pixels instead of driving ,that is kind of pathetic inst it?
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It's just that you unfortunately exemplify a rather annoying problem which is that we have a lot of members who just aren't keeping up with what's going on and it seems to be leading to a lot of poor/unreasonable arguments being put forth in this thread by those who don't really get it but talk like they do.

That might not necessarily be you, but the point is that by now we should all really be able to spot the premiums especially when they are staring us in the face like that.

No it isn't that at all. The problem is that there are so many people on here ready to jump down peoples throats just to prove a 🤬 point. Just because he isn't "a regular".

I was on this site years ago.. I'm in my 30's now.. but the amount of willy waving and "trying to prove a point" is annoying...

Just because someone isn't in the know doesn't justify someone else being a 🤬. It's hard to get a point in on this site, because there are so many people to shoot you down rather than actually be willing to listen.and be willing to explain "If that certain person was wrong" in a civil manner. From what I read Steve has a valid view.. just when he said what he did.. as is the nature of this site lately.. he got shot down...
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No it isn't that at all. The problem is that there are so many people on here ready to jump down peoples throats just to prove a 🤬 point. Just because he isn't "a regular".

I was on this site years ago.. I'm in my 30's now.. but the amount of willy waving and "trying to prove a point" is annoying...

Just because someone isn't in the know doesn't justify someone else being a 🤬. It's hard to get a point in on this site, because there are so many people to shoot you down rather than actually be willing to listen.and be willing to explain in a civil manner. From what I read Steve has a valid view.. just when he said what he did.. as is the nature of this site lately.. he got shot down...

There really aren't that many. They are just here all the time :lol:
And it wouldn't be the first time a Sony Exec has spoken out of place about GT.

As true as that is hehe, this isn´t just any exec, if i remember correctly he is also a director of PD so would likely have quite a good knowledge of the game and it´s state. ;)
I was just wondering, in GT4 the car models in the showroom were somewhat much better looking (no noticeable polys like on the roof, fully detailed rims, the borders of separate panels aren't textures, etc.) than what we actually drove in the game. Don't you think those models would be used for GT5?

Only PD really knows, but my best assumption is it's the same Object file (Car model) that was used in game. but since it's in the show room the issue with frame rate is less of a issue than having the same car in game with five other cars and lots of track detail. I think they would have the luxury of assigning higher quality textures to the model. I Wouldn't think they would of modeled approx. 1480 cars. It's possible that the may have tweaked a copy of the same object file (Car model) adding more poly's for the show room. But I don't think they did that, I think your seeing textures that are at higher quality's.:)
@, I know been on the internet from 15.... god time flys....

lol I just want people to realise some of us where around when they where still in nappys/diapers picking the 🤬 out of their nappys/diapers and throwing it at the walls...

lol.. Man.. I ain't on here to bitch and moan. I come here to read discussions on a series or games that I enjoy. Thats how it used to be, now "some" people want to vent their spleen on here about everything and nothing...

Maybe I am getting old, but what people need to realise is. People come here for a discussion because of their love of a game/series... not for a "life lesson" on how to be a 🤬.
lol, I know been on the internet from 15.... god time flys....

lol I just want people to realise some of us where around when they where still in nappys/diapers picking the 🤬 out of their nappys/diapers and throwing it at the walls...

lol.. Man.. I ain't on here to bitch and moan. I come here to read discussions on a series or games that I enjoy. Thats how it used to be, now "some" people want to vent their spleen on here about everything and nothing...

Maybe I am getting old, but what people need to realise is. People come here for a discussion because of their love of a game/series... not for a "life lesson" on how to be a 🤬.

Agree 👍 and besides of that,the threads are to have sometimes a good laugh,not to be fighting about "features" or becoming them a source of hate
Well, as an avid time attacker, I will play mostly offline. ;) Getting a nice car to a nice track and then trying to beat your personal best, without even looking to leaderboards and other players ghost replays.....nice times back in GT4.

Online will be a must, for sure everyone will at least give it a try, but to me, offline will still be the best part of the game.

Obviously your entitled to play GT5 however you wish but in my opinion your really going to miss out.

Whilst competiting on the leaderboards is great fun, what I enjoy the most about online is sharing my passion with my friends. I might of complained about Forza 3 recently but if it wasn't for Forza 2 and Xbox live then my eyes wouldn't of been opened to such a wonderful online experience.

So in my opinion contrary to what you say, online will be the best part of GT5. I wonder how many others who have complained about the standard Vs premium cars have the same opinion as you? I ask because this will explain some of the posts on this thread because prior to online gaming I focussed too much on the graphics of a video game.

Before anyone asks what has the above got to do with this thread. My reply is PD have had to focus alot of attention towards the online side of GT5 and this in my opinion has left less time to develop premium cars.
I don't agree, I think the answer is much simpler: they simply didn't have time to model a 1000 premiums so they made a choice.

But I don´t want to get into this discussion; my opinion is that I don't really care and it's not that big a deal...but I guess my point of view is the minority speaking :)

go on discussing!:)
I don't agree, I think the answer is much simpler: they simply didn't have time to model a 1000 premiums so they made a choice.

Which is exactly what i've been trying to say!

The development of GT5 differs compared to previous GT games because they have had to move with the times and bring GT online. Now I would much rather have 800 standard/200 premium cars with many other features including online than 1000 premium cars but no online features. So yes PD had to make a decision due to time constraints and in my opinion they made the correct decisions. Remember Kaz once said that GT5 is only 60% towards his GT vision and we shall have to wait until our connections are much faster before reaching 100%. So obviously Kaz is fully in touch with what gamers want these days.

The only people who will disagree with this are those who are unable to have a broadband connection or lack experience in online gaming.
So in my opinion contrary to what you say, online will be the best part of GT5. I wonder how many others who have complained about the standard Vs premium cars have the same opinion as you? I ask because this will explain some of the posts on this thread because prior to online gaming I focussed too much on the graphics of a video game..

Not really, to me physics are the most important part, the sheer pleasure of taking a car for a trip around the 'ring, feeling the feedback through the wheel, carefully reading all the messages passed by the car, that's why GT is so attractive to me.

I didn't say I won't play online, I will and to be honest it will be quite frequent since now we will finally get the long-time awaited private lobbies, but offline will still be unbeatable to me.

On topic, people who are still complaining about the Standard models just can't see why they are in the game: Just to make the numbers, if the Standards do get the same physics model available on the premiums, which is likely, since the physics model theorethically has nothing to do with graphics, I'll be satisfied and glad they're in.