Hey great races yesterday everybody!
Sorry I meant to say something sooner, and get some photomodes together... but as soon as I got done watching the replay before dinner, I got bad news, and got upset, so went to bed early.
I'll try to get the photomodes uploaded a bit later.
I apologize for the hard contact at turn 1 toward the end of the race at london. My error was that I was too greedy for the draft of @
WarriusZero and too focused on following him, that I failed to take a defensive inside line on the straight, allowing an opening for @
perdy450 to take the inside line, and he had substantial overlap on the inside before the turn-in point, so I had to leave room for him, so then when I started braking far too late (probably because of the draft), I had nowhere to go. I braked as hard as I could, hoping - and there was no hope - I left myself with zero options but hitting zero!!

Worse, I was so startled by the accident that I failed to mitigate the damage and hit twice.

rolleyes: *shakes head in shame*
Leave it to me to hit the host
multiple times!!

You know, because hitting the race director once just isn't humiliating enough for me!
I can't believe I actually won the race at Autumn Ring Mini.

I do like that track... but that doesn't mean I thought i could win a race there!
Very surprised, considering several drivers in the race I would consider to be very fast drivers, and certainly usually faster than me! I had a lot of good luck there I believe!