Hurricane Katrina's Aftermath....

  • Thread starter Omnis
You guys should put your electricty lines underneath your roads like in the UK.

What you guys are going through is what countries in the west indies have to do annually. Only difference is that houses in the west indies are built to withstand hurricanes and in america the houses are mostly wood.
I've been seeing some horrendous things as I surf between MSNBC, Fox, and CNN. Some officials are going to have some explaining to do about the delays in getting help into New Orleans. If the news crews can get in, why in God's name can't the Guard, the Army, and FEMA?

I've heard that stupid question before, but the most important reports come from the News crews that were there already before the storm.

How hard would it be to commandeer flatbed trucks and go to the Convention Center, for instance, and get those 20,000 people out? What is going on?

Bad organisation. All regular and backup Communications are down, and there wasn't any plan on how to back it up. And a lot of cost cutting.

I think it's very nice of Clinton to say we should leave politics out of this, but politics in this case has contributed to increase the scope of the disaster in a big way, and sooner or later that's going to surface like the ugly corpses are now.
You guys should put your electricty lines underneath your roads like in the UK.
But that's only once you get urban, all the major line are above ground.

This really is turning into a 'in the USA this shouldn't happen' campaign in the media. I was watching the news last night and they kept saying things to that effect.
I've heard that stupid question before, but the most important reports come from the News crews that were there already before the storm.

No, not at all. The news crews are coming and going at will. It isn't a matter of access to the area (Superdome and Convention Center). Tens of thousands of people are enduring hellish conditions simply because the simple means to get them out are not being provided. This totally botched relief effort is a shameful disgrace.
You guys should put your electricty lines underneath your roads like in the UK.
I lived in an apartment with underground lines in college. Everytime there was a heavy rain the power went out and they would have to climb down and fix it. In a flood of this magnitude I doubt it would have helped.

The water lines are underground and they are broken. Underground means nothing in this situation. New Orleans, being below sea level, can't even bury their dead underground.

No, not at all. The news crews are coming and going at will. It isn't a matter of access to the area (Superdome and Convention Center). Tens of thousands of people are enduring hellish conditions simply because the simple means to get them out are not being provided. This totally botched relief effort is a shameful disgrace.
Arwin is right. When the news crews talk about arriving they mean from another section of the city. I have attached pictutres of what the interstates look like. The only ways in and out are small side roads that larger military vehicles can't easily use. Then factor in the fact that people are shooting at the aid workers and it is just becoming a mess.


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Holy crap, these people are acting like there are in Iraq. On Fox News they showed a bunch of guys in the back of what looked to be an S-10 with automatic weapons. What the hell? I'm sorry they just need to start killing people like that. Blackhawks, Humvees, and armed troops. But you know what, that would considered crule for whatever reason.

Also NO is on fire, they are buring that mother to the ground...barbarians.
That highway has just fallen into pieces.

Where's all the hovercrafts (LCAT), landing crafts and amphibian vehicles!? This is the settin where'd they'd all excel on a humanitarium mission. Especially as there's still lots of standing water.
That highway has just fallen into pieces.

Where's all the hovercrafts (LCAT), landing crafts and amphibian vehicles!? This is the settin where'd they'd all excel on a humanitarium mission. Especially as there's still lots of standing water.
They have a convoy of buses to get the people out of there but they are attacking the aid workers, police, National Guradsmen, and each other to get on first. I even heard that people were getting raped in the convention center. All that other stuff was not strategically placed to be used on American cities so it might take them a while to get it transported.

Blazin, the Guardsmen have been given permission to use all force necessary. It is only a matter of time.
Those landing crafts are for the Marines and mostly used in the South Pacific. There might be some aroudn in the US.

On the news now:

Well they are getting to business, they are starting to shoot to kill these armed thugs. They just showed 7 Dodge Rams with security officals armed with shot guns and M16's rolling down the street taking out Tango's that they see fit to take down.

Blazin, the Guardsmen have been given permission to use all force necessary. It is only a matter of time.

Guess they are on it now.
bush should really stop interfering with other countries business and start saving his own people, or as the mayor put it "we get told its coming! its coming! B*ll**** wheres the beef?!"
its absolutely apalling whats happening :indiff:
Anybody who knocks "Girls gone wild" has a serious problem :lol:. Sorry but you have to remember how nuts some religious people are.
No, not at all. The news crews are coming and going at will. It isn't a matter of access to the area (Superdome and Convention Center). Tens of thousands of people are enduring hellish conditions simply because the simple means to get them out are not being provided. This totally botched relief effort is a shameful disgrace.

you are correct zardoz. i live in the uk, and every major channel over here has several news crews in new orleans, biloxi, and gulfport. the uk is 3,000+ miles away, and we can still get there quicker. disgraceful.

as for the relief effort, i am in awe of its incompetance. whats going on? ive heard and seen terrible stories of suffering and violence on the news, and new orleans is decending into anarchy.

something else caught my attention too. i didnt notice it at first, but now i do, im confused. why are 99% of all the survivors black? where are the white guys?
in one report from outside the superdome where thousands of people where taking shelter, the news reporter was the only white person on the screen even though there were thousands of people around him suffering terrible conditions.
if you didnt know better, you could almost believe that these scenes were from some third world african country, not a world super power. honestly, it was more like africa than america.

i hope and pray that those poor people get help soon, no one shoulds have to endure what they have been through - every american has a duty to help them. remember, we liv in an inforation age, and the world is watching to see how your great nation acts, or reacts to this incredible disaster.

if someone could be as so kind to post a link to a worthy charity that will be operating in the disaster zone, i will make a dontation.

'help your fellow man'
You want to know why they were black? Because a majority of the southern population is black, not white. I don't want to hear a damn thing about race, if the same thing happened in Michigan were I live you would see 99% white people.

The reason it took so long was organization, yes it should have taken longer but the Army brought it 5.5million meals alone. That takes some time to organize that stuff.
you are correct zardoz. i live in the uk, and every major channel over here has several news crews in new orleans, biloxi, and gulfport. the uk is 3,000+ miles away, and we can still get there quicker. disgraceful.

And you should be comparing the difficulty of getting a 2-5 man news crew to NO with getting tens of thousands of people out because?
i live in the uk, and every major channel over here has several news crews in new orleans, biloxi, and gulfport. the uk is 3,000+ miles away, and we can still get there quicker. disgraceful.

as for the relief effort, i am in awe of its incompetance. whats going on?...

George W. Bush on the relief effort: "The results are not acceptable."

There's plenty of blame to go around. It'll be distributed far and wide...
When I went to New Orleans last year, it was the time when Hurricane Charley (another Category 4 storm, though not as massive as Katrina) pummeled the southwest coast of Florida. The news reports called the disaster a year early: the fear was that Lake Ponchatrain would overflow onto the city, since it was a few feet below sea level. These local news reporters were quite worried, but they felt well, we've dodged storms for over 250 years, hopefully we'll get by...but if we're hit it won't be pretty... [my italics].

Of course, as flat as South Florida is, it's at least 5-10 feet above sea level at all inland locations. There's massive levees that bound the perimeter of the Everglades and other swampy preserves. Those protected areas are virtually uninhabitable, but they also contain all the rainwater, excess canal water, and literally form a drainage pond. Of course, the envoironment impact of all this isn't too nice to the indigenous fauna and flora of the region, but as fragile as it is, it actually manages to filter out a lot of the crap that millions of people pollute into it every day.

Back to New Orleans, though, which hadn't been hit by a major hurricane during it's entire history! Camille was dangerous, but it was more wind-intensive than rain-intensive; overall, it asn't anything like Katrina. But few people obviously thought about the numerous people that refused shelter (it always happens here too), and the many people that live in downtown New Orleans that don't own cars, since the public transportation system is pretty darn good (Kathy and I didn't use our car except to get there and back). There's a lot of very poor people there who don't always have access to TV's and radios, have wooden homes that are at least one hundred years old, and the elderly and sick whom were bascially trapped.

The roads in and out of the city are flooded, and if they stretched upon the bayous and open water, they were destroyed. The same pieces of interstate we travelled on a year ago are in ruins. People are literally trapped like rats between the water-logged roads. Policemen aren't stopping looting quick enough because there's a few hundred of them, and probably 30,000 people wandring about with no water, ice, a/c, shelter, facilities, or information. Hell, the policemen are siphoning gas from abanoded cars because they can't get any fuel for their cars.

My idea is to use all these "decommisioned" battleships, and use them for temporatry housing; they float, they have places to allow aircraft with supplies to land, and they're already paid for by taxpayer's money. They have enough communications equipment in them to contact the moon. They're dry, and keep the sunlight out. And there's a brig for the nutcases beyond help.
You guys should put your electricty lines underneath your roads like in the UK.

What you guys are going through is what countries in the west indies have to do annually. Only difference is that houses in the west indies are built to withstand hurricanes and in america the houses are mostly wood.

If they can't even bury their dead, what makes you think powerlines can go down there?

That has to be like the dumbest serious post ever.

New Orleans survived the hurricane just fine. It's not a matter of wind, it's a matter of water. The levees breaking is why things are as disaterous as they are. The west indies aren't 50 feet below sea level.
If they can't even bury their dead, what makes you think powerlines can go down there?

That has to be like the dumbest serious post ever.

New Orleans survived the hurricane just fine. It's not a matter of wind, it's a matter of water. The levees breaking is why things are as disaterous as they are. The west indies aren't 50 feet below sea level.

No it's not. If all their powerlines were built beneath the ground, don't you think they'd be a bit difficult to get blown over? I would.
No it's not. If all their powerlines were built beneath the ground, don't you think they'd be a bit difficult to get blown over? I would.

They'd be out just the same.
George W. Bush on the relief effort: "The results are not acceptable."

of course he is going to say that, it still doesnt excuse his incompetance.

as usual, when america needs its president, where is he? hes on holiday at his raunch in crawford texas; and as usual, hes totally oblivious to the whole situation. when initially told of the impending hurricane, he laughed it off, and said little else about it. hardly comforting words from the commander in chief.

a super power as rich and resourceful as america should not take 5 days to respond to a disaster like this. 2 days is too long. america has an awsome military machine that can lay waste to nations in a matter of days (im sure the air war in iraq never took this long), yet they cant get even basic medical aid, food or water to those unfortunate people on the gulf coast. you need to ask what the hell is going on?

And you should be comparing the difficulty of getting a 2-5 man news crew to NO with getting tens of thousands of people out because?

if you can get a camera there, you can get food, water and medical aid too. not to mention volunteers that can help ease the suffering. how many helicopters and planes are there in the usa? come on, your living in a dream world if you think that 5 days is an acceptable time to just start delivering relief. im sure the thousands caught up in this disaster will agree.
as usual, when america needs its president, where is he? hes on holiday at his raunch in crawford texas; and as usual, hes totally oblivious to the whole situation. when initially told of the impending hurricane, he laughed it off, and said little else about it. hardly comforting words from the commander in chief.

I get it the president can't have a vacation. Also hurricanes happen all the time, no body thought it was going to be this bad.
No it's not. If all their powerlines were built beneath the ground, don't you think they'd be a bit difficult to get blown over? I would.

Are you thick, too? They CAN'T put them underground. they're below sea level...hello!
if you can get a camera there, you can get food, water and medical aid too. not to mention volunteers that can help ease the suffering. how many helicopters and planes are there in the usa? come on, your living in a dream world if you think that 5 days is an acceptable time to just start delivering relief. im sure the thousands caught up in this disaster will agree.

If you can get a camera there, you can get food, water, and maybe medical supplies for one person for a week.

There are tens of thousands of people we have to get supplies to.

They're almost literally shoveling supplies at folks over there - but it is a valid critcism to say that we should have air lifted some supplies to them by now. It is not, however, valid to compare it to the news crews getting a few folks over there. The magnitudes are totally different.

Taking this thing at another angle - note that it's the PRIVATE news crews that managed to get on scene super quick while the PUBLIC government is being too slow.... but people still think government is good and efficient.