No, not at all. The news crews are coming and going at will. It isn't a matter of access to the area (Superdome and Convention Center). Tens of thousands of people are enduring hellish conditions simply because the simple means to get them out are not being provided. This totally botched relief effort is a shameful disgrace.
you are correct zardoz. i live in the uk, and every major channel over here has several news crews in new orleans, biloxi, and gulfport. the uk is 3,000+ miles away, and we can still get there quicker. disgraceful.
as for the relief effort, i am in awe of its incompetance. whats going on? ive heard and seen terrible stories of suffering and violence on the news, and new orleans is decending into anarchy.
something else caught my attention too. i didnt notice it at first, but now i do, im confused. why are 99% of all the survivors black? where are the white guys?
in one report from outside the superdome where thousands of people where taking shelter, the news reporter was the only white person on the screen even though there were thousands of people around him suffering terrible conditions.
if you didnt know better, you could almost believe that these scenes were from some third world african country, not a world super power. honestly, it was more like africa than america.
i hope and pray that those poor people get help soon, no one shoulds have to endure what they have been through - every american has a duty to help them. remember, we liv in an inforation age, and the world is watching to see how your great nation acts, or reacts to this incredible disaster.
if someone could be as so kind to post a link to a worthy charity that will be operating in the disaster zone, i will make a dontation.
'help your fellow man'