Scavenger Hunt Week 12 - check post 1 for details.

  • Thread starter Boz Mon
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I will definitely play and have already taken a few preliminary photographs. 'Smallest car' is going to be tough for Americans to compete outside the nation, so a winner in each country would be good. I'll post my spots up on Sunday.

The winner can play again next week, can't he?
Then the rules are flawed - if you finish second every single week, you'd do better than someone who wins every time, since he can only play every other week. Either change the scoring or change the 'winner can't play next week' rules.
Then the rules are flawed - if you finish second every single week, you'd do better than someone who wins every time, since he can only play every other week. Either change the scoring or change the 'winner can't play next week' rules.

:nervous: Good call, any recommendations for what exactly to change?
Again, as I suggested before.
The winner of a category has to leave out one of the three/four/five/etc. categories for the next week - I think it's still fair. They can still participate, but they just have to leave one category out.
I'm not interested in playing, so take this for what you will, but if the "winner" is allowed to play in the same round that they are coming up with the "theme", doesn't that give them a huge advantage? They could easily pick themes or cars that they already know where they are to take a pic of, or possibly already have pictures of that they can alter to meet the current "rules"?

BTW: For proving a shot is their own, I agree with M5Power, that having them take at least a couple shots in the same area without the car is going to be the best proof possible, as most things listed so far are either going to be very difficult to do, or relatively easy to fake.

Just something to think about, as it seems you all are wanting to treat this really seriously, rather than just have some fun with it.
They won't be allowed to participate in the theme they pick but they can participate in the other 3 themes.
have we actually started yet?

Yup you have until Monday to find the cars.

I'm actually not expecting a huge turn out this week since it's still new.
They won't be allowed to participate in the theme they pick but they can participate in the other 3 themes.

But they're still the judge, so it wouldn't work.

Also, I'm unclear. There have been four themes given: smallest car, best redneck truck, shouldn't be on the road, and best flame paint job. When the winner wins, shouldn't he change all four categories rather than just one? Then it wouldn't get tiring searching for the same stuff.

Also, just increase the point spread for being the winner. It should be:

16pts - winner
4pts - 2nd
1pt - 3rd

Increasing by a multiple of four assures the winner greater benefits. Increasing by a multiple of three would be the same exact thing, so either way works. However I do believe the winner should get to pick four new categories - which he must judge and cannot participate in - for the next week. What does everyone think of that?
That works for me.

Okay, so let's do a factor of three. So:

- winner gets 9
- second gets 3
- third gets 1

And - the winner changes all four categories each week, and cannot participate the next week. That makes more sense, and it works out I believe. So Boz Mon is doing the first four categories. Let the spotting begin!
These are the themes

1. Why is that still on the road? (anything that is questionable)
2. Smallest car (probably a winner on each side of the pond?)
3. Redneck trucks with lots of stuff in the bed
4. Best flame paintjob?
1, 3 and 4 should be impossible for me, but I already know where my entry for 2 is located - and since the tyre is popped, and I'm not sure if it even works, it might even be eligible for 1 :P
Here is my entry for the "Why is it still on the road" category. It's a Corolla, rusted to hell and the front strut was broken on it.

I have a question: Can I use an old pic taken? This is only for best flame job. I can cover the rest of them.

Best flame job

Smallest Car

Um... these are previous pictures. So I don't have any proof.

But if you look in my thread 'bob's big boy cruise night blah blah blah...' you'll see them, so I hope that's enough.
I would think the photo has to be taken within the week of the contest. Otherwise Doug would be able to look through all his photos and win every category, every week.
Unless I can fine something better this is my entry for the most redneck truck...who the hell puts a camper on a Ranger. Also not how it's attached to the truck...chains. Also for proof I got my radar detector and my windshield banner in the picture. If you look at pictures of my truck you can see both.

I would think the photo has to be taken within the week of the contest. Otherwise Doug would be able to look through all his photos and win every category, every week.

Definitely, for that reason. Has to be taken that week.

By the way, I strongly question posting the images in the thread - that just shows the late posters exactly what to beat. Gives an advantage to waiting and puts those who post early at a disadvantage. Probably would be better if everyone PM'd the judge, and he posted the winners. Just a thought.
When does this first round of themes finish?

Is it too late to start searching for cars, or have you just begun?

You need to have your entries in Monday night.

And M5 that might not be a bad idea, with the PMing and such. Or at least waiting till Monday to post em.
Ok sorry for the late start but I guess Ill post up some categories (sorry for the bad quality of categories for the first time)
1. Why is that still on the road? (anything that is questionable)
2. Smallest car (probably a winner on each side of the pond?)
3. Redneck trucks with lots of stuff in the bed :dopey:
4. Best flame paintjob?

Thats all I got for now hopefully the winner will have some better ones, good luck everyone 👍


1. Why is that car still on the road?


Just kidding.


To be honest, I took this particular category a bit different than it seems most of you have and photographed not the crappiest car (that honor would go to this Merkur Scorpio) but the most absurd monstrosity I've ever viewed in my entire life. I saw some cars that were probably too beaten up to still be on the road, but I decided that this, more than anything else, should no longer be on the road. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking:





2. Smallest car.




Fight me all you want, but this is a car - so says the federal government, which issued it a 17-digit (automotive) VIN number, and so says the Georgia state government, which requires it to have a license plate, and maintains that it can be driven on public roads, unlike a golf cart. Calling it eight feet long would be an overstatement, in my opinion.

3. Redneck truck.


I live in Georgia. There are a lot of these. Not only was this the oldest redneck truck I saw, but it's the crappiest - the rust on the side, the huge custom exhaust, the huge tires, the mag wheels - they all contribute. But perhaps the best reason this is the best redneck truck is the rice tail lights. Gotta love rednecks. Wisconsin tags, oddly, but there are a lot of rednecks there too. Location photo here.

4. Best flame paint job.



It's 2007. Flame paint jobs don't exist. That TechArt 996 GT2 in the DYSAGT thread? I saw this and that at the same time - and ran after this. I figured I wouldn't see another flame paint job for the rest of the day/week/month/year, and I was almost right - the only competitor was the stock flame job on a new Harley Davidson F-series Super Duty. Location photo here.
Is the competition open though money, or are they due in about 15 minutes? Given my location in Michigan, I should have been able to find some photos, but my time was split with other needs.

Either way, I'm hoping to do more next-time then. We're still on a loose basis here, so for next-week I'd suggest that whoever 'wins' creates a completely new thread with the rules laid-out, etc...
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