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  • Thread starter gamelle71
I agree about the AI in Forza, they don't care, if your in the way they hit you. In GT games, to be honest, they run the racing line knowing its hard to pass, make a "clean" pass that is. I relish being able to make a pass without any contact in any racing game (PRD2/3, GT, etc). You don't have to force your way pass in GT as much as you think you do. Any zone with heavy braking is ideal.

Now I'm a huge fan of full scale racing as some in the R/C hobby call it. You can make a pass anywhere you want, but carry too much speed and you'll understeer right into somebody. On the track but for example, even if the AI runs the right line, you can run off-line and still get the job done.

At Grand Valley this is easy and Trail Mountain.

Most of the more famous tracks, you can get it done. Going into Indianapolis at La Sarthe and most of the unmodified "old school" real tracks provide many chances to pass without wrecking you or the car your trying to pass.

Sure you can get away with being overtly aggressive with the AI and bump them out of the way. The bump and run is effective and fair, if somebody is holding you up and won't get out of the way, bumping them to make them miss the braking zone is effective, and not unfair at all, happens in real life.

I don't know about most of the Americans that post here, but if you watch ALMS here or like me watch BTCC or WTCC where the cars from 1st to about 10th are less than a second apart in qualifying so you have to be aggressive in passing people.

NASCAR on road courses, only Ambrose, Fellows and Robby Gordon can hammer the brakes going into T1 at The Glen and not get any wheel hop. If you watched Marcos Ambrose try in vain to catch Tony Stewart you could see was getting 1-2 feet deeper into the braking zone than the NASCAR regulars.

I loved how he dive bombed Kyle Bush and he was none too happy, but it was FAIR and SQUARE.


So you can get it done, just don't run out of talent...
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I know what you mean by nudging people out of the way. It's happened a few times this year in ALM and the Rolex Series. Sometimes it ends without any reprocutions, but sometimes the driver that's been trying to pass can get a little too aggressive...and then he gets a stop and go penalty. This year the main victims have been the slower GTC and GT2 cars when one of the LMP cars get a little too carried away.
NASCAR on road courses, only Ambrose, Fellows and Robby Gordon can hammer the brakes going into T1 at The Glen and not get any wheel hop. If you watched Marcos Ambrose try in vain to catch Tony Stewart you could see was getting 1-2 feet deeper into the braking zone than the NASCAR regulars.

Yeah Ambrose has a lot of experience with that kind of racing on road courses.
What I dont understand is, in the E3 trailer, the rally car gets a dent in the front bonet, but in the damage in the Gamescom demo, there is none of that, just bumpers and doors falling off... which makes me think, there is hardcore damage, and there is rookie damage.

Hardcord damage - Some of those crashes in the Gamescom demo in real life would end your race so you have to be extra careful. (which is a good thing)

Standard damage - Crash and u only lose your bumper, people who cant be arsed to re-do races cause they cant stay out of the wall.

Anyone agree?
The most likely reason is because what we saw at GamesCom was produced earlier than what we saw in the E3 trailer.
What I dont understand is, in the E3 trailer, the rally car gets a dent in the front bonet, but in the damage in the Gamescom demo, there is none of that, just bumpers and doors falling off
Actually, I've seen the bonnet (hood) scarred up in videos I've saved. But we'll get a more definitive answer on this and just how far damage will go in a month, at TGS.
Following my recent Uncharted 2 Kathmandu real life comparison photos, I now bring you GT5 Tokyo comparison photos from the GamesCom demo via:





As with Uncharted 2, attention to detail.

I realize that this was done with GT4, but from GT5 it is even more apparent. It would have been nicer if we had actual screenshots from the game instead of pictures taken of a screen.
I wonder about GT5 and it's DLC model. I'd surely be interested in downloads for cars and tracks, but I wouldn't blindly buy all cars just to keep it complete (for tracks I would :D). Any clue how this could work in the future?
I don't think DLC has even been confirmed for GT5, unless I've missed something? I'd rather not have DLC, at all on any game. Games should be sold complete, not, "Well, we might add some bits on later for people who are willing to shell out even more money on the game."
I don't think DLC has even been confirmed for GT5, unless I've missed something? I'd rather not have DLC, at all on any game. Games should be sold complete, not, "Well, we might add some bits on later for people who are willing to shell out even more money on the game."

Expect another year, or three then. :P
No they were from a user from NeoGAF. ;)
Couldve been you though, thats why i asked.

Never mind, the Tokyo comparisons dont work for me, i get a 404 on the pics.
No they were from a user from NeoGAF. ;)
Couldve been you though, thats why i asked.
Well, I pulled them from Kotaku. I didn't bother following their source links.

Never mind, the Tokyo comparisons dont work for me, i get a 404 on the pics.
I did link to the blog I got them from. Is that not working either?
Nope, i cant see them either here nor there.
Only the thumbnails on the blog work.
Well, it looks like they just took Google Street View images, so you could probably replicate them yourself if you were so inclined.
Why all the racing videos about the new GTs lacks always of driving skills? :lol:

I mean, when you see previews about shooters, beat'em ups... The player (journalist) looks more or less decent, but when comes about sim driving games, oh my god! :dopey: Last example, on news:

I'm not Schumacher, but please, at least keep on the track! :sly:
great idea combining photo-mode with used car market BoBaN. I guess this would be especially good if we get to create our own liveries and modify cars. :D
Gran Turismo 5 Beta Rumor Arises

Erm...this is new. We haven't heard anything about a possible beta test for Gran Turismo 5 but if this pic is accurate, it appears Polyphony Digital is indeed planning a testing period for the hotly anticipated simulation racer.

We're not entirely sure of the direct source, but the picture on the screen before us is relatively clear. Well, we are getting online play for the very first time in the franchise's history, and it truly is a massive title, so a beta test wouldn't be seen as bizarre. On the other hand, we haven't even heard the slightest whisper about a GT5 beta, which instantly makes us skeptical. In looking at the entire situation, we have to call bogus on this one (although it's still possible): thing is, Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, while not a beta test, does exist for a reason, and none of Kazunori Yamauchi's comments have hinted at anything but a nearly completed project. He did recently say he'd want to see "how the fans responded" to the damage modeling system they're preparing for the game, which implies we'd play it and then Polyphony would revise it accordingly. That could be construed as a beta, I guess. But beyond that, the evidence is falling the other way; betas are hard to keep under wraps these days, especially when it comes to ginormous titles.

Besides, we're still clinging to the ol' Yamauchi gem, "we can release GT5 whenever we want." We like to believe in that.


Sony should have a team that looks for hoaxes on it's network and then fry the owner's PS3 with something sent from PSN. That should be good justice.
While that image could be a fake, you might consider the possibility that it could allude to an upgrade patch for Prologue.

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