NFS-Shift GTP Racing League Season II

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Man you're inspired today...:) I agree with every point you've made i also try to hold my position doing defensive inner racing lines when someone is racing next to my rear bumper...but if he gets side by side with me i stick to my trajectory and don't deliberely,at least,move over to block the pass,and when i feel a turtle to the driver behind me and know he'll pass me anyway at some point i just move over and let him pass...
When overtaking,manouvre i only take when i think i'm faster then the guy in front of me and if he doesn't make a mistake after cooking up some pressure i try to find a secure spot-a straight or coming out of a corner faster...but this is all theorechtical in concrete we all pull stupid moves on track at enought talk:lol:


Sad to say... that's true. When you can't look left or right it makes it so much harder to judge.
How many times have we all made a pass and thought, "OK, I've passed him." only to find out that they are right next to us when we move over and spin them out. Something like that happened yesterday with Aldo and I. Nobody's fault, just part of the game...
Make-up Races:

For those who couldn't make yesterday's races, or who got d/c'ed past the half-way mark and want to try it again, the make-up series will be at 4:00pm EST (US East Coast), 9:00pm UK.

I know that Terronium-12 needs to do the Spa race, and the Brands Hatch race. Jamie-C and JonesyGT246 missed all the races yesterday and bbcnascar missed or got d/c'ed for the first race.

So far Terronium is the only one to contact me, so if by 4pm I don't get any others running for points, I'll need four volunteers for the Spa and Brand Hatch races. Of course you know I'll be there.:)
Make-up Races:

For those who couldn't make yesterday's races, or who got d/c'ed past the half-way mark and want to try it again, the make-up series will be at 4:00pm EST (US East Coast), 9:00pm UK.

I know that Terronium-12 needs to do the Spa race, and the Brands Hatch race. Jamie-C and JonesyGT246 missed all the races yesterday and bbcnascar missed or got d/c'ed for the first race.

So far Terronium is the only one to contact me, so if by 4pm I don't get any others running for points, I'll need four volunteers for the Spa and Brand Hatch races. Of course you know I'll be there.:)

If you need volunteers let me know at least half hour before the races and i will be there.
Yeah well done Hog. Especially for when I was DC right after the lights went green on Brands Hatch! Thanks[/QUOTE]

no problem i would have stopped the race sooner but no one was in the chat room so i had no communication i had to listen as hard as i can to what was being said on the head sets.

Each person has their own racing style, some will take larger risks for small gains while others will be consistent and smooth gladly losing position knowing that they may benefit from others mistakes.

HOG, I see you as the latter - the gentleman of the track (although your videos say otherwise! :)). Myself, I'm a bit on the other end. I'll defend my position so long as my opponent is behind me. It's up to them to pass, right? And if I can make it as difficult as possible, so be it. However, if I see you rocketing up on me, well, it's obvious there is no chance and I'll gladly make room. As for taking risks, yeah I do that too sometimes when the adrenaline is pumping.

I guess what I'm trying to do with this post is just give another perspective. I don't think you should go out of your way to make room for people and risk going off track.

Basically, the way I see it is... You have the right to be on the racing line at all times. (Not the game's racing line, the line a driver takes to get around the track fastest)

Unless I'm being lapped I don't move over for anyone. If someone wants to get past me they'll have to work at it.

Now don't misunderstand, that's not the same as blocking. I won't deliberately move to prevent a pass.

The only time I will move over and sacrifice the fast line is when I feel that the other guy is obviously faster, and letting him past might prevent a wreck from taking us both out.

i understand both your points and both are you are 100% rite and your also saying what i am saying.

All i am doing is informing people that all this curtisy that i give is all going out the window no more mister nice guy.
if i am in my line i am not moving out of it for no one, IF YOUR NOT FAST ENUF YOUR NOT GETTING PAST SIMPLE AS, and if you make a risky move and crash i wont slow down or even acknowledge i have had contact i will just keep going..
so next time i am racing and any one is up on my ass you just keep that in mind.
:lol: she may well go off with Bill, remember Friday night :lol:

Friday night was a classic and it gave me great humor, by the end of the night here's the 5 facts I learned about the consistent one.

1. His new girlfriend was going to be his right hand since the girlfriend was pissed :lol:

2. Hog wouldn't listen to him to take a break where he could have a smoke and pour another drink, even though Hog wasn't wearing his headset

3. I now know Arvore favorite sexual position

4. Whiskey is his favorite

5. He drives damn near as good F#*ked up as he does sober
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Friday night was a classic and it gave me great humor, my the end of the night here's the 5 facts I learned about the consistent one.

1. His new girlfriend was going to be his right hand since the girlfriend was pissed :lol:

2. Hog wouldn't listen to him to take a break where he could have a smoke and pour another drink, even though Hog wasn't wearing his headset

3. I now know Arvore favorite sexual position

4. Whiskey is his favorite

5. He drives damn near as good F#*ked up as he does sober

Brilliant :lol: :lol:
Still watching the vid (paused) i have to say, femki that was wrong what you did at the end of lap one.


And lap four.

Sorry mate but i have raced you and you are better than this?

The lap one contact looked incidental, as femki couldn't have seen addictions in his blind spot on the left quarter. (I've got it paused too).

Edit: The lap four contact looked like a move that shouldn't have been attempted if he saw that addictions was already in the turn. Generally you can't cut inside someone else on a corner like that unless you are starting from the far right-hand side of the track.
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Still watching the vid (paused) i have to say, femki that was wrong what you did at the end of lap one.


And lap four.

Sorry mate but i have raced you and you are better than this?

lap 1 was nothing to worry about
still waiting for part 2 to upload
if lap 4 upsets you wait till lap 9 :lol:
The lap one contact looked incidental, as femki couldn't have seen addictions in his blind spot on the left quarter. (I've got it paused too).

When i have someone that close behind me i am in my rearview all the time and know where they are most of the time.

Femki is a good racer and must have known where addictions was? maybe i am wrong? it wont be the first time.
When i have someone that close behind me i am in my rearview all the time and know where they are most of the time.

Femki is a good racer and must have known where addictions was? maybe i am wrong? it wont be the first time.

Yeah, if you keep your eye on the black line on the track, it looked like addictions swerved right at the same time femki swerved left and they made contact.
The lap one contact looked incidental, as femki couldn't have seen addictions in his blind spot on the left quarter. (I've got it paused too).

Edit: The lap four contact looked like a move that shouldn't have been attempted if he saw that addictions was already in the turn. Generally you can't cut inside someone else on a corner like that unless you are starting from the far right-hand side of the track.

i belive i was going to do the same move on lap 3 but as the video shows i clearly backed off and as he came on the inside on turn 2 lap 3 this is the move i pulled on lap 9
Yeah, if you keep your eye on the black line on the track, it looked like addictions swerved right at the same time femki swerved left and they made contact.

the straight section was totaly my fault i got a wobble on and swore at myself dont think femki knew where i was actually

and as for lap 4 now i'v watched it again i think femki thought he could of got to the apex before me. maybe?
either way no swearing on the vid :lol:
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Still watching the vid (paused) i have to say, femki that was wrong what you did at the end of lap one.


And lap four.

Sorry mate but i have raced you and you are better than this?

Yes, I am better than that. After looking back on that, I knew I was outgunned and was probably driving a bit scrappier than I should have. Lap 1 contact was just the two of us correcting our line into each other. You can clearly see that I knew adddictions was on my inside on turn one on lap 2 and gave plenty of room. Lap 4 contact was me being scrappy.. even watching the video as soon as I disappeared, in my head I was thinking "Where the **** am I?". I found out soon enough.

Let's see how bad I'm chastised for Lap 9. =)
That's the kind of driving i am talking about.
too meany people taking risks and not giving each other space.
only thing is its the ones that back off the pay the price.
Careful guys, scary and sensitive subjects for a Sunday...

I agree, these videos are always like a double edge sword. I love watching them but the also highlight my weakness as well as others. Generaly unless you can have video from both cars then you only see one side of the story. I can say that femki is a great driver but everyone makes bad decisions sometimes. But on a side note did anyone see that blue miata launch away from the start. I must have watched that 6 times already.:sly:
i belive i was going to do the same move on lap 3 but as the video shows i clearly backed off and as he came on the inside on turn 2 lap 3 this is the move i pulled on lap 9

Yeah, I see where you backed off there, and again with kemp on the same turn on lap 5. Both good decisions in my view.

As I'm writing this, I find I'm a bit worried about going over these videos with an eye toward scolding people. Educating yes. Just to show people what will and what won't work, but these races are so chaotic at times and our view is so limited that I'd hate to be too judgemental. Does this make any sense to anybody?

EDIT: And yes HOG, there will be racing... We're just keeping you in suspense.:)
hey i would like to join you guys, i got a mic. my psn is power5567 if your going to add me just send me a message saying its you plz and thank you
No, I think adddictions and I are cool with things. If not, someone correct me.

It's not that I thought you weren't cool with Addictions or anybody else. I'm just not crazy about braking down any drivers incidents on a public forum. With the drivers vision restrictions in this game it's really hard to be Judge & Jury after watching video. I have yet to race anybody in this league where I actually thought they were a dirty racer so I always give the driver the benefit of the doubt if an incident occurs, but I do remember each and every one :)
Whoops, forgot about Sunday make-ups. Also, I haven't had any practice, so even if I race, I'll probably just go off constantly. Hopefully I'll be able to make next week's races.
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