If GT5 does incorporate a livery editor...

  • Thread starter EJRocky
Priesty it's cool. I don't agree with you but you stick to your views fair play.

....... You are wrong though. Lol.
It being cool or not is totally irrelevant. The problem is the word "livery", which implies a full recovering of the car. I'd most likely make small changes, add a few things here or there to make it look like a different version of a car, if it's not included in the game (Aventador SV being a recent example). Or just to add a subtle little logo that represents yourself, if that's your thing. I will also go the whole hog on some cars, as I see fit. I don't see why anyone should be unnecessarily limited at all.

It doesn't have to be used full-on, all the time, but having the full range of options available all the time will never be a disadvantage. If you don't want to see "liveried" road cars, don't do it.

That being said, having some sort of filter for other peoples' custom paint-jobs is a basic necessity, to save having to download them for a start, but also to save my eyes, or the eyes of the innocent and impressionable ("E for Everyone").

If these custom skins are to be made available to other players (like in the coming photo-stream?), then some serious thought needs to be put into segregating / characterising them for easier searching and exclusion, so that I don't have to trawl through pages of (what I perceive as) dross just to get that one scheme that suits my requirements.

For lack of an easier example, FM4 does that last bit fairly decently. It's not perfect, of course, and you do have to wade through some garbage, but because liveries on the storefront can be both sorted by a few developer-chosen sub-categories (Replica, Fantasy, etc etc), as well as have the user enter in a search term, it's fairly easy to find things. I assume PD could also have the "Good Grief" system in place similar to other popular PSN games like LBP and ModNation Racers. If you saw something you thought inappropriate, you could just report it.

A livery editor / decal editor, in addition to being able to paint individual body parts of the cars, would be fantastic, and for people to think it should be limited in scope to simply race cars is silly. An editor could take care of such simple things as license plates, or small company logos along the side skirts, or behind the front wheels. You know, common practice on modified street cars. And has been mentioned countless times before, a simple "Disable custom liveries" check box in the Options menu could keep those insistent on identi-cars happy.

Two things I think should be equally important to PD in regards to a livery editor, however, besides ease of use and functionality, are the introduction of prices, and the necessary tools available to the author to limit reproduction. A lot of liveries, especially reproductions, can cost a lot of time, and I don't think it's unreasonable for users to charge small amounts of in-game credits for them. It creates an entire economy in itself, and gives some players an entirely different path towards generating credits, compared to the typical grinding. As for my second point - again, using FM4 as an example, smartly, if someone buys your complete car design, they can't access it, to strip-mine it of your hard work and then sell it off as their own. However, unfortunately, if you gift someone one of your designs, they have full access. To everything. This has created a small problem at the other Planet, as I've wanted to hand out gift cars for the weekly Photomode Competitions, but wouldn't enjoy if someone put up one of my designs on their storefront for their own gain.

Ideally, PD would leave the choice of "locked versus unlocked" to the user, and provided they had the server power to keep a basic Storefront going, I think the entire livery editing side of things could take on a life of its own. It'd also handily take care of them having to release each and every new paint job - new NASCAR paints on the same basic bones? The community will take care of that!

Yes, drop all road cars as I've clearly said its not what I drive when I play GT.

Next time read all the post before you post.

Because I was on about road cars, I was saying I didn't want livery's plastered all over road cars......

Race cars/rms have livery's so yeah being able to add them would be ok, but road cars on track are still road cars so I didn't think livery's should be added.

Yes. Ok if you think GT should only integrate Things which are Common on Street.

- remove concept Cars
- remove Super Cars
- remove ....

A Livery Editor should be for all Cars. You can make a Racing Mod with livery Editor and Tuning.

Livery Editor is Great.

In my opinion GT is about Cars and Livery is a Big Part of Cars history.

If you dont like ugly livery's or Livery,s on Cars road cars just ignore it. The Most Liveries are Great in other Games.

GT is still a Game ;)

Livery Editor can improve the Gameplay. If you made a Racing League for example you can Create your own decals and make your Team more Personal and different.
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Everything SlipZtrEm said...

The point about NASCAR liveries is particularly true, as we wouldn't have to wait for PD to update them (and they probably won't). I'd probably still run my own custom NASCAR livery, but up-to-date ones designed by the community would be great nonetheless, especially if the designer is going to get credits for all their work.
The main benifit I see is being able to make the car your won. Most if not all people who play GT5 are massive car nuts. You prob love your car because of the little things which make it different from everyone elses.

Very few of the cars in GT5 have any character due to the lack of customisation. Even with the use of some body mods and wild colours there isn't really anthing stopping someone else from creating the car pretty easily.

If you look at the majority of other games they all offer a level of customisation to let the player make the game their own:

GTA4 - Clothes, cars, look of character etc
Battlefield 3 - Custom weapon sets
COD - even let you paint your guns....

I'm presuming the new SSX tricky game will let you customise your gear/board etc

In this respect GT5 is very old fashoined.

I love the game but I'm playing more and more online where you see the same cars day in day out.

If you dont like it don't use it, just like real life.... Everybody has a taste , good or bad, let them express it!

Along with a livery editor the addition of rollcages al la Forza would be a good addition,.
I don't care if liveries are in GT5. I do car about the ability to create you're own RM livery. That would bring uniqueness to GT5. If I could custom livery my cars and save it and paint all my cars with it, that would be cool too.
R31 Skyline JGTC car

This was my favorite car in GT2 and GT3

I would do some 2 tone paint styles and some wild graphics for certain cars



Also the ability to widen the wheels and more selection of them would be nice.
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wow that is the ugliest challenger i have ever seen, mustang isn't to far behind.

I do find it rather ironic that you don't want road cars to have the ability to have decals added to them when you avatar is a road car with decals on it!



i'm not sure if there is sarcasm i'm missing here but a couple stripes are a far cry from company logos plastered on a car. I think both of yall are talking about to different extremes here.
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The only thing I worry about with a GT5 livery editor, it that may be a horrible system like the paint chips system or the gift limiting system :(.
The only thing I worry about with a GT5 livery editor, it that may be a horrible system like the paint chips system or the gift limiting system :(.

or the game itself really. It's absurd that you have to play for a whole year to finally have access to everything it has to offer.

I have no problem with paying for vynils and others, since that's how the industry works atm and there's nothing we can do about it (DLC). What I don't like though is having to unlock things in a genre that simply doesn't work like that.

For example, arcade mode simply should have all or 90% of the cars the moment you play the game for the first time, just like almost every single racing game does. It'd be understandable having to buy the car in order to tune it, especially if all of them are in a fixed shop and not having to "farm cars" in the UCD, but all paints and vynils (or 90%) should be usable immediately. Same goes for everything in GT5, including tracks (TGTT and the ring being good examples), photo locations, museum cards and what not.
The only thing I worry about with a GT5 livery editor, it that may be a horrible system like the paint chips system or the gift limiting system :(.
A very valid concern to have.

We'd probably have to login just to collect shapes, or something...
and for people to think it should be limited in scope to simply race cars is silly.
No it's not silly, it's utterly idiotic.
And has been mentioned countless times before, a simple "Disable custom liveries" check box in the Options menu could keep those insistent on identi-cars happy.
+1. Seriously.
I do find it rather ironic that you don't want road cars to have the ability to have decals added to them when you avatar is a road car with decals on it!
+1 as well and a good laugh. :)
What about my race number. 69 BTW.
You will reported by R1600Turbo, banned from PSN, banned from Gtplanet and the thread will get closed ASAP. :)
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This was my favorite car in GT2 and GT3

I would do some 2 tone paint styles and some wild graphics for certain cars

Is this a Mike Lavallee paint job? That man is pure talent. And two-tone paint jobs done right look sweet. Wait, that's a universal truth for any type of paint job.
The main benifit I see is being able to make the car your won. Most if not all people who play GT5 are massive car nuts. You prob love your car because of the little things which make it different from everyone elses.

Very few of the cars in GT5 have any character due to the lack of customisation. Even with the use of some body mods and wild colours there isn't really anthing stopping someone else from creating the car pretty easily.

If you look at the majority of other games they all offer a level of customisation to let the player make the game their own:

GTA4 - Clothes, cars, look of character etc
Battlefield 3 - Custom weapon sets
COD - even let you paint your guns....

I'm presuming the new SSX tricky game will let you customise your gear/board etc

In this respect GT5 is very old fashoined.

I love the game but I'm playing more and more online where you see the same cars day in day out.

If you dont like it don't use it, just like real life.... Everybody has a taste , good or bad, let them express it!

Along with a livery editor the addition of rollcages al la Forza would be a good addition,.

I too wanted the roll cages, I thought the rigidity improvement would have added a roll-cage but sadly PD did not introduce them to the modification range.
I do agree with your point about Gran Turismo being fairly outdated in terms of its customisation depth. :(
Does anyone think being able to paint stock rims would be a good idea? I've been seeing a number of people in the Marketplace looking for cars with painted stock rims :confused:
Seeing as Forza doesn't allow you to paint stock rims and GT5 put a stop to the few that could previously be painted, I guess manufacturers don't want anybody painting them.
All my cars will have OJ Simpson liveries...

Sounds like everyone wants Forza but with GT's superior physics and graphics.
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Time to put this back on topic.

In this day and age, speaking for myself I would expect a game such as GT5 to include features which make vehicle ownership special. I like having my car and knowing that it is totally unique and is a complete reflection of my taste and style.
Midnight Club LA is a good example, where I knew that nobody else would possibly have a car similar to mine, and also the decal editor and paint (inc. Stock rim paint) editor allowed me to turn each and every vehicle I owned into something that I could proudly say reflected me.

Does anybody else share this kind of view? :(

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