PURE | Integra World Championship III | Series Champion: R1600Turbo!

  • Thread starter Müle
Race will start in 1 hour and a half, right? Just to confirm. With all the time changes and everything.
That is cool. I can actually watch the Q sheet being edited. Didn't think that was real time.
No Wardez? CSL?

Yes, Alex. Room will be up in 30 minutes.
My save data is corrupt on GT5, I can't find my usb stick with my back up save. So I'll need to use my GTP_ profile and buy a new integra.
Yeah, don't ask me why Litchi gave you a big fat "DQ" beside your name. lol
The 5PM EDT is just not working for me : (
I'm leaving the house now and won't be back till after 5~ I think.
Sorry Mule, I'm not flaking, just can't make it. At least I'm a reserve.
Hopefully the NASCAR race ends before we officially start.

yeah a hope too

Yeah, don't ask me why Litchi gave you a big fat "DQ" beside your name. lol

btw, I always thought a dirty lap could count as your superlap if you don't gain time with this "dirty thing". Touching the wall here (GV27-) clearly doesn't give an advantage.
But Alex said me DQ cause he wanted to play fairly. But I think we don't need to give harsh penalty to play fairly.
Stewards know how to judge if a situation gives you an advantage or not.

My thoughts.
Sorry guys. Something important came up at home. I can't race! :(

I was looking forward to driving a nice calm race, and learning this "new" feeling of the car (new for me at least!), but I can't. Hopefully next week I can join you guys! (To be honest, I thought race would start 1 hour before!! But hopefully next week...)

Have a fun race! 👍
Words cannot describe how pissed off I am right now.

I was having a decent race, catching bdub for 7th, when these flaming douchebag randoms come in and start literally talking about their dicks. I missed my brake points seeral times because if it before finally crashing. I finally had enough and left the track, ending any chance I had of a good finish to kick them, since they weren't goin to shut up.

Absolutely unbelievable.
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That was fairly annoying. Not that I was in danger of actually passing anyone but it was distracting having the chat window pop up right when spotting a braking or turn in point.

Had fun chasing Grayfox around until we got seperated after pit stops. Brandofo, it seems when you are nearby I go faster. Turned my best lap chasing you and Litchi around.

Hope I didn't get in anybody's way.

VDub, sorry for the push early on.
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I will say after watching the replay, it's crazy how much less tire I had used by lap 12. I knew my tires were better, but I had no idea...
Unofficial results:


Litchi got the lastest lap. I get points as I completed 25% distance because those dickbags came in the room. Still mad about that.

After a review, Litchi gets a warning for causing an avoidable collision with RT and Biffy that resulted in Biffy being knocked off the track. Litchi should have given his position back to him, but didn't. On that lap, Biffy went from leading, to being 3.75 seconds behind the lead, so any penalty that Litchi would get post-race would be too small to affect the standings. Also, Litchi probably didn't realize at the time that it was his fault, because it was a chain reaction (Litchi hit RT, who then hit Biffy). In situations like that, Litchi should still have yielded to Biffy, since he caused the initial contact.

I didn't receive any other complaints of incidents, so I'm assuming we're all good.
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a quick race report from cape ring:

i was looking forward to this race all week and was happy that i qualified 2nd. i got off to a decent start and held 2nd place thru the first sections and the top 4 drivers started to separate from the pack. we pretty much stayed together until lap 13 where me and litchi pit while r1600 stayed out because his tires are made of advanced anti-shred technology.

i came out a few seconds ahead of litchi and maintained a 2.5-3 second gap through the 2nd stint. litchi pit a lap earlier than me on lap 25 and i came in on lap 26. this was a good decision from litchi because he had a fast outlap and then caught me on my cold tires with a blazing 1:17.777 lap.

we raced together for the last stint, trading places a couple times and it was obvious it would come down to the final lap for 2nd place. we caught up to biffy, who was running a 1 stop race, and he held us at bay for a lap or two.

i made a sweet pass on both of them on lap 32 turn 1 and i was hoping that litchi would get held up behind biffy long enough for me to create a gap, but litchi passed him soon after and caught up to me again. litchi and i stuck together in a fight for 2nd until the last lap where litchi got a little squirrely in the exit of turn 2 as he turned into turn 3 and that allowed me to pull away for 2nd place while r1600 cruised into 1st.

overall a great race and a lot of fun in the integras 👍
I had a couple people PM me about tire saving tips for this series, so I'll just post it in here for everyone to see. Hopefully it'll help everyone out.

Basically, when it comes to this car, or high powered FF cars in general, tire spin = bad. That is something I noticed while watching the replay from yesterdays race, a lot of people were jumping on the accelerator too fast, or using it too much, or turning a lot while accelerating which caused their tires to go up in smoke.

The key to making the tires last with this car is light accelerator application combined with minimal turn angle coming out of corners. If you are turning so much that when you are on the accelerator the tires are spinning, you are just eating up your tires. A late apex in the corner helps with this. Brake a bit later, go into the corner a bit higher than normal, then get the car turned so that you can apply the accelerator while having barely any steering input.

If anyone has the replay saved, just watch the race from my car with the accelerator / brake options visible so you can see what I'm talking about. I know you can't see my steering angle, but just watch the line of the car and you'll see what I'm taking about. If you really want to practice saving tires, remember that smooth throttle application is key. 👍