Create a Nation 4

  • Thread starter JMoney
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I don't trust AI nations, let alone ones in my path of expansion. Stormtrooper, want to tackle it with me?

Later, Quack. I need to conquer some territories and build up before I have a chance in hell of taking on another nation.

I will attempt to conquer Nevada. 51,000 troops have been sent out to take the area. Las Vegas is a Tourist paradise with tons of casinos and cheap buffets. How can I pass it up?

As well, construction builders are being sent out to repair the damages across California from the nukes that hit. Bakersfield, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, and San Diego will each recieve $1,000,000,000 to help repair the damages dealt by the nuclear weapon strikes from WWIII. LA is a smoking crater, so there's nothing I can do for over there.

Another $1,000,000,000 is going towards agriculture and livestock domestication, to increase food yields in order for population to grow.

Scientists and Engineers are working on a 50 kiloton nuclear weapon to persuade other nations not to attack the New Aztec Empire. $25,000,000,000 is going towards development. Hopefully research is completed as soon as possible and the weapon can be created in large numbers.

New Aztec Empire Nation Status (Week 1, 2020):

Territories: California
Population: 18,845,956
Current government and economy: Absolute Monarchy/Socialism
Money: $69,000,000,000
GDP: $9,000,000,000

Trade Partners:

United Caribbean Federation
New German Empire (diamonds for iron)


50 kt Nuclear Bomb: $25,000,000,000 investment.
Rebuilding of Bakersfield, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, and San Diego: $5,000,000,000
Agricultural/Livestock expansion: $1,000,000,000

Military Size: 90,000

Land: 72,500
Sea: 13,000
Air: 4,500

Military Distribution (Red means a territory is being attacked by my forces, Green means a territory of mine is under attack by another faction.):

California: 39,000 (20,000 land, 13,000 sea, 3,000 air)
Nevada: 51,000 (50,000 land, 1,000 air)
Yuma County, AZ: 3,000 (2,500 land, 500 air)​

(PS: Moderators should determine the length of research times, judged by the power of and money spent towards the research.)
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I just noticed Jahgee gave himself Liechestien.

Jahgee: That's not a random event, you are clearly abusing your power this is your ONLY warning, if you try that again you'll be stripped of your moderator rank. I override your random event, you have to go to war with Liechistien.
Storm, the game hasn't started yet. Also, noticed how Jahgee traded lil ole Luxembourg for Austria and Ploand?
Storm, the game hasn't started yet. Also, noticed how Jahgee traded lil ole Luxembourg for Austria and Ploand?

I thought that the game was supposed to start today.
The CSSAR would like a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Brazil.

The CSSAR MED (Military Engineering Department) is starting work on a concept blade gun. This is a high-power rifle that fires a 6 in. long knife blade with spring power. The gun will be cheap to produce, and will have devastating results on the battlefield.

Everybody: The number of troops a country has is equal to one percent of it's real life population, if you need to know how many troops you're fighting.

EDIT: Uhh...the game started when i posted the app?
So my invasion of Nevada involves my 51,000 against Nevada's 13,616. We outnumber the Nevadans over 3-to-1, giving us the advantage in numbers. No Marines (part of the Navy) were sent out in the invasion.

Our tactic will be to send 25,500 troops from Northern California and another 25,500 from Southern California to attack Nevada on both flanks bordering California. That way, the enemy will have no place to run, and will be sandwiched in by both attack forces and forced to surrender.

Awaiting a report on the invasion, including military and civilian casualties for both sides.
Everyone: Keep in mind that this game moves at 3.5 time a slower rate than in the old threads, so don't expect instant invasions. The invasions you guys are doing will usually take about three or four days of real-life.
Since my western border is stagnated *me and storm will tackle Texaco later* I will move up to DC first then. But, first things first; let's get trade going. Anyone want to trade and/or ally with me?

Also, how much would creating a 1,000 strong special force cost? *Rangers, duh*
Land list (3 to start with):New York, Vermont, Massachusetts
Capital: Warwick
Gov't type (democracy, republic, etc): Democratic
Economy Type (communist, capitalist, etc): Capitalism
Population (half of real-life, max. 20 million): 11339582
Current money ($100bn to start with): 100bn
GDP (25bn to start with): 25bn
Military size (2% of your population, max. 100,000): 100,000 (have too many)
Army: 33,334
Navy: 33,333
Air: 33,333
Military strengths (out of 100): I couldn't say.
Leader name: Juayi Aringh
Top Industries (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Agri. and Electronics
Extra: Name of Land is Nermotsets
Quack: Don't exactly know the cost, so I'll estimate at 50 million. If someone wants to figure that out, it would be appreciated.

Wanted land of the CSSAR (In order of priority)
All Central America
All South America
The Sun (for a tax on sunlight)

So yeah, the ultimate goal is a latino empire.
Yeah, because a country with 400 people wouldn't surrender with an army of 100,000 breathing down their throats :rolleyes:, I guess I'll send in an invasion force of 8,000 to needlessly conquer it. Random Event post to come into effect at 4 today, then one at midnight tonight
Ok, the Sun is overboard. How about 1 billion for the Rangers?

Also, trade is still open as I said.
USS Report

Territories: Florida, Georgia, Alabama

Population: 16,900,000

Money: 99 Billion

Army Division:

Florida: 20,000 Army, 10,000 Navy, 15,000 Air
Georgia: 17,500 Army, 6,000 Navy, 7,500 Air, 1,000 Rangers in training
Alabama: 5,000 Army, 4,000 Navy, 5,000 Air

Current Government: Mr. Anderson (President, Liberal) Congress (61 Conservatives, 39 Liberals) Supreme Court (7 Conservatives, 5 Liberals)

Trade: Benomia


Special Tech: None, None in development
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New Events Up

Territories: Germany, Poland, Austria
Population: 20,000,000
Current government and economy: Communistic Capitalism Imperial Monarcy
Money: $100,000,000,000
GDP: $25,250,000,000

Military Size: 100,000

Land: 50,000
Sea: 16,000
Air: 34,000

Government: 503 Representatives

Research: None Yet

Military Actions: Invasion of Liechtenstein by 8,000 troops
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Well, since the development race has started, the same goes for me.

Cold fusion is a proposed type of nuclear reaction that would occur at, or near, room temperature, compared with temperatures in the millions of degrees that is required for "hot" fusion. I am spending 20B on researching this technology, expected finishing date is about Summer 2025. (For a stable energy resource.)

If you think that one is too unrealistic, I got another one.

L11A5 Marksman Rifle + operating crew.
The L11A5 "Hawk" is a next generation rifle firing the .408 Cheytac round, with an effective range up to 3000M. It is a tad lighter than the current sniper rifles, and reliability test have so far shown great results.
A variant of the same rifle, the L11A6 "Falcon", is modified to use the 14.5x114mm round, a highly devastating Russian anti-material round, superior to the the .50BMG
The crew using this(these) weapon(s) is a highly trained two man squad.
Expected finishing is Winter 2020.
Mind adding a month and such Jmoney? kthnxbai.

Also, hope Mr. Anderson gets better. Well, I'll go heading up north tommorow.
Being that it appears we have started, it's time to restart middle-east polito-economic domination.

Current country status:

Land list : Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Eremites
Capital: Iram, Saudi Arabia
Economy Type: State property. The government owns everything. Private business is illegal.*
Population: 18.5 million
Current money: $100 billion
GDP: 26 billion
Military size: 10,000
Army: 5,000
Navy: 2,500
Air: 2,500
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 50
Navy: 25
Air: 25

The People's Republic of Benomia adopted a new system of labor this month, derived from the old system of Serfdom. It is basically slavery, but the slaves are paid and have their own land and family.

The government rolled out a new economic system today, which is communistic in it's essence but Marxist in it's practice. The people don't approve at first, but they will slowly become more accepting as they start to profit.

Founded in Dubai, UAE this month is Benomia's first corporation, Kronocor. Private enterprise is completely illegal, and this company is completely owned and operated by the Benomia government. They started drilling for oil in all three major sections of Benomia today. Export of oil is expected to begin sometime in the next six months.

Income tax for the wealthy has been raised to 97%, and for the not wealthy to 47%. However, the government supplies the population with most necessities, and as a result the county has an unemployment rate of about 70%. This number is expected to drop soon with the recent oil rush.

(Assuming nothing I just did is against the rules. Still not sure what exactly I can and cannot do.)

And one final thing, 4,000 foot soldiers and 1,000 air forcemen stand ready to invade southern Oman at any point.

EDIT: Benomia has invaded Oman. The entire military has been mobilized in addition to the 5,000 men that are already in it.
Nation name: Republic of New France
Land list (3 to start with): France, Monaco, Italy
Capital: Monte Carlo, Monaco
Gov't type (democracy, republic, etc): Republic
Economy Type (communist, capitalist, etc): Libertarian
Population (half of real-life, max. 20 million): 18 million
Current money ($100bn to start with): 100bn
GDP (25bn to start with): 25bn
Military size (2% of your population, max. 100,000): 1 million
Army: 500,000
Navy: 250,000
Air: 250,000
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 79
Navy: 64
Air: 80
Leader name: Dr. Harrison Larkins
Top Industries (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Entertainment, Automobiles
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So, nuclear war broke out, cities are in ruins, refugees are storming the lands, people are starving, dying, anarchy in the lands, and the first thing you guys want to make are weapons?
So, nuclear war broke out, cities are in ruins, refugees are storming the lands, people are starving, dying, anarchy in the lands, and the first thing you guys want to make are weapons?

This is the third game and you still haven't figured these guys out?
Silvernight, want to agree to not attack each other? Also, I intend on taking Switzerland
Did you read about my cold fusion post? That could save me billions on nuclear plants and would provide energy more efficiently!

Also, yeah, we gotta be able to defend and expand as well ya know ghs :lol:
Screw it. I'm going to join, but whatever nuclear 🤬 you guys want to make, count me out. I'm going to play this game in a realistic fashion.

Nation name: Osea
Land list (3 to start with): Sweden, Finland, Norway
Capital: Stockholm, Sweden
Gov't type (democracy, republic, etc): Federate Democracy
Economy Type (communist, capitalist, etc): Mixed economic system
Population (half of real-life, max. 20 million): 20,000,000
Current money ($100bn to start with): $100,000,000,000
GDP (25bn to start with): 25,000,000,000
Military size (2% of your population, max. 100,000): 100,000
Army: 35,000
Navy: 32,000
Air: 33,000
Military strengths (out of 100):
Army: 35
Navy: 30
Air: 35
Leader name: President (Current - Vincent Nilsson)
Top Industries (weapons, agriculture. Etc.): Aircraft, electronics, automotives, hydroelectric and solar power
Extra: Formed by mutual agreement between leaders of Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Each country has turned into a state, with each having its own government while a head government rests in Stockholm. The government is funding CleaNergy Industries which is researching and developing ways of getting cleaner energy through hydroelectric and solar power. Due to the cold climate, agriculture is limited. Volvo has become an important figure in the automotive industry, with them manufacturing safe and reliable cars at a relatively cheap price. Production of aircraft is also an important part of the economy. Swedish jet company Saab (yes, I've rebuilt them) produces new and efficient fighter jets and also commercial airliners. A very neutral country which isn't focusing on war or military development, more on prosperity and survival in hard times.

The main language is English (for easier translation) while each state also kept their traditional languages of Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish respectively.


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