Slightly Mad: GT5's damage isn't "quite so realistic"

  • Thread starter Tenma
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This guy is stupid:
"Actually, when the footage of Gran Turismo 5 came out of GamesCom with the doors flying off, we were all like 'what the ****? How are they able to do that?' But then we looked closer and saw that they had fitted a roll cage to the car, which is fine, but it's not quite so realistic. But to answer your question, yeah, hoods, bumpers and all that can come flying off in Shift."
Yeah, i forgot, a rollcage in a WRC car is unrealistic.
I don't get Slightly Mad Studios' guys
“But then we looked closer and saw that they had fitted a roll cage to the car, which is fine, but it’s not quite so realistic.”

I beg you pardon?
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This guy is stupid:

Yeah, i forgot, a rollcage in a WRC car is unrealistic.

LOL, really stupid, how can somebody like him be a journalist?...:dunce: developer
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Though this isn't the exact car from the trailer, last I checked, my eyesight was fine & that was a roll cage in the car added by Subaru, not PD.
and that's the rollcage from the demo.

What's unrealistic?

once again:
“But then we looked closer and saw that they had fitted a roll cage to the car, which is fine, but it’s not quite so realistic.”
I'm assuming they thought the door coming off was unrealistic, but they have to keep in mind that in a car like that, the door is just slightly more than some sheet metal so it still looks like a car.
I'm assuming they thought the door coming off was unrealistic, but they have to keep in mind that in a car like that, the door is just slightly more than some sheet metal so it still looks like a car.

No, he was talking about that manufacturers doesnt allow the devs to get the drivers safety zone damaged, so they were surprised that doors could fell off, but it was only logic since they put an unrealistic rollcage in the Subaru to "protect the driver". :lol:

EDIT: Full quote:
"We do as much as the manufacturers allow us to do, which is anything up to the point of encroaching the driver's safety zone, which means we can't tear the doors off.

"Actually, when the footage of Gran Turismo 5 came out of GamesCom with the doors flying off, we were all like 'what the ****? How are they able to do that?' But then we looked closer and saw that they had fitted a roll cage to the car, which is fine, but it's not quite so realistic. But to answer your question, yeah, hoods, bumpers and all that can come flying off in Shift."
And this is probably why damage will only be on race cars, they can do more damage to race cars than the civilian cars.
A nice way to make a fool out of yourself :)
Also a nice way to show that you are a fanboy for some other game and jealous because you can't find a flaw in GT5. Muhahahahaha
And this is probably why damage will only be on race cars, they can do more damage to race cars than the civilian cars.

I still have no idea where this idea came from, Kaz has said it once and it was badly translated at that.
Ya' know, because I'm decent enough to not draw the entire picture, all I'll say is it'd be funny if someone rushed up to him and said "Now see, that would not have happened had your vehicle had a roll cage - real enough for you?"

You draw the parallel. :P

I don't get some reviewers whether it be for games or movies (especially movies) they just analyze things in the most anal-type way possible.
Still having trouble understanding what's even remotely "unrealistic" about a roll cage.

On a WRC vehicle no less.

I don't know. Perhaps it has to do with the increased structural rigidity? :confused:
A reviewer or media didn't say this, the lead designer of slightly mad studios who are responsible for upcoming NFS Shift said it.
Still having trouble understanding what's even remotely "unrealistic" about a roll cage.
you're not the only one, I also checked the french site, the italian forum of hardwareupgrade, other sites with that little quotation and NOBODY knows what this is all about.
I think the guy was drunk or high when he said that.
Need for Speed is still (and will always be) Need for Speed xD
^I wonder if they would say wearing helmets in a WRC is unrealistic as well.

They are Need For Speed. They should be the last people to accuse something of being unrealistic.

It's like a KKK member calling Al Sharpton a racist...
^I wonder if they would say wearing helmets in a WRC is unrealistic as well.

They are Need For Speed. They should be the last people to accuse something of being unrealistic.

It's like a KKK member calling Al Sharpton a racist...

I liked that last part more than I should have. :lol:

Who knows, perhaps there's some sense of insecurity. I mean they are delving into territory that's pretty much "underground".
Remove the 'Slightly' from 'Slightly Mad Studios'

So do they allow roll cages to be fitted in the cars-gone-racecars in Shift?
its hard to keep the damage consistent. the main problem is trying to find a damage system that will keep all the car makers happy while still being somewhat realistic yet easy to deploy.
I'd just like to say, that as a devoted fan of Queen, that I am thoroughly offended that this developer has sullied the song "I'm Going Slightly Mad" by naming their company after it.
Guys! Need for Speed: Shift is not our enemy lol even if the developer said some random things. I still think the car would be badly disfigured even with a roll caged inside. But it is a demonstration of simplified damage so we know the full game will be better. :D

Forza's own Turn 10 has made mmmmmany more outrageous claims and false info to put the competition down. :(
I still have no idea where this idea came from, Kaz has said it once and it was badly translated at that.

I am talking about exterior damage just to make that clear, but it also comes from that list of features and the 170 "premium cars", many people assumed that this meant race cars.

Now of course I don't know for sure, but due to the given information it is reasonable to assume that this is the case. But we will find out for sure during TGS, so if non-race cars get exterior damage I can only be pleasantly surprised.
I'd just like to say, that as a devoted fan of Queen, that I am thoroughly offended that this developer has sullied the song "I'm Going Slightly Mad" by naming their company after it.

Don't let one bad apple spoil the lot: the guys at SMS are talented bunch. And most of them have been in the racing sim business since the days of GPL. While Andy Tudor, still a great PR despite the latest fiasco, isn't even listed on SMS team but the rest, guys like Doug Arnao and Ian Bell are the ones responsible for the GTR series etc. Here's from Andy's own Twitter page:

# Muhahaa, just found out Sony's announcement for Tokyo Game Show. Beast!7:00 AM Sep 3rd from TwitterFon
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