GT5 Could be delayed again for an early 2011 launch

  • Thread starter GrandCobra
Yesterday Sony held a conference discussing their sales results for the Q3 of 09 and what not but when asked about how their Q4 software forecast for 2010 met with internal targets they had previously set. Their answer went like this:

"In fourth quarter we are seeing an underachievement of the target by ¥20b. One reason is the delay in the launch of Gran Turismo [5]. We were originally scheduled to launch Gran Turismo [5] this year but it looks more likely that it will be after 2010 so that’ll be a significant factor."

So it looks like GT5 won't be out until 2011 or 2012 or maybe just maybe early 2013 lol.
I'm not surprised in the least. So far they have announced 1 release date and they have delayed the game once. That is a 100% acheivement. Well done Sony.
"Sony. No Baloney"

This is truly crazy. Anyone up for getting half of the game in the next 2 months or so, and the 2nd half when its done?

Overall, I think they need to find the companies that makes games for them, and see if they've made any profit for them whatsoever. If they're new, that's expected of course, but if they've been with the PS3 since launch, and have only taken more money then resourced- give 'em the old boot I'd say.
Seems like a miss translate to me, they may have meant they expected GT5 to be released this year (This finacial year which ends after march) "it looks more likely that it will be after this year (we are still in 2009 financial year) so that’ll be a significant factor."

Sounds to me like a finacial year translation error, this is a Financial Conference which speaks in financial years not calander years.
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Yeah this really is getting ridiculous. Kaz did say he could release it any time, I guess he just forgot to mention it would be very unfinished if he did so. Either way i'm buying the game used, as childish as it may seem.

Me doing so is based off this statement "Sony are feeling the financial pain of Kaz’s failure to reach a point where he is satisfied with the game." which gives me the impression that the game is nowhere near completion.

If it's the other way around and sony are just holding back to realease it at a better date, i'm still buying it used and not contributing directly. So I guess i'll be buying it used either way.
"This year" more than likely refers to the Japanese fiscal year (which ends 31st March).

looks more likely that it will be after 2010

Possibly lost in translation. That one little word makes a big difference.

*edit* - Beaten
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Agreed with above - "Next Year" means FY2010 - ie April 2010 onwards.

Reason - look at the text in context

In fourth quarter we are seeing an underachievement of the target by ¥20b. One reason is the delay in the launch of Gran Turismo [5]. We were originally scheduled to launch Gran Turismo [5] this year but it looks more likely that it will be after 2010 so that’ll be a significant factor.

ie 2009Q4 underachieving- that is NOW. So, they had planned a 2009Q4 release...

This also pretty much confirms that it is not Sony marketing that is delaying the game. KY / PD and production issues are the source of the delay, as orginally stated by Sony. the game simply isn't done or isn't right.

Sony's financials are being very badly hurt by the delay. It is amazing to see that PS3 software is 20 billion yen down on the quarter, and Sony group as a whole is forecasting a 30 billion Yen loss for the whole year.

KY must be in a very uncomfortable place
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Agreed with above - "Next Year" means FY2010 - ie April 2010 onwards.

Reason - look at the text in context

ie 2009Q4 underachieving- that is NOW. So, they had planned a 2009Q4 release...

Hope you are right :scared:
The only reason I don't have an xbox360 and fm3 is because M$ are idiots too and the box does not support my G25.

WTF??? That will be me down another 100-odd quid on a new wheel? I should bill Sony. 500 bucks I spent on a game that never materialised :grumpy:
Hope you are right :scared:

It makes sense, we still are in the 2009 financial year which Sony clearly expected to get a big boost from GT5, which has attributed to it's lower than expected income. Now it's been delayed until the next year (2010 finacial year).

WTF??? That will be me down another 100-odd quid on a new wheel? I should bill Sony. 500 bucks I spent on a game that never materialised :grumpy:

If you're willing to use the crappy MS official wheel, otherwise you will need much more than 100 quid for a proper wheel that supports FM3 (Fanatec Turbo S)
It makes sense, we still are in the 2009 financial year which Sony clearly expected to get a big boost from GT5, which has attributed to it's lower than expected income. Now it's been delayed until the next year (2010 finacial year).

Yea it makes sense. Let's keep it this way 👍
Seems like a miss translate to me, they may have meant they expected GT5 to be released this year (This finacial year which ends after march) "it looks more likely that it will be after this year (we are still in 2009 financial year) so that’ll be a significant factor."

Sounds to me like a finacial year translation error, this is a Financial Conference which speaks in financial years not calander years.

I think same:tup:
Calm down guys... as has been said, they are referring to fiscal reporting periods, not calendar years.. it's just accountant speak.

Means nothing in relation to when GT5 will launch beyond it won't be before March 31st 2010.
You know I get a satisfied feeling in my belly knowing Sony are making a loss the longer it takes to come out. I shouldn't feel this way bur I do.
Me too. I'm also picturing execs being forced to commit hari kiri and it takes the edge off my frustration. (probably because my entire experience of Japanes culture comes from watching too many martial arts movies as a kid)
This is good news. Assuming Sony aren't playing games (?), it would indicate that they are as deperate as we are for the game to be finished. Better that we are waiting for PD to finish it rather than it be a pawn in Sony's marketing plan (although I guess it still could be!).
I think it gives more credence to the notion that PD are holding things back, not Sony forcing them too..

Although I would imagine that if PD are delaying until the summer, Sony may then just wish to wait until Q4 2010 for financial reasons..
In that case KY should be made to throw himself upon his own sword. For failing to uphold the honour of the Sony Zaibatsu!
Although I would imagine that if PD are delaying until the summer, Sony may then just wish to wait until Q4 2010 for financial reasons..

That would be the worry.

The quote, if it is translated corretly, does state the release is looking more likely after 2010 (financial year). Might this indicate that it truely is nearly finished?????
GT5 is an important game for Sony, but it won't be the golden egg that saves their gaming division. For that to happen they need to sell a lot more consoles and PSP's.
I take 'After 2010' as 'After the start of 2010'. That makes no sense, to have a March release date and then to push it back another year.

It is referring to the fact they were preparing for a Q4 2009 release, so i'm going to assume the delay is in relation to that.

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