the only reason i don't have an xbox360 and fm3 is because m$ are idiots too and the box does not support my g25.
the only reason i don't have an xbox360 and fm3 is because m$ are idiots too and the box does not support my g25.
Although really does make you wonder, what could be holding the game up?
The only reason I don't have an xbox360 and fm3 is because M$ are idiots too and the box does not support my G25.
Out of interest who's fault is the G25 not working thing? M$, Logitec or Turn10?
Hope you are right![]()
Guys, I think it's time that we all got together and wrote letters to Kaz.
Polite letters mind you, expressing our passion for the game and the desire to see it released. We want a great game, we appreciate his efforts at making a great game.. but ultimately the Gran Turismo series has always been great to us, even if it doesn't live up to his expectations. Bottom line, we want a game, we want to immerse ourselves.
Out of interest who's fault is the G25 not working thing? M$, Logitec or Turn10?
Set it up my friend.. there is a LARGE community who have been waiting a bit too long, and while you are at it.. adress sony as well because this time i think they are handling the release date all the way.
Same reason as why M$ did not put rechargeable batteries in the pads- so they can sell you overpriced battery packs and an overpriced battery charge power cable. Same as why they did not put in a wifi antena, same as why they make you pay for internet-$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
That is not the tragedy, M$ have been like that for decades. The sad thing is SONY are starting to act the same way. My biggest argument for the ps3 over xbox was that SONY are not like M$. Now I just don't know.
Maybe PD's production issues are a major server crash and they have to re-write half of the code again - or reproduce the digital assets.
There can be no other reason why this doesn't come out in 2010.
Sony wants full profit.. the only reason.
Gran Turismo 5... the new Duke Nukem.
Seriously it seems like sony don't want to promote this freaking game like it doesn't exist.
Me doing so is based off this statement "Sony are feeling the financial pain of Kazs failure to reach a point where he is satisfied with the game."
IMO, and I stick by it..
The reason we aren't getting anything, above all else, is that PD/Sony still don't know what the final game will be.. simple as..
I know people will think this is idiocy, and well, it's based on my interpretation of the events in the last 12 months, I really think GT5 development is way behind what anyone expected.
- PSP GT was rushed in the end, since it was supposed to be a PSP seller, I'm sure PD would have had to get as much resource on it as possible to hit that deadline, and in the end fell quite short in the SP mode, which I'm sure was a feature down exercise. That resource push would have taken away quite a lot from GT5 IMO, I don't care about the technicalities of they might have used 200 contractors etc, the fact is, GT PSP wasn't a full game, and the deadline was the PSPgo.. this shows how badly out PD can get on these things.
- The lack of E3 showing of GT5, it was all GT PSP, we all thought it was to not over-shadow GT PSP, but as it turns out, GT5 was miles away
- TT Demo - Honestly, at this 90% stage of the game, just a track and two cars where required, and it turns out to be some hybrid of stuff with just the physics being mentioned as more towards GT5, We had the Demo booths with a totally different graphics build (Seemingly), it doesn't make sense if you are close to completion that you would have to bodge a build together.
- The fact the Kaz has been motorsporting around the world, attending all automotive events you can think of and generally not being at PD cracking the whip, if it truly was 90% completed and in final polishing, then fair enough, but in reality, it's now quite late, and clearly the project management has failed somewhere along the lines.
- The demo's are constantly cited as not being representative of the final thing, audio/graphics/physics/AI.. Is anyone really believing that all those aspects are being finalised right at the end of development? I don't think so.
There are many more reasons I think PD are really struggling, and can't guarantee a final product's feature set, but the bottom line is until they know themselves, we can't possibly be told..
Sony must feel like us![]()