GT5 Could be delayed again for an early 2011 launch

  • Thread starter GrandCobra
IMO, and I stick by it..

The reason we aren't getting anything, above all else, is that PD/Sony still don't know what the final game will be.. simple as..

I know people will think this is idiocy, and well, it's based on my interpretation of the events in the last 12 months, I really think GT5 development is way behind what anyone expected.

- PSP GT was rushed in the end, since it was supposed to be a PSP seller, I'm sure PD would have had to get as much resource on it as possible to hit that deadline, and in the end fell quite short in the SP mode, which I'm sure was a feature down exercise. That resource push would have taken away quite a lot from GT5 IMO, I don't care about the technicalities of they might have used 200 contractors etc, the fact is, GT PSP wasn't a full game, and the deadline was the PSPgo.. this shows how badly out PD can get on these things.
- The lack of E3 showing of GT5, it was all GT PSP, we all thought it was to not over-shadow GT PSP, but as it turns out, GT5 was miles away
- TT Demo - Honestly, at this 90% stage of the game, just a track and two cars where required, and it turns out to be some hybrid of stuff with just the physics being mentioned as more towards GT5, We had the Demo booths with a totally different graphics build (Seemingly), it doesn't make sense if you are close to completion that you would have to bodge a build together.
- The fact the Kaz has been motorsporting around the world, attending all automotive events you can think of and generally not being at PD cracking the whip, if it truly was 90% completed and in final polishing, then fair enough, but in reality, it's now quite late, and clearly the project management has failed somewhere along the lines.
- The demo's are constantly cited as not being representative of the final thing, audio/graphics/physics/AI.. Is anyone really believing that all those aspects are being finalised right at the end of development? I don't think so.

There are many more reasons I think PD are really struggling, and can't guarantee a final product's feature set, but the bottom line is until they know themselves, we can't possibly be told..

Well thought out and reasoned and who knows you could be spot on.

Incidentally do I know you from another game forum?
If GT5 falls to 2011 I believe KY owes us a public apology. The first couple of "delays" were not really delays since no release date had been officially mentioned. But with this recent set we have gotten and official March JP release date detracted and now 2011. Thats simply unacceptable. You do not go and say March when in fact 2011 is possible. If Kojima can apologize so can KY.
GTRA- Gran Turismo Rebel Alliance.

Invade Polyphony Digital Headquarters.
Obtain sensitive materials.
Extract software data carrier package.

GT5 is an important game for Sony, but it won't be the golden egg that saves their gaming division. For that to happen they need to sell a lot more consoles and PSP's.

What makes you think that the golden egg will be a game or additional console sales?

I was sent a survey invitation by Sony Playstation, conducted by Ipsos Access Panels, in which the sole purpose was to see whether or not I would be willing to pay a subscription for online gaming and content.

An extra £1 for some rain anyone? £2 in the meter to power up the circuit lights for night racing? 💡:dopey:
There's nothing stopping you putting your own rechargeable batteries in there though is there. And who would have thought it, a commercial company wanting to make money. Don't remember Sony giving me my PS3 for free when I bought it.

Did SONY make you buy new video cables every time they release a console? Did sony make you pay $100 for a tiny 60gb HDD? Did sony charge you $100 for a wireless adapter? Did sony make their system incompatible with most 3rd party hardware?
GTRA- Gran Turismo Rebel Alliance.

Invade Polyphony Digital Headquarters.
Obtain sensitive materials.
Extract software data carrier package.


Reporting for duty.

Did SONY make you buy new video cables every time they release a console?
It's only recently that the 360 doesn't come with HD cables in the box, at launch the PS3 had no HD cable, the 360 came with component cables.. the only 360 not to come with a HD lead is the newest Elites.. that is all

Did sony make you pay $100 for a tiny 60gb HDD?
Did sony charge you $100 for a wireless adapter?
No, they force me to have them, and charge a fortune for the thing.. I don't want wireless, it's crap for gaming.
Do sony let me spend less and buy a PS3 without wireless and a HDD?

Did sony make their system incompatible with most 3rd party hardware?
This is a good one.. However I think it is simply because Sony had no steering wheel, had no wireless headsets, that they had to allow HID/BT profiles to work or face having a system with no peripherals available. Believe me, if they had more time etc, they'd have locked it down and charged us..
They do still charge licensing for third party controllers etc, but we have benefitted from them not being on the ball from the start, allowing a more open system.. But I maintain that wasn't for our benefit, but a necessity on Sony's behalf.

The thing is, I don't feel ripped off by either side, I've not regretted any of my 3 PS3's I've had to date, or 2 360's... I wish somethings where different, but I don't mind at all, I just enjoy them both...
Did SONY make you buy new video cables every time they release a console? Did sony make you pay $100 for a tiny 60gb HDD? Did sony charge you $100 for a wireless adapter? Did sony make their system incompatible with most 3rd party hardware?

Whoa. Step away from the keyboard soldier!! You need some time in the cooler!! Calm down mate, no need to keep fighting the good fight lol

As for your questions no they didn't. But then neither did MS. I simply used one of the HDMI cables I already had, my elite came with a 120GB HDD so didn't need to buy one, they charged me £30 for my wireless adapter, there is enough third party hardware to keep me happy. And just for your info, if on an MS themed forum somebody had an equally stupid go at Sony or the PS3 I would react in exactly the same way. There is room in my world for two great consoles or more as and when they are released.
I think its time for: 'Shoot the messanger' Yeah and this time its me.

Play Asia has removed GT5 from the coming in March/April 2010(Japan) time frame.

Both the US and Japan versions have been relocated to the end of the list after Dec 2010(calendar) .........tba

I know Amazon isn't always correct but they are suppose to get their release dates from the vendors. That being said, Amazon has GT5 being released November of 2010.

When they have the release dates.

Once again, retailer release dates are rough guesses to try and drive pre-orders. They only know the official release date when it gets announced publicly.


This thread is stupid, mis-leading and needs closing.
If GT5 falls to 2011 I believe KY owes us a public apology. The first couple of "delays" were not really delays since no release date had been officially mentioned. But with this recent set we have gotten and official March JP release date detracted and now 2011. Thats simply unacceptable. You do not go and say March when in fact 2011 is possible. If Kojima can apologize so can KY.
Thank God someone said it.
Yeah, lets take a break. I have a back log of games that need starting/finishing.

Are they Racing sims by any chance? I recently bought the DFGT for GT5 and now it looks as if it's a waste of money.

What is a good game to use this wheel for? Is Race Pro out on PS3?
Are they Racing sims by any chance? I recently bought the DFGT for GT5 and now it looks as if it's a waste of money.

What is a good game to use this wheel for? Is Race Pro out on PS3?

No RP is only on 360 and is still full of too many bugs to be a serious contender. One of the biggest missed opurtunities in console gaming. Could have been epic as the handling model is v good. The next Superstars V8 game is due out this month. I played the 360 demo the other evening and it seemed much improved on the original which was pretty bad. However, the demo had a horrible deadzone at the centre of the wheel so it was hard to draw any great conclusions but if they have a full set of wheel options to alter deadzones etc I will probably pick up a copy. Other than that, there's not much racing fare on the horizon.
PD should really hire another 100 people for the game development!

Also I agree, this thread is nonsense.
Luckily for me I haven't bought a PS3, yet. Although, I am going to get one in March when FFXIII comes out.
How this is relevant to GT though is that I haven't played GT5: Prologue yet. So in an essence; I'll get to play that game until whenever GT5 actually comes, so the pain in waiting will be much less for me. I still play GT4 regularly now (after not playing it since '06 or so though) and have been satisfied with that. GT4 still proves to be an amazing game, even 5 years after its release.
Sony wants full profit.. the only reason.

This would be the only reason I think. You figure Kaz saying he can release it anytime. But since Sony wants to profit from it they want to delay the release when they know its will sell a whole lot of PS3 when they do release GT5. What better way than to do it at the same time. I guess they will have to change the art cover for the box since the SLS is going to be old too.
You know I get a satisfied feeling in my belly knowing Sony are making a loss the longer it takes to come out. I shouldn't feel this way bur I do.
No, you shouldn't feel this way. Sony taking a loss means people lose their jobs. Glad that makes you feel better. And if it were to be bad enough then the GT series could either be canned altogether or handed to another development team that just pumps out lifeless sequels every year or two. How would that make you feel?

Me too. I'm also picturing execs being forced to commit hari kiri and it takes the edge off my frustration. (probably because my entire experience of Japanes culture comes from watching too many martial arts movies as a kid)
In that case KY should be made to throw himself upon his own sword. For failing to uphold the honour of the Sony Zaibatsu!
You also shouldn't be feeling better about imagining someone killing themselves because you didn't get a freaking video game when you wanted it.

Wishing/fantasizing financial and/or physical harm on someone over a video game is a sure sign of just how horrible some of the Gran Turismo fanbase has become. Saying I am a GT fan and then seeing you guys come along is as bad as me trying to support the tea party movement just to see Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck show up.

Considering this latest extension of "Same old Sony", I'm more convinced than ever GT5 should have been released bearing the similar structure as the sequels, with GTNASCAR and GTWRC to follow as separate games.

Unreal! Obviously you can't have game sales of any game unless it can be released.

To me its glaringly evident there is just too much content to pack into one game and maintain any reasonable, bearable, or normal time frame of release.
I am not sure how you have figured any of this has to do with content. If they were truly shooting for a March release date I would guess something turned up in testing, as they should have been closing in on gold status at the time of the delay.
Serious... man, why they keep feeding us with demos, videos and footages of the ****** game if they dont plan launch it until 2011 ? That dont make sense to me.

To keep our interest :dunce:

When they have the release dates.

Once again, retailer release dates are rough guesses to try and drive pre-orders. They only know the official release date when it gets announced publicly.

Thanks, I figured somebody knew more about it than me :D

This thread is stupid, mis-leading and needs closing.

I agree totally!
People losing their jobs does not make me happy but they are making a loss nontheless. Maybe better forward planning is in order for future productions and maybe they will keep their jobs.
These delays which look like are being caused by Sony could actually be a hidden blessing that allows KY to polish and add other features that may have missed the game if it was released earlier than KY wanted due to fan demand. Just maybe we may finally get skid marks!! hehe

(PS my therapist always advised me to turn a negative into a positive as it helps with my recovery lol)