• Thread starter ErikAndre71

Welcome to the third season of the Intercontinental GT500 Championship. After two successful and exciting seasons, we are more than pleased go on for a third season of this exhilarating championship.

[post=7080122]Season 4[/post]


TBD| TBD | Laps: 0 | TBD | - | 8:00PM UTC |
Click for the time in your area.

Success ballast

Congratulation to IMMORTALPILOT for winning round 12 at Nürburgring 24h and the Championship


Time of Race: Saturdays | 20:00 UTC

Tuning: Check [post=6298726]car specs.[/post]
Mandatory Pit Stop: 1
Cars: No more than two competitors assigned to a car. No car changing once the official season starts.
Race Length/Distance: Equivalent of 1 hour of racing. 1hr30mins for endurance races

Regulation Settings
Car Restriction: Super GT500 Class
Tyres: Drivers discretion (Racing Soft is limited to one stint *)
ABS: Drivers discretion
Traction Control: OFF
Active Steering: OFF
Skid Recovery Force: OFF
Driving Line: OFF

Event Settings
Game Mode: Normal Race
Start type: Grid start with false start check.
Boost: No
Visible Damage: Off
Slipstream Strength: Weak
Grip Reduction on Wet Track/Track Edge: Real
Laps: Track dependent
Grid Order: Fastest First
Penalty: None
Race Finish Delay: 180 (max)
Mechanical Damage: Light
Tyre/Fuel Depletion: On

Success Ballast
60kg for 1st place,
40kg for 2nd place
20kg for 3rd place
Ballast can accumulate over races.

Room Settings
Race Type: Race for Real
Race Quality: high
Chat Quality: Disabled**
Text messages in game after the race have started is prohibited unless its important messages. This way Important messages wont disappears in spam messages.**

*Disqualification for those who ignore this rule.
**We offer a TeamSpeak server for voice chat and text chat.​





  1. Arkano6 (Founder/Steward)
  2. ErikAndre71 (Event Director/Steward/Capable host)
  3. Maxitsu (Steward)
  4. Skengdigi (Steward)


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Only the listed premium GT500 cars are eligible for the ICGTC. We use the PURE GT500 Specs 1.0 as a base to our car specs, but adjusted for our staged entry to the track.

Availability list:


Lexus ENEOS SC430

Crossed out cars are are full on drivers for the season.


Bhp: 518
Weight: 1130 kg
PP: 607 (With Full Aero)
PL: 100%
Allowed mods: Rigidity Improvement


Bhp: 512
Weight: 1100 kg
PP: RAYBRIG: 606 | TAKATA DOME/ARTA: 607 (With Full Aero)
Allowed Mods: Turbo Stage 2, Rigidity Improvement

Bhp: 532
Weight: 1150
PP: 607 (With Full Aero)
PL: 99,7%
Allowed Mods: Turbo Stage 2, Rigidity Improvement


Bhp: 512
Weight: 1130 kg
PP: 609 (With Full Aero)
PL: 95,1%
Allowed Mods: Turbo Stage 2, Rigidity Improvement

Bhp: 522
Weight: 1100 kg
PP: 607 (With Full Aero)
PL: 93,8%
Allowed Mods: Turbo Stage 2, Rigidity Improvement

Lexus ENEOS SC430
Bhp: 532
Weight: 1100 kg
PP: 610 (With Full Aero)
PL: 98,9%
Allowed Mods: Turbo Stage 2, Rigidity Improvement

Bhp: 522
Weight: 1100 kg
PP: 604 (With Full Aero)
PL: 97,2%
Allowed Mods: Engine Stage 3, Rigidity Improvement

If your GT5 doesn't show BHP, but HP this is how it will look

512BHP = 520HP
518BHP = 526HP
522BHP = 530HP
532BHP = 540HP


First of all, every member who signs up for this championship should have read and fully understand the GTPlanet AUP and OLR. We expect racers to be sensible both on and off the track, as well as being clean on the track. You must be able to distinguish between a gap that exists, and a gap that doesn’t exist.

We shouldn't have to explain the simples rules of overtaking, so we wont. It is all covered in the OLR.
But we’ll provide a ‘brief’ overview of what we expect to see on track.

1. Overtaking
Just because you’re quicker, doesn't mean you’re going to pass the car in front at the next corner, he has a right to defend as much as you do to attack. Always remember that the race isn’t won on the first lap. Wait for an opportunity to present itself and take the overtake. If a driver out breaks himself into a corner, you are free to attempt that over take, likewise when generally overtaking, if your car is at least next to the drivers window of the car you are attempting to overtake, you are free to continue on that line.

If you’re going to ride some one's bumper, make sure you know the effect of slip streaming and how that funnels into early braking for corners, infact this is a general rules everyone should know about, but sadly some people ‘forget’. When following another car in a slipstream (For example, going into Turn 1 at Fuji) you will need to do one of two things; (A) Break early to avoid a collision. (B) You are close enough to attempt an overtake and will move to the inside line.

2. Defending
You’re defending your position, so chances are the guy behind you is quicker than you right now. But that’s no problem, because you have the advantage of choosing your line through every corner. But that doesn’t mean you can go wide into a corner and then slam the door shut by swerving back in 3 inches in-front of the car behind you. Make sure you know where the guy behind you is, if you know he’s going for an overtake then remember to leave room for him either on the outside or inside of the corner.

When the car behind you is in your slipstream, it is considered incredibly rude and unsportsmanlike to swerve all over the track to break the slipstream. The ICGTC follows the ‘One Move Rule’ where you can make one legitimate move whilst defending a line (This may be moving from the outside, to the inside of a corner forcing your competitor to take a slower line). Equally, learn how to out-smart your opponent. If he has your slipstream into a slow corner (Turn 1 at Fuji for example) try to brake early, or at your usual braking point instead of braking late to compensate for his slipstream. He’s going to brake early anyway, and if he doesn’t then he’ll go wide and you’ll have had the quicker line through the corner.

3. Cutting Corners
This one is quite simple. At least two wheels must remain in contact with the track at all times possible. Curbs are counted as part of the track. That green asphalt you see just behind the curb? That’s not part of the track. Those handy white lines they paint at the edge of the tracks are what defines the track edges.

4. Racing in a pack
This is where most people usually screw up. When racing in a group of three cars or more, it is imperative that you remember to brake early for corners or move off-line to avoid contact with the car in front of you. Failure to do so could result in a penalty for dangerous driving.

When racing in a pack where all competitors are producing, what would appear to be similar pace, there is no need to try and jump through every gap on every corner. Sit back, let the battle wear out whilst you preserve your tyres a bit and analyse where each opponent is weakest so that you can capitalise on those weaknesses when you attempt to move forward. That doesn’t mean to say you can’t overtake of course! This is simply to stop people causing accidents by not being sensible.

5. Race Starts
When qualify comes to the end everyone will go back to the pit as we will start the race from pit, the grid position will not change due to this. We will now allow a 30 second tyre change by going back out in the lounge. Tyre change will have to be done by Driving Option as going into settings is not allowed. This will help us if it starts to rain during qualify and to be able to qualify on soft and start the race on medium or hard tyres.
To reset track position and to ensure we start in the order of who got the fastest time everyone needs to go back into lounge and back to pit. Do not enter track.
We use the grid start with false start check in the ICGTC, because it makes for exciting race starts. The most important thing to remember about a race start, is that you have 15 other people around you, you need to make sure you don’t ruin their races on the first lap. As much as they need to make sure they don’t ruin yours.

6. Lapping
When being lapped, it is mandatory that you let the lapping car past you. There’s no need to pull over and slam the brakes, if you’re fighting for position then it’s a lot harder to let a lapping car through and we understand that. But if a lapping car is right behind you, go wide at the next corner, or just move off line to allow them past. Equally, when lapping a car in front of you, make sure to give them some room, don’t pressure them into a mistake or barge your way through.

7. Qualifying
Qualifying for each race will take place on the day of the race, and will last 30 minutes. Any success ballast must be applied before the qualifying.

The room will be open for hours for practice, 10 minutes before the qualify start the room host will leave the private lounge we practice in to set up the race lobby. (open lobby with fixed ownership) After 3-5 minutes you can then rejoin the lobby.

From this point it is not allowed to enter car settings, so you should have your ballast and car specs done already. We will now check car by car on to the track with each cars specs (weight and BHP test) to ensure everyone uses the allowed specs.

If a driver does not arrive 11-minutes before the race starts, it will be assumed that he is not coming unless someone has informed a steward otherwise.

8. Success Ballast
A driver who finishes in first place, will receive 60kg of ballast, second place will receive 40kg of ballast and third place will receive 20kg of ballast.

Success ballast will work on a ‘half on’ ‘half off’ system. Basically, if you as a driver finish first in one race, you will receive the full 60kg, but if you finish outside of the podium at your next race, you will be able to half the amount of ballast you have, lowering it from 60, down to 30, then if you miss the podium at the next race after that, you will remove all ballast. Equally however, if you finish on the podium again in third place, you would receive half the amount of third place ballast, as extra ballast. Increasing your overall ballast to 70kg of ballast.

When the championship reaches round 11 of season two, all competitors who have ballast will be allowed to halve their ballast. When the championship reaches round 12 of season two, all competitors may remove all of their ballast.

If you miss a race, ballast will still be applied to your next available race.

9. Tyre Compound Rule
We have limited the use of the Racing Soft compound to only one stint. This means you can only use them once during the race. Rest is at your discretion, you can choose to use all other compounds. This doesn't mean you have to use the soft, but are free to use them once.

10. Your Internet
We expect you to do what it takes to make the best of your internet connection and we will like to see that everyone racing in this championship doesn't have NAT3

If you do have NAT3 and still wants to join there are easy ways of getting NAT2, but it do require some work on your router and your PS3.

Also if your PS3 say you have NAT2 and your UPnP comes up with anything else than "available" and you did not forwarded the ports in your router you will have to do it. If not you have what we call a fake NAT2 and it could cause problems.

You can find some useful help here: LINK

TCP: 80, 443, 5223
UDP: 3478, 3479, 3658, 5658

The numbers marked red I do believe belong to remote b-spec racing, as port 80 normally is for web pages, and 443 is normally SSL or Secure Sockets Layer and is a commonly-used protocol for managing the security of a message transmission on the Internet. If your not running a web server in your network its safe to open them and you can access your remote b-spec from outside your home, but it doesn't affect us when playing in a private lounge.

11. Staged Entry
Since we use different specs for each car we will do a entry check of every car onto the track. This means that when we are about to qualify we will check every car. Make sure your car follow the specs listed under cars. If you have Success ballast this should be added by this time. Going into settings menu after this will only slow things down as we will have to redo the test. We expect everyone to understand how this is done to make this as painless as possible. If there are anything unclear please ask before we are about to start.


  • Penalties will be handed out when the situation calls for it. If you see an incident you wish to be looked over, send a PM on GTPlanet to a steward and they will review the replay (please include what lap it happened on and who the victim/accused was). Penalties can be handed out for a number of offences, ranging from dangerous driving to holding up a car trying to lap you.
  • Race Disqualification: This will occur for gross misconduct. I.e. not following the given car specs, not pitting, etc.
  • 10 -25 second penalty: Dangerous driving, causing multiple incidents, etc.
  • 50 second penalty: Absurd dangerous driving, causing totally avoidable incidents, etc.
  • Point deductions: Your points can be reduced or deducted from the next available race if needed.
  • **IMPORTANT**: Leaving the room without a satisfactory reason will result in a 5-10 point deduction at your next race. If you want to give up, park your car and stay until race is finished.
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And with the two worst result removed






Pole position = 1 point
Fastest lap = 1 point

Points system explained

Upon completing 75% of total race distance, if a driver disconnects he is entitled to the full amount of points for the last available racing position in that race plus any bonus points he received prior to disconnecting (if 16 players players are in the room, he will receive points for 16th postition.

Only 10 out of the 12 race results will count. At the end of the season, your lowest points scores will be dropped (If you miss two races, then nothing can be dropped).​
*All of this is subject to change at any time or date.
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[post=7080122]Season 4[/post]

To sign up, post this in the thread:
PSN: (your psn)
Car: (One of the available cars)
Real Name: Optional
Controller: (your controler or wheel)
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Signup for our first pre season race 10th of December


To sign up. Quote this message and remove the quote tags, then add your name.
I dont think it is legal to use another league's car specs... Unless you have asked for permission to do so.
Cool stuff. I finish Uni for the year tomorrow so I'll get chance to try out the new car specs Friday and Saturday.
Something really important about the penalties, anyone quitting the race without being DC'd, should receive extra point penalties, losing that race points is not enough punishment for me.It ruins also the fun everyone that races too!
Something really important about the penalties, anyone quitting the race without being DC'd, should receive extra point penalties, losing that race points is not enough punishment for me.It ruins also the fun everyone that races too!

i think penalty wouldnt be enough.. he who quits should be disqualified from next race. if he wants to quit the whole time and nag about a litle hit that wasnt with meant to he shouldnt even race
I don't think leaving the race should entail a race disqualification, however I am more than happy to implement more strict points penalties for quitters without DC.

If someone really wants to quit the race, just part to the side of the track far away from being able to cause any issues.

Good work on the thread btw 👍
Yeah Erik nice job as always 👍 Really great that our specs are starting to become a nice standard with WSGTC possibly using them as well.

I know you all will have a great time.

Signup for our first pre season race 10th of December


To sign up. Quote this message and remove the quote tags, then add your name.
Signup for our first pre season race 10th of December


To sign up. Quote this message and remove the quote tags, then add your name.

woo hoo, new participant!!!
How is it going??
Welcome 👍
I don't think leaving the race should entail a race disqualification, however I am more than happy to implement more strict points penalties for quitters without DC.

If someone really wants to quit the race, just part to the side of the track far away from being able to cause any issues.

Good work on the thread btw 👍
It would be best if anyone wants to not finish the race park their car. If they leave when we do races in a open lobby we will most likely get random people joining and leaving the rest of the race.
I fear I would not go silent if I have to look at that pop up for 30 laps or more :P

Yeah Erik nice job as always 👍 Really great that our specs are starting to become a nice standard with WSGTC possibly using them as well.

I know you all will have a great time.


After testing the specs on different setup and different tracks they do look very promising. And we will give you feedback when we all have tried it out more. It's promising if more than one league is using them.
And yes we will have fun, like you guys in PURE also will have :)

[Signed up].

I guess a welcome is in order!

I took that as a sign up for our league not only one race.
i wont be making the first pre season race but will be around for the 2nd.
looking forward to this season, the new rule changes look good
How many laps for suzuka race ?

Going to love the strategies between medium n soft tyre this season .

Most will start on medium but I'm sure some will start on soft as well , should be great times.
30 laps for Suzuka (pre season race) is my best bet, could fast go into being a endurance race if it start rain a lot. I was all the way into 2:20 with 100% standing water last time I tested.
Not sure which car I will use , I think it will be the yellowhat supra but we will see
Are we keeping the rule about the tyres you qualify on, you start on. If somebody chooses to start on softs then it rains at the end of qualy, I would sense some arguments and rule-breaking.