VCRC *Jaguar E-TYPE Coupe ‘61 @ Monte Carlo* **congrats to dsgerbc!!**

United States
Vintage Car Race Club
Jaguar E-TYPE Coupe ‘61 @ Monte Carlo



Sunday, 15th April
11:30am US PDT / 2:30pm US EDT / 18:30 UTC / 7:30pm BST / 8:30pm CEST


Duration: Approximately 1 hour

Time until event:

Jaguar E-TYPE Coupe ‘61
sports hard tires
tuning: prohibited
Allowed: oil change, engine rebuild, chassis restoration, wheel rims, & paint

20 laps @ Cote d’Azur (2.08 miles)

Race Regulations:
All aids off except ABS & Driving Line (driver's choice)
penalty off
damage light
slipstream weak
grip real
tire wear on
boost off
grid start, fastest first

please familiarize yourself
with these rules prior to event
Race Stewards:
CC570 / CC570
jackargent / jackargent
watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
Zorrin / DitQuois
Johnnypenso / Johnnypenso
SagarisGTB / sagarismic
If someone else is flouting the rules, you report them after the race
and they will be imposed with post-race penalties,
or in a bad case (clearly dirty driving), expulsion from the club.

Race Event Procedure:
Qualifying to start at scheduled arrival time
Qualifying for approximately 15 minutes
Race of approximately 40 minutes
Lap 1 will be a WARM-UP LAP.
Speed limit will be 40mph / 65kph
#1 car on starting grid will set pace.
All stay in grid order, go single file through lap one, until the last turn before the Start/Finish straight.
Near end of lap 1, drivers should close all gaps and proceed with caution.
Drivers may go to full-speed upon exiting the last turn onto the S/F straight (ie: before the S/F line)

Race will be hosted in the VCRC Lounge, add PSN: VCRC
Note: The VCRC account is just the club lounge account. It will rarely be signed on.
Get the FR in a.s.a.p. to assure acceptance in advance of racing.
In order to check the league lounge, you must click on the coffee cup,
and wait for the room content list to present.
No yellow people icon will show, even when the room is full.

Also please note that all club communication should be done through GTPlanet,
and not directed toward the PSN acct VCRC, as nobody checks messages there often, if at all.

Sign-up Registry:
(include GTP name & PSN name & car colour)
  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Verde Boreale & silver BBS
  2. jackargent / jackargent / Opalescent Silver Blue Metallic
  3. gazelle68 / gazelle68 / cream & factory stock
  4. SSXRid3R / SSXRid3R / Matte Pink & Black Pearl Rims
  5. CC570 / CC570 / tbd
  6. Zorrin / DitQuois / Japanrot
  7. SagarisGTB / sagarismic / tbd
  8. GranTurismo916 / atongo619 / tbd
  9. johnboy1112 / johnboy-1975- / Cucumber Matte Green
  10. Gik69 / gedi69 / Tomato Red
  11. TomBrady / HugoStiglitz_420 / GT Polarized 1-P & GT Japanese 05-W
  12. Geeky30 / Geeky30 / tbd
  13. Johnnypenso / Johnnypenso / purple & gold
  14. dsgerbc / dsgerbc / Opalescent Bronze Metallic
  15. dmihaylov / mitaches / orange & white
  16. jbica / jbica / British Racing Green

Check out the other races scheduled by the Vintage Car Race Club:
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I have this car like 5 times... so you bet i'm in! huehuehuehuehueh! xD
color tbd

Edit: make it 100 laps xD

Those of you who have had the "pleasure" of seeing some of my lurid colour schemes may be surprised to learn that there are some cars which i consider sacrosanct (now, that's a good word for a Sunday) You will find that most of my vintage alfas are painted in alfa colours and as we are running the e type stock, I shall be using a stock colour as available on the car in 1961.

If anyone else is sad enough to care about this you can follow this link where some really sad people have compiled a database of every colour the e type was ever available in & what years these colours were available.

It would be really nice if we had a grid full of 1961 e types in 1961 colours - but, on the other hand if you want to paint your's matte pink or chameleon orange, I won't lose any sleep over it. I will however try & run you off the track (hmm there is really very little off the the track at cote de monaco)... so i guess ramming you into the amoco will have to do.

Only kidding, stewards.

For myself, I have not made a final decision on colour yet - oh & if anyone needs a particular shade - I would imagine I have then all & will be happy to send.
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Do I need to repaint my car?
It really really does look like the willow green one in the picture in the link you posted.
Oddly, it looks more like that car than the car I painted with a Willow Green paint chip.

To be honest, I was hoping to use Cotswald blue, and ID_Racing was nice enough to gift me a Cotswald blue car... BUT, and of course ID_Racing did in fact send me a cotswald blue car... But it was not at all that Cotswald blue, but a dark navy kind of blue. :embarrassed:(

Oh, and I couldn't bear the stock tires. :embarrassed:(
Do I have to put them back on? Will you look at a picture first?

I'm boycotting smileys today as they all look like demented ducks.
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Jack, I went for a Jaguar-ish colour. But now you're making me want to paint it Matte Pink. I did just get a Matte Pink paint chip....
gazelle68 is racing in cream... that's a factory colour. :embarrassed:)

I can think of worse choices than matte pink.
I think most of the really new model metallic colours would look kind of odd on this car.
Certainly colour shift colours would probably be offensive to some. ha ha
Ahhhh! These cars don't need certain colors.... you can paint them however you want, and i painted mine matte pink... i tought it looks cute in that color hahaha!
Matte Pink / Black Pearl Rims
OK, sign me up. Not 100% sure i'll make it for 8:30 (is the hour at which I normally arrive aver a 150 miles car trip)
To be honest, I was hoping to use Cotswald blue, and ID_Racing was nice enough to gift me a Cotswald blue car... BUT, and of course ID_Racing did in fact send me a cotswald blue car... But it was not at all that Cotswald blue, but a dark navy kind of blue. :embarrassed:(

What are you saying, girl..:D :banghead:
Yes, apparently there's much to wonder about with these colours.

I still say that my green is quite realistic and timely.
Not like I'm using a colourshift or chrome or something. lol

Anyway, are you signing up ID????
SagarisGTB / sagarismic / TBD

I'm still looking for a good low-mileage car, the two I have have over 60k on thier clocks. I've been shuffling through the UCD but it seems there is never the car you want when you want it.
SagarisGTB / sagarismic / TBD

I'm still looking for a good low-mileage car, the two I have have over 60k on thier clocks. I've been shuffling through the UCD but it seems there is never the car you want when you want it.

60k is low! Mine's over 300,000kms!
Are we talking miles or kms in whose case?
There's a few spares in the VCRC account, but I'll have to check their mileage, & report back. 👍

In any case, you have some time to make the acquisition:

Okay, who still needs the car?
There are two available in the VCRC account (thanks to jackargent 👍).
One is low mileage :) , one is high mileage :( .
Are we talking miles or kms in whose case?
There's a few spares in the VCRC account, but I'll have to check their mileage, & report back. 👍

In any case, you have some time to make the acquisition:


I will double check but I believe mine is around 380,000 kilometes. Either way: a lot.
I made a mistake. The two I have are 57k and 29k km respectively. I still want one under 15k for full power. I can give away my higher mileage car if anyone is interested.
Well, Sagaris, your 18,019 miles is not so bad as Zorrin's 236,121 miles. :eek:
I'm not allowed to dupe (as I share my ps3 and I'm forbidden to risk saving over things!! LOL) So I feel bound to send Zorrin the low mileage one. The high mileage one in the VCRC account, according to the conversion calculator, is over 80,000km.
Hopefully more will turn up in everyone's UCDs. (Though I must say this does seem to be a car I don't see very often in the UCD.)
Melon: No need to send me one. Given that we're racing at Monaco power isn't that much of an issue. A lot of time can be made up under braking here - I assume given that consistency and smoothness are in my mind the key to this place.

When the power comes back on I'll post up my power stats and mileage for my E-type as a comparison.

Edit: Odometer reads 349,549.5km, 264HP with oil change engine rebuild.
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My 29k Jag has 275 HP after the rebuild. That's quite a difference from 264 and I assume a fresh one will have a couple more than mine.