Electric @ Toscana Tarmac - **Congrats to Audiman2011** !

United States
Modern Car Race Club
Electric @ Toscana Tarmac


A series of sprint races using a shuffle-like car assignment with electric hybrid cars,
on randomly regenerated Toscana Tarmac tracks based on custom tracks suitable for low power cars.


Complete Results here:
Tuesday 16 April @ 19:00 UTC
3pm US EDT / 12pm US PDT / 8pm BST / 9pm CEST

Wednesday 17 April @ 9:30pm US EDT / 6:30pm US PDT

(Thursday @ 01:30 UTC / 2:30am BST)

Event Duration: 2 hours or less (random tracks make approximate race lengths)

Mitsubishi i-MiEV '09
Honda Insight LS '09
Toyota Prius G '09
Honda CR-Z α '10

You will need all cars.
All of these cars are Premium available in the New Car Dealership!

Car Regulations:
Tuning: Prohibited
Comfort Medium Tires
Allowed: oil change, engine rebuild, chassis restoration, wheel rims, & paint
"Tuning Prohibited Explained"

Race Regulations:
All aids off except ABS (driver's choice)
tire wear on (fast)
damage light
slipstream weak
grip real
penalty off
boost off
visible damage off
Track Settings Race Start 18:00, Time Progression: 4
race end timer set to maximum (3 minutes)

Race Procedures:

Car assignments will be given according to the Car Assignment List (explained below),
for all races after Race #1

1 timed lap @ Ribbid Ridge (Toscana tarmac) (2.45 miles)
All drivers in Mitsubishi i-MiEV '09
Drivers enter the track, do 1 timed lap (2 including out lap) then park & wait for race start.

Race #1
All drivers in Mitsubishi i-MiEV '09
3 laps @ Ribbid Ridge (Toscana tarmac)
Grid Start, Fastest First

Race #2
5 laps @ Regenerated Random track based on Ribbid Ridge (Toscana tarmac)
Grid Start, Reverse Grid Order
All drivers enter the track but stay in pit until race start.
No Reconnaissance!!

Race #3
4 laps @ Regenerated Random track based on Avanti Angolo (Toscana tarmac)
Grid Start, Reverse Grid Order
All drivers enter the track but stay in pit until race start.
No Reconnaissance!!

Race #4
5 laps @ Regenerated Random track based on 4 Slice Toaster Road (Toscana tarmac)
Grid Start, Reverse Grid Order
All drivers enter the track but stay in pit until race start.
No Reconnaissance!!

Race #5
4 laps @ Regenerated Random track based on Lagunitas Kei (Toscana tarmac)
Grid Start, Reverse Grid Order
All drivers enter the track but stay in pit until race start.
No Reconnaissance!!

Race #6
2 laps @ Regenerated Random track based on RMC Toscana (Toscana tarmac)
Grid Start, Reverse Grid Order
All drivers enter the track but stay in pit until race start.
No Reconnaissance!!

Flat points based upon race participation.
(ie: 8 cars, 1st place gets 8pts, 2nd place gets 7pts, etc.)

Car Assignment List:

Drivers will be assigned cars according to this list,
based upon their finishing positions in the previous race.

If a racer did not participate in the preceding race,
car assignment will be determined by their finishing position in the last race they did finish.
If a driver joins partway through the event, they will be assigned the Prius,
and be allowed whatever position is given them in Reverse Grid Order.

Drivers will follow the GTP OLR Rules
Please familiarize yourself with these rules prior to the event.
More info on rules & guidelines are specified below to clarify expected track etiquette.
  • You are expected to race clean & fair, and to behave like sporting gentlemen at all times.
  • Dirty driving is absolutely forbidden.
  • Please freely ask questions if you are unsure about any of the rules & guidelines.
  • What is "clean" or "dirty" driving? : "Driving in an aggressive manner where your intention is to collide or distract the opposition is considered "dirty" driving. Driving in a manner where you have respect for other drivers on the course and avoiding body contact wherever possible is considered "clean" driving." - MSTER232.
  • Post-race penalties may be issued for rule violations, in order to preserve clean racing and fairness - you have been advised.
  • If you cause a contact, you must make contact concessions. ie: no bump-passing! This is NOT a hit-to-pass derby. Bumping another car off their line to take their position is considered DIRTY.
  • Failure to make contact concessions will result in a post-race penalty concession. (ie: you will be placed below that racer in the results - or be demoted in finish position otherwise accordingly)
  • "But it wasn't on purpose." is not a valid excuse for failing to make contact conessions. If your mistake, or your car's movement, caused the collision, you must make the contact concession, or you will receive a post-race concession penalty.
  • "I didn't know it was my fault." is not a method to avoid penalty. The only exceptions to contact concession rule is if the car you hit was already spun out, improperly re-entering the track, or if you hit the ahead car because you were hit from behind. If you are not certain about the fault and choose to not make concession, and it is determined you were at fault, a post-race concession penalty will be imposed.
  • Caution must be exercised when re-entering the track after an off-road excursion caused by any reason.
  • Careless driving, recklessness, & aggressive risky maneuvers may result in post-race penalties, and will certainly result in your fellow racers being ill tempered. Everyone makes errors from time to time -- but repeated excessive aggressive or sloppy driving that is frequent or persistent is entirely avoidable by even the least skilled of drivers. It takes no special skill to slow down & get your car back under control. (If you are making contact often when you're near other cars on the track, or bumping often in the corners, this is a good indication that your driving may be considered reckless, & you'd best reign it in.)
  • Retaliation, "payback", & monkey-see-monkey-do rule flouting will not be tolerated.
  • The in-game penalty system is switched to off to prevent ghosting, with the understanding that GTPlanet racers do not need the in-game penalty system to follow posted track rules.
  • Shorting the track is strictly prohibited, must have 2 wheels on the tarmac (or rumble curbing) - this includes "going wide", off-roading in the grass or dirt, or using tarmac outside the parameters of the track, is forbidden.
  • Excessive horn beeping is forbidden. Horns should be used in the manner they are intended only - for civil communication purposes. Using the horn to distract another driver, or to annoy them to give up position is considered "dirty" and absolutely prohibited.
  • Cornering Rights must be respected. Consult the GTP OLR Rules for specifics on cornering rights. For example, you are expected to hold your line through a turn, and allow space for another car who had overlap before the turn in point. If you do not have overlap on an ahead car before the turn in point, you do not have the right to force into their line.
  • ONE blocking maneuver per straight is the maximum allowed. NO weaving to block on straights.
  • Prohibited Maneuvers include (but are not limited to): riding another car through a turn, using another car as a brake, shoving another car off track, dive bombing the inside of corners, nose clipping by diving abruptly in front of another car, rear clipping - with or without pit maneuver, cramming into a space that does not exist to force a pass, punting, inappropriate blocking, wild weaving, brake-checking, slamming, ramming, parking inside the track boundaries or near traffic during a race, driving backwards.
  • Turn #1 Incidents: Harsher post-race penalties are imposed for violations occurring on Turn #1 of any race. Patience should be the top priority at Turn #1 of any race. In some cases, special Turn #1 race procedures will be implemented. Always review the "Race Procedures" section of an event description. (It should be noted and accepted as fact that "Turn 1 Drama" is a particular pet peeve of the race director, and Turn #1 of every race will be scrutinized in replays.)
  • All rules & general track etiquette, is to be exercised during any Qualifying Period. "Informal Qualifying" means there will be no roll call, and no one should expect to have the track to themselves while others wait. However, drivers are expected to spread out. There should be no "pressuring" during qualifying as this is NOT racing. Leave a gap during your out-lap from the car ahead of you, so that you do not disrupt the ahead car's timed laps, and will not be accused of taking advantage of someone's slipstream draft. Courtesy should be exercised when you finish your timed laps, to allow others to finish theirs. Park well away from the racing line, preferably in a spot that is significantly apart from the racetrack boundaries.
  • Bump drafting is widely accepted on ovals, and is sometimes used on straights. However, drivers should exercise caution and thoughtful judgement before employing this in technique in regular race tracks. Bear in mind that not all of your fellow racers may be of the same mind when bump drafting is appropriate, and some might find it distracting or unwelcome. It should never be done near a brake point. When in doubt, do without!
  • Text chat during races is to be restrained so as not to distract drivers still racing.
  • In case of any incident involving a crash or rule violation, please review the replay before drawing conclusions. Note the time and location of the incident. Try dialogue with the other driver first with Private Messaging. You may report the incident via Private Messaging, with details, in a timely manner (ie: soon after the race), if warranted, so an appointed steward &/or the race director may review the incident.
  • Any overtly dirty driving should be reported immediately after the race. You should also always report any driving you see that appears to be deliberate rule violations or persistently disruptive, so the driver may be reminded & warned of the rules & post-race penalties, and for the preservation of enjoyment for all participants.
Race Director: watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
Race Steward: YOU!
All racers are expected to be stewards - of good racing & rule adherence!
Save replays in case you are called upon!

Race will be hosted in the VCRC Lounge,

Note: This account is just the club lounge account. It will rarely be signed on.
Get the FR in a.s.a.p. to assure acceptance in advance of racing.
In order to check the league lounge, you must click on the coffee cup,
and wait for the room content list to present.
No yellow people icon will show, even when the room is full.

Also please note that all club communication should be done through GTPlanet,
and not directed toward the PSN acct, as nobody checks messages there often, if at all.

Custom Tracks:

"Retrieving & Sharing Custom Tracks Instructions Explained"

Ribbid Ridge (Toscana tarmac) (2.45 miles)

Currently shared on PSN: wat3rn370n

Avanti Angolo (Toscana tarmac) (2.78 miles)

4 Slice Toaster Road (Toscana tarmac) (2.16 miles)
Same as Tarnished Toaster Road except with equal width:4 all around track.

Currently shared on PSN: amoreenabooboo

Lagunitas Kei (Toscana tarmac) (3.06 miles)

Track shared on PSN: VCRC

RMC Toscana (Toscana tarmac) (6.05 miles)

Track shared on PSN: miata_1


Reported Hot Laps Times Leaderboards:

Ribbid Ridge (Toscana tarmac) (2.45 miles)
1:54.xxx - Mitsubishi i-MiEV '09 - watermelonpunch
1:37.089 - Honda CR-Z α '10 - watermelonpunch
1:38.485 - Toyota Prius G '09 - watermelonpunch
1:39.894 - Honda Insight LS '09 - watermelonpunch
Avanti Angolo (Toscana tarmac) (2.78 miles)
2:09.827 - Honda Insight LS '09 - watermelonpunch
4 Slice Toaster Road (Toscana tarmac) (2.16 miles)
Lagunitas Kei (Toscana tarmac) (3.06 miles)
RMC Toscana (Toscana tarmac) (6.05 miles)


For more information about VCRC & MCRC events check out the club thread:
And join the VCRC club forum in the GTP social group to get involved in planning:
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Sign-Up Registry:
GTP Name / PSN Name / which time?

Tuesday 16 April @ 19:00 UTC
3pm US EDT / 12pm US PDT / 8pm BST / 9pm CEST

  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  2. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash
  3. AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07
  4. Chiochan / ChuthuluGoat
  5. ryzno / ryzno
  6. m8h3r / m8h3r
  7. cbcvabch / cbcvabch
  8. Coreyb / Coreyb_26
Wednesday 17 April @ 9:30pm US EDT / 6:30pm US PDT
(Thursday @ 01:30 UTC / 2:30am BST)
  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  2. doodlemonoply / doodlemonoply
  3. Chiochan / ChuthuluGoat
  4. ryzno / ryzno

Car Fleet Colours:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Both

Mitsubishi i-MiEV '09
AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Petrol
watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Sassy Grass Green & Super Red V
Honda Insight LS '09
AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Alabaster
watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Sassy Grass Green & Super Red V
Toyota Prius G '09
AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Aso Red
watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Sassy Grass Green & Super Red V
Honda CR-Z α '10
AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Bordeaux Pontevecchio
watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Sassy Grass Green & Super Red V
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:lol: I'm interested in this. I think Wednesday evening would work the best for me.
Not knowing the tracks is a great equalizer. I'll be up for this, if I'm available.
I'm interested even though I only like the CR-Z out of the group and I hate the rest of them.

I'd prefer a Tuesday or Thursday slot since it would be an evening GMT time
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Hee hee doodle! :lol: I suspected you would be down for this since you seem very adept with the low hp.
And Audiman2011 very adept with the Toscana Tarmac tracks.

Well, with this mix, the cars are actually pretty close - all of them, but there is a slight difference.

Those in the CRZa will get a bit of a better shot, which will be nice after I finish poorly in a race. :lol:;):odd:
The CRz of course is the only halfway normal car of the bunch.

We raced the I-Miev last year for a no-tuning kei car session in the Low Hp League, and everyone had a lot of laughs with that one. It's an odd car and eerily :eek: quiet. And just funny to me. :) It's quite slow, but on Ribbid Ridge you can get it going pretty fast, considering, lol, with drafting, so I think that'll be a fun spec starter.

And those in the Insight will have a slight handicap. The car is not actually much slower than the Prius (according to testing by both snowgt and myself). However, the Insight is rather peculiar to drive, which I think will be a tad of a handicap. :odd:

If you have driven the Insight, you must know what I'm talking about! :lol:
By far I would consider the Insight to be the most peculiar car in this line-up, if not one of the most peculiar cars in the entirety of GT5!! :boggled: :odd: :eek:
I never drove it before the other day. And I was rather taken aback! :lol: :odd: It's not just the way it sounds, though that's pretty weird in itself. But the ON/OFF quality of the performance is a little disconcerting!

Anyway, snowgt is right... no one knowing the track does take out the possibility of someone knowing the track quite well.
There will be NO RECON, so everyone will be just as clueless as the next person as to where you're driving. :mischievous:

So yeah, in the past when we've done randomly generated custom tracks, it's tended to keep the racing both quite close and pretty exciting in low power cars. 👍
For those who were not around or not involved in that, you can see those threads here:
Vintage Japanese 360s @ Tokyo Bay
Low HP Cat & Mouse Vintage Variety Event

But plus, I thought this was a good format for these cars, because well, on their own, they wouldn't be very exciting at Suzuka or Fuji. :odd:
But they are actually quite ... um, interesting cars to put in racing. :sly:
So I had to do it! :lol: (My goal is to race all the peculiar cars in gt5. :))
Yeah, why not?
Tue or Thursday ok but if tue 23rd would need to be 8pm bst at the earliest.
Okay well I'm lookin at

Wednesday 17 April @ 9:30pm US EDT (or 9:00pm is possible too)
Can't go any earlier than 9pm (because the ps3 has dibs on it before then).


Tuesday 16 April @ 8pm BST
I could go earlier than that, but not later (as I can't run into dinner time as I have to cook it).

So let me know if that's compatible with those interested. 👍
(And which one of course. I shouldn't assume anything of anyone else, as I'm in the US & usually racing on a Euro schedule. So don't assume that I know your schedule... *even if you've told me before - my memory is not what it used to be! lol)

I really hope to get together as many people as possible who are interested.
*sigh* if only our schedules would just magically coincide. :lol:
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I'm interested in both days. If I turn the volume up really loud do you think I can fool my girlfriend into thinking I'm vacuuming?lol.
My car colours are:

Insight - Alabaster
Prius - Aso Red
CR-Z - Bordeaux Pontevecchio
i-MiEV - Petrol
Hrmph. When I think about running those cars in...I think I'll run them fresh from the dealership.

Good thing is, at least the i-MIEV doesn't need run in. ;)
I'm interested in both days. If I turn the volume up really loud do you think I can fool my girlfriend into thinking I'm vacuuming?lol.


If you're driving the Insight, I'd say you might be able to pull that off. :odd: :lol:

Not surprisingly, none of these are listed in the SNAIL PP data spreadsheet. :indiff: Except for the I-Miev.

But, I did stick the Insight into a bspec seasonal... and after the 3rd race, it showed an HP gain.
So I think all the hybrids CAN be broken in.
The I-Miev, is fully electric, and I think it will not gain from miles.

If I get a chance to run any of them in fully, I'll let you know the specs. I'm going to try because I really need it. :lol:
But I often just stick them into bspec seasonals while I'm doing other things. (Like cleaning for real. ;))

I don't usually use the endurance race to break in cars because my husband has the ps3 set to automatically turn off after 1 hour... and gets annoyed with me if I change that, and then forget to put it back. :indiff:
The last time I tried to use Grand Valley bspec endurance to break in a car... I made sure that the ps3 was set NOT to go off automatically. I put it in the race. I went to the grocery store. Put too much ballast at the front of the shopping cart & had a lot of understeer. :sly: :lol: And then I came home, the race was still running. It finished. I exited out of the race. I think I checked the UCD. Then I exited. When I put the game on later, SOMEHOW, there were NO miles on the car. :mad: :boggled: :grumpy:
I guess you have to be sure to do a manual save in GT Life to make sure it sticks. :ill:

So anyway, I don't do that too often, and when I do I mess it up.
It works out better for me to just keep hitting restart in seasonals. Plus, gets me more credits anyway, so I can buy yet another Muira Bertone. :lol: And be sure that I can buy everything out of the OCD every time. (The OCD is such an appropriate name!! :sly:)
Im too lazy too break in these cars. 185 miles x 4 cars, in these would take forever:crazy:

Anyways I was bored and did speed tests on the cars.

0-60 9.913
0-100 27.537
1/4 17.677
1 mi. 44.043
TS 128.8

0-60 11.304
0-100 35.248
1/4 18.536
1 mi. 46.680
TS 123.9

0-60 12.751
0-100 33.181
1/4 19.690
1 mi. 47.056
TS 129.7

0-60 17.813
0-100 N/A
1/4 22.329
1 mi. 55.862
TS 83.9
@ ryzno are you in?? :D ^^
And if so, which time?

And well, I hardly think it's necessary to fully break in these cars anyway, being that it's going to be assigned shuffle like. The only spec race is the I-Miev, which doesn't need breaking in anyhow.

I'm going to post a leader board with the tracks.
Which of course, we won't actually be racing those actual tracks, but random tracks based on them. But I'll post a leaderboard anyway if anyone's interested in testing. :):)

i-MiEV - Petrol


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Welcome everybody. :)

I've been meaning to test more of the tracks, but have been distracted from it. So I hope to post some more test lap times... just to give an indication of the differences between the cars in general.
(We won't be racing the actual tracks outside the I-Miev on Ribbid Ridge... but at least that could give a general gist of the cars comparisons.)

I also have not gotten a chance to break in the cars. I'm still hoping to get a chance to get them run in maybe. If only because I'm obsessed with getting them in this SNAIL known highest PP database of all the cars. :lol: It's really a fantastic resource to find out how optimum your car is compared to the best it could be. I only wish I had more cars without so many miles on them!

But the OCD now is full of fantastic vintage cars. Recommend buying them all. :)

Wednesday if I dont pass out.
:lol: I know what you mean! I don't schedule things late too often because it's really rather a toss up for me & my schedule, and what I'm going to be like past 10pm on any given day. :crazy:
It just occurred to me that we're ignoring another Japanese electric vehicle, i.e. the Nissan Leaf.

Don't have access to my data though, so I have no idea how it would stack up against the others.
It just occurred to me that we're ignoring another Japanese electric vehicle, i.e. the Nissan Leaf.

Don't have access to my data though, so I have no idea how it would stack up against the others.

Some people don't have the Leaf as they never bought the DLC.
Some people don't have the Leaf as they never bought the DLC.

Oooooh, that's right. Didn't remember it was paid DLC. Then again, people could have won one just from taking part in the GT Academy last year. But it's probably not giftable, so no duplicates either, if i'm not mistaken.
By the way, question to those who have already had experience with randomly regenerated tracks. I'm thinking it might be best actually not to memorize the base tracks for these regenerations, because I won't actually think the next blind corner will go in one direction when it's totally different in the modified track.

I'm thinking, a clean slate might be the best approach here. (Plus, I'll never learn these tracks in time :lol:)

This will provide some comedic moments, I'm sure... :sly:
RE Leaf
Yes, I don't have the Leaf. :indiff:
That was not an authorized DLC purchase in my household. :indiff:
Ironically, I think my husband did get one from the GT Academy thing, so he has one. I didn't win that though. :(

Also something we found out with the DLC... My husband does any & all DLC purchasing or whatever... So if there's any "bonuses" that are given... HE gets them on his account, not me. :grumpy:
Which means he has car restorations he'll never use. :boggled: Which I would love to have. :dopey:

But enough of my moaning. :lol:

No, memorizing the tracks - outside of Ribbid Ridge (which the 1st race will not be regenerated)... would be completely unnecessary.

Not only that but I think trying to memorize RMC Toscana would be total madness! :lol: :crazy: :lol:

However, as we see from Audiman2011... There IS some benefit to practicing on one Toscana tarmac - and having the benefit of that translate to other Toscana Tarmacs which are similar.
I have to say that Audiman2011 is generally good on all Toscana tarmac tracks even ones he's never been on before. BUT, I notice that some types he's better on than others! :mischievous: :lol: For example, he seems to do better on tracks like Lemons or Targa Florio p2, or RMC... moreso than on tracks like Lagunitas Kei or Manja Bene or Avanti Angolo.
Which I have deduced means he's spent more time on tracks that resemble the first lot, and maybe a little less time on tracks that resemble the latter lot.
I thought about this a couple of weeks ago actually, and have been watching closer about how he does on the different Toscana tracks. ha ha :)
Conclusion: There may be SOME small benefit to getting "the feel" for custom tracks with particular parameters. 👍

This will provide some comedic moments, I'm sure... :sly:

Yes, it should be VERY obvious by now I'm ALWAYS going for the comedic moments. :lol:
I love comedic moments. :)

Some comedic moments from the archive:

Synchronized spinning on a randomly regenerated Eifel kart track in Toyota Sports 800s...



A surprise blind hinky off camber jump bump appeared in a randomly regenerated Toscana Tarmac in the Honda s800s...




(I think that may have been regenerated from RMC Toscana, but I'm not sure. I remember everyone was disappointed you can't "save track" from the lounge... because it was pretty hilarious.)
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