Following the steps from our
video taken from
@MannYhAvitZ excellent Youtube Channel the practice session for Wednesday's race worked like a charm.
Wheeler had already performed a solo run and set a benchmark time for us to beat.
Later Smiley, gamer and I joined and we had a run between the four of us.
The one (and only?) thing we noticed was that the cars ghosted on lap 2, the 'wrong way-lap'. This due to the fact that the penalties were set to Strong.
So we changed that, turned off the penalties and went for one more race.
This time the cars didn't ghost and everything went smoothly. Well Smiley wondered if the on screen wrong way sign could be removed and I don't really know the answer.
Perhaps by disabling
all on screen data will also make the sign disappear. The downside to that though is that you won't be able to see the map and when to expect oncoming traffic.
Since we got the ghost issue out of the way some pictures could be taken of some instances where me met on track;
Thanks guys
@Wayne Gratiot @SmileyWRX @gkgamer
Now we know it really does work and it was very interesting. Like I mentioned to Wheeler in the room not every racing game out there let's you go in the other direction,
not even offline. So it's quite lucky that GT6 does.
Where to take it from here? Turnaround night races? Different cars? Different tracks?
Turnaround rain / snow / dirt races? Extended turnaround races with more laps and even pit stops?
I'll be starting another Club very soon and these scenarios could / will definitely be explored there among other things.
Another practice race or two before Wednesday, anyone?