Another great nights racing,thanks for hosting
After transferring my rally cars from the stockyard into my garage and entering
@JockeP22 's lobby, I found that tuning was allowed but rather than fine tune all the cars, I decided to plump for the C4 '****-one' as I had Loeb as my A-spec Bob anyways.
After putting the default TT suspension settings on the car and messed with the ride height, gearing and diff found that I was on the pace of
@Dustybin so, judging by others previous comments, decided that was OK and waited for quali.
Just about grabbed pole after a frantic 6 mins and made a terrible start, deciding to graze the wall on the way down the hill and was promptly deposed into 3rd/4th.
As we crested the hill, found that Dusty had come a cropper in his '99 Focus and was ready for the inevitable T-bone in the centre of the track

, luckily, I think everyone must have missed him
The chase was on to catch Zolon and after an uncharacteristic slip-up by himself, dropping a wheel onto the grass at the crest before the start finish straight, I set about going flat out for as long as possible as I had no idea what the tyres would be doing (wear-wise) or how long the fuel would last and the fact that the differing cars could have bigger/smaller tanks than each other.
I managed to build up a sizeable lead and decided to pit just after half distance (lap 13) and was shocked to see Zolon and @rmts_kingdom go sailing past.
After exiting the pits and rejoining the track,I was about 20 seconds behind hoping Zolon and rmts would pit but no, they were gonna run on fumes 'tll the end.
The rest is history, as they say, and can be watched again if you saved the replay.
Great to see a full lobby (14), in 11 different cars, all driving impeccably.