◆ SNAIL [DriveTrain Challenge - DTC] Racing - Closed

  • Thread starter jobyone
I'm thinking that choosing one off cars like the R390 is probably not in the spirit of the regs :)
To me it is. Yea it is a special car but it was street legal and sold to an individual by the factory. I looked it up there are two of them. I will take the discussion to the Board or Directors.

Official Announcement

I have asked the five racers who have run the most DTC events in GT6 to be on the Board of Directors for the series. They have all agreed. They are:


They will help me in making decisions about pp adjustments, car eligibility and any rules changes to the series.

Thanks guys:bowdown:

edit - since I got a TOTP let me shout this out
I'm sure this goes without saying, but after the races tonight we are all doing a couple laps of the new Sierra track. And no, you don't have a choice. I suggest we all pick a 90's Rally car...

edit: According to the update threads, if you would like to run this track online, you must first finish one race in the offline event to unlock it. So do this before tonight!

Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of your board. Don't bother inviting me to any meetings that Joe is attending.
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I'm sure this goes without saying, but after the races tonight we are all doing a couple laps of the new Sierra track. And no, you don't have a choice. I suggest we all pick a 90's Rally car...

edit: According to the update threads, if you would like to run this track online, you must first finish one race in the offline event to unlock it. So do this before tonight!

Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of your board. Don't bother inviting me to any meetings that Joe is attending.
I will try to join you for the Sierra experience. The track is amazing. I was hoping for more variety in turns as overall it is a fast track. Have only run it in the Amarth so far. I think 450-500 pp will be a good range. Going to have to make the schwimwagon out three and see if there is a shortcut across the lake;)
Not 100% sure but something around 15 give or take a few. The key to scoring well is not to hit other cars or go off track. This is easy to do and maximizes your bonus.
Is it true what people are saying about the force-feedback being ruined by this new update? I really hope it's not, because that could be the final straw that pushing me over to iRacing full time.
Is it true what people are saying about the force-feedback being ruined by this new update? I really hope it's not, because that could be the final straw that pushing me over to iRacing full time.
I do think they have changed it so check the settings which you can now do in the driving options (i think that is what it is called). You can change it where you change the traction control. It did feel lighter but honestly it felt fine to me. You can feel the wheel go light when the abarth starts to understeer.
Is it true what people are saying about the force-feedback being ruined by this new update? I really hope it's not, because that could be the final straw that pushing me over to iRacing full time.
From what I read it sounded like the standard settings were weaker but you had more options to tune for now. So theoretically you could make it feel like it used to or better but who knows how much tinkering that could take.
According to the update threads, if you would like to run this track online, you must first finish one race in the offline event to unlock it. So do this before tonight!

Seriously? :indiff:

Count me out then as I probably won't get the time since I have priority steward reviews to do first from Sunday night before DTC starts.
I am out for tonight as I have to go to work, It's nice to be requested by so many different leagues to officiate but it sure does take a bite out of my racing time.
Well it doesn't pay to put your lineup in early...two other people have basically duplicated my low PP lineup exactly.

Might have to change just to be different...
Well it doesn't pay to put your lineup in early...two other people have basically duplicated my low PP lineup exactly.

Might have to change just to be different...
This is why I would love to make it first come first serve. Each car can only be used by one person. But that is just me:)

Also the new Nismo and FT-1 have been added to the data. 582 and 645 pp respectively.
But :(

Joby says it's it's only it's only 15 mins for the Abarth
may be closer to 12 i did not pay attention. And it is easy to do. not a challenge and I do not even have the NO2 mapped to a button
Not gonna make it tonight, feeling a bit under the weather. I got an email saying there's a whooping cough outbreak going around campus, so hopefully it's not that.
Guys, break pedal coil spring broke so this pedals kit is basically gone. I'm looking in kijiji to try to find a replacement asap. Hopefully I'll be back soon.
Well I have been too busy to get online and race or even check the thread (yesterday) That has totally screwed me. Didn't turn my PS3 on till 9:30 and kept getting kicked off the download. Got it downloaded and installed but missed the race for tonight.
Well I have been too busy to get online and race or even check the thread (yesterday) That has totally screwed me. Didn't turn my PS3 on till 9:30 and kept getting kicked off the download. Got it downloaded and installed but missed the race for tonight.

We will be cruising for a little at the new track later. You have to finish one offline event there first to unlock.

Edit: Spanish Rally race tour De force gran prix a thon is open
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Last night's results:
@Kgffy - 57
STanc06 - 52 (pole)
@Matt Sierras - 52
@bloodredsky - 52
88GTA - 50
@tezgm99 - 48
@JoeW - 48
@carboneyes - 43

I should be able to enter the cars used tonight.

@bloodredsky or @carboneyes, I'm not sure if STanc06 is on GTPlanet but he has track or PP choice depending on what @Kgffy decides to pick. If he is not registered here and/or doesn't want to be involved we will pass the option to @Matt Sierras. Let us know as soon as you can if you are able to get in touch with him. Thanks.
I would like to make a suggestion to giving us a option to use a wider variety of cars. Seeing someone use btr last night and be competive was really cool but then end of race he was not competive because of fast tire wear. If we gave winner who is picking pp for next week option to choose normal tire wear we would see a lot more btr, cobras, heavy cars like m5, Mercs etc, maybe give that option only for sports soft pp ranges, seems like sm, sh tire with any car does not wear quick enough during 15 min races. Just a suggestion and it would open up the cars we can choose to be competive
OR...a mandatory pit stop thrown in?

You know, we have been finishing pretty early lately since we have a good crew who doesn't mess around. Maybe move the final three races to 20 mins? Leave the first race at 15min with a 5min qualifier or something like that?

With a mandatory stop we could UP the tire wear ;)

I like tire wear being a factor. If we ran that last race at Sarthe (or Daytona)instead of Nurb, then the M5 would have killed us all (and the R8 of course).

But yes...I make it a point to not choose those cars because those heavy pigs can't keep tires under them.

Maybe "very fast" tire wear, 20min races and a mandatory stop?

Very Mini-endure like.

Dang...ideas flowing now...anyone have a problem making a 9:30-9:45 start time? Up ALL the races to 20mins and still finish before 12am est.

More racing time and STILL pick all 4 of your own cars? Is this not the coolest series EVER?
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In the wake of the draft setting discussion on the main thread, I propose we move the draft from "real" back to "weak" so we can take advantage of draft a little more often.

Who else would want to try a DTC night with the following changes:
Tire wear on very fast.
One mandatory pit stop.
20 min races and start 15-30min earlier (whatever we can agree on).

Everything else is the same.

If we can't get the powers to agree to do it on a Tuesday then maybe we can agree on another night to try it where we can get maximum participation.