◆ SNAIL [GT1 Championship] Series

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Any race reports? I fell asleep on the couch, woke up with about 20 minutes to the event start so I could have made it. Decided to go to bed as Spring has sprung in London and it's nice to be awake in the morning.

Spring-time or GT time...it's a tough choice!

sorry for the lack of quali fellas, i had a family issue to deal with, by the time i got back to the ps3 the pack had reached the first corner, i figured what i would punch it anyways. The tune did not do so bad in the corners but i was getting creamed on the straights was typically 3 or 4 sec's off the race leaders... need to keep fine tuning
My report...
Qualified 4th just barely squeezing out a high 1:41.9. Dropped to 5th by corner 1 with JC's vette making me look like I was standing still on the hill climb out of 1. After a few laps I made my way to 3rd and settled in for the long haul. Coming up on the first pit stop I got into the draft of Whitey and Trick out front, passed Whitey, but then got wedged between Trick and his pit stop. I lifted and Whitey went past. I made my stop on the next lap and the whole exchange put me back 6 seconds from whitey (3 seconds due to the mishap with trick and 3 possibly due to getting more fuel).

I managed that gap decently during the second stint despite being on RH tires. I was able to draft JC toward the end of that stint as his tires began to wear down which helped keep my lap times up. I was 13 seconds back from Whitey when I made my final pit stop but came out more than 20 seconds back. I didn't know this at the time, I figured I would be crawling up the ladder and eventually run into him with a lap or two to go if I was running similar lap times. Maybe I took too much gas, I don't know. Anyway, I trudged on.

With maybe 6-7 laps left I came across a 3 way battle between Basswerks, xrad, and trick. I made light work of trick when he went wide on a corner. I was pretty sure everyone was on RH tires or at least had made earlier pit stops. After following for a lap on turn 1 when base and xrad pushed it deep, I just rode up the inside and got around xrad. He was too busy trying to remove basework's bumper and failed to protect that second apex. I got around bass through the high speed kink when he lifted and I stuck an inside line. Never looked back after that. I also never saw Whitey again. I think I finished 10 seconds behind him for a respectable 2nd.

A few tips...
@basswerks1, if you're in last place, and cars come up behind you, you're getting lapped. Lift off the throttle and let them by. Since you are in pro-am, there's no other way for the pro cars to pass you without getting aggressive.

@Xradkins lay off the bumpers man. Read up on good race craft and leave a gap. Every corner isn't a passing opportunity.
I don't think I was held up by the glitch. I just put more gas in. Whitey said he was running on fumes at the end. I think my pit in and pit out laps were just slower so by the time I was back up and running I had lost a big chunk of time. Anyone know what the seconds per gallon is? I had enough for at least 1 more lap, probably 2.

Also, something else I learned... I turned slower laps with less fuel. The mustang needed all the weight out back to rotate properly so my final stint, when I filled up to just under 3/4 tank, was slower than my practice laps starting out with a full tank. So I need to start getting tires during practice and seeing how the car handles with less fuel.
After further review my second pit entry was actually faster then I had thought which is what caused me getting a 10 second penalty. :( so dumb, as I didn't think you could even get a penalty at 246.

I watched the replay and super imposed myself minus the ten second penalty to see where I would have been when Whitey came out of the 2nd pit stop. I would have been passing him. Literally in his exit out of the pit. We would have battled right or the end for 1st and 2nd.

Had this happen me pushing Whitey would have most likely ended in him running out of fuel as he didn't take on enough and had to really preserve fuel on his last few laps. So it would have been really close and super interesting. I think that's what bothered me the most about the penalty losing out on a crazy tight battle right to the end.

I wish the game was clear on how pit entry penalties worked. It seems pretty foolish to be able to enter the pit at 100mph no issues but at 110 penalty. This ten second penalty was the sinker. It was essentially the biggest mistake in the race and cost me in the end. The max mph entering pits and the warning of a penalty should be clearly displayed. It's a pretty big deal considering how much it can cost someone.

There was a lot of bumping of bumpers in this race too. I feel that's it's super important that we respect the racer in front of us to the utmost. If that means driving half a second back then so be it. Constantly running into someone says a lot of things about poorcrace craft. While I can appreciate the odd small bump here and there while setting up to pass at certain points where passing is anticipated. There is no need to ride someones bumper at every corner when not every corner is a passing opportunity. Especially at 246.

I think in the future I will start calling the bumps as IRs. The way I see it I'm trying hard not to touch anyone I should receive the same respect in return. The difference between a nudge and a bump is a slippery slope the race is 50 min long plenty of time to strategize for a pass without running into someone over and over again.

Just wanted to voice my concerns about this as I think it's really important in keeping the integrity of GT1 racing intact!
So the final report. My camaro didnt understeer one bit ever. It performed impressively. Its weird because i checked the settings and my 2 cars have the same exact setups but the one with 100km understeers and the one with 2400km feels great. Maybe getting some miles on the chassis and loosening it up is a benefit. Ive had this camaro for years so it helps. Time to start putting miles on all my potential cars for next season i guess.

For this race i got so so unbelievably lucky it almost makes me sick. I had to start short shifting, coasting and nursing it pretty much right out of the last pit stop because i realized i made a horrible miscalculation. I didnt test for fuel going into the race just figured id see what i used in the first stint and fill it up to there for the end but i saw immediately it wasnt going to be enough. A stop would have dropped me way back so i had to limp around and hope no one caught me. A side effect of taking way not enough fuel was my stops were much shorter so i had a gap to work with and was able to watch the splits and coast enough that i could stay ahead. It somehow worked although probably only due to the intense fighting going on for second. Im never trying that again though, way too stressful.
My report...
Qualified 4th just barely squeezing out a high 1:41.9. Dropped to 5th by corner 1 with JC's vette making me look like I was standing still on the hill climb out of 1. After a few laps I made my way to 3rd and settled in for the long haul. Coming up on the first pit stop I got into the draft of Whitey and Trick out front, passed Whitey, but then got wedged between Trick and his pit stop. I lifted and Whitey went past. I made my stop on the next lap and the whole exchange put me back 6 seconds from whitey (3 seconds due to the mishap with trick and 3 possibly due to getting more fuel).

I managed that gap decently during the second stint despite being on RH tires. I was able to draft JC toward the end of that stint as his tires began to wear down which helped keep my lap times up. I was 13 seconds back from Whitey when I made my final pit stop but came out more than 20 seconds back. I didn't know this at the time, I figured I would be crawling up the ladder and eventually run into him with a lap or two to go if I was running similar lap times. Maybe I took too much gas, I don't know. Anyway, I trudged on.

With maybe 6-7 laps left I came across a 3 way battle between Basswerks, xrad, and trick. I made light work of trick when he went wide on a corner. I was pretty sure everyone was on RH tires or at least had made earlier pit stops. After following for a lap on turn 1 when base and xrad pushed it deep, I just rode up the inside and got around xrad. He was too busy trying to remove basework's bumper and failed to protect that second apex. I got around bass through the high speed kink when he lifted and I stuck an inside line. Never looked back after that. I also never saw Whitey again. I think I finished 10 seconds behind him for a respectable 2nd.

A few tips...
@basswerks1, if you're in last place, and cars come up behind you, you're getting lapped. Lift off the throttle and let them by. Since you are in pro-am, there's no other way for the pro cars to pass you without getting aggressive.

@Xradkins lay off the bumpers man. Read up on good race craft and leave a gap. Every corner isn't a passing opportunity.
Oh sure, LOL Pro AMer
All the winning is ruining GT1. Bumps happen and that's racing. No won is forcing cars off their line and being overtaken for it, or causing a crash. Bla, bla bla..........
All the winning is ruining GT1. Bumps happen and that's racing. No won is forcing cars off their line and being overtaken for it, or causing a crash. Bla, bla bla..........

oh come on now xrad. Running into the back end of cars over and over has never been cool or ok. Its letting things like this slide that creates the problems. Allowing it to happen and ignoring it is how it starts until it gets to a point where it becomes a chronic issue effecting all aspects of the race ( like we have all seen happen in other racing leagues I'm sure).

There are bumps and then there is sloppy unnecessary contact. That effects how a person will drive if it gets too intense. Just because you don't take advantage of a bump doesn't make it ok. And how can you assess from your perspective in the middle of the action if you have knocked someone off their line or not? why not just try harder not to bump. it seem's like its very doable. i've seen many race without any contact time and time again. While i can understand maybe some light rubbing and nudging lets say during a pass zone. I think we all know when it's avoidable contact.

I think your conveying the wrong attitude about this. We all need to take it seriously so it doesn't develop into something worse.
oh come on now xrad. Running into the back end of cars over and over has never been cool or ok. Its letting things like this slide that creates the problems. Allowing it to happen and ignoring it is how it starts until it gets to a point where it becomes a chronic issue effecting all aspects of the race ( like we have all seen happen in other racing leagues I'm sure).

There are bumps and then there is sloppy unnecessary contact. That effects how a person will drive if it gets too intense. Just because you don't take advantage of a bump doesn't make it ok. And how can you assess from your perspective in the middle of the action if you have knocked someone off their line or not? why not just try harder not to bump. it seem's like its very doable. i've seen many race without any contact time and time again. While i can understand maybe some light rubbing and nudging lets say during a pass zone. I think we all know when it's avoidable contact.

I think your conveying the wrong attitude about this. We all need to take it seriously so it doesn't develop into something worse.
Oh Wow! What replay are you looking at? But then, I really stopped listening to your ranting.

I am a clean drive!!! I am also here to have fun. Are you?
Oh Wow! What replay are you looking at? But then, I really stopped listening to your ranting.

I am a clean drive!!! I am also here to have fun. Are you?

I'm not referring to any specific incident just in general terms. If I had a problem specifically with you on track i wouldn't be discussing it here with you. You'd see it as an IR. I just think your attitude blows has always kinda blown and is still blowing! I have a great time in GT1. Its fantastic, thanks for asking.
I struggle to see the same from you with the way you complain about seemingly everything all the time. Maybe thats just the way you are though I mean your still here racing so despite the complaints you seem to still come out to race. Hopefully it's for all the right reasons and not the wrong ones.
Reminder there is a system for IR's even in GT1.

However MINOR contact with in GT1 is expected we have a lot of factor in play during a race. Just like with real racing bumps happen.
I need to shave at least a second off my lap times before I'm ready for that.

Question, I hear the tires skipping through the slow corners surrounding Hotel Hairpin. I'm not sure if I should be messing with suspension settings to alleviate this or if it's just an artifact of the game.
Wish me luck GT1. Making my ARS debut tonight, 44 laps at Fuji F in the GT300 series. Will try to represent GT1 well. Will be grueling.

Edit: Trick and i are debuting as team rival. Against each other we've had some great racing. Lets see how we do as a team now. Lot of potential.
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Well in a race that ended in more controversy than even the infamous autumn ring monsoon lllTrick scored pole and the win and i chugged across the line in second to represent snail gt1 racing to the fullest.

Cant wait though to get back in my camaro and start final preparations for monaco. I put schmed as the early favorite (per usual) but think we could see chuyler break out with his first win or xrad putting the caddy in victory lane just as easily. Honestly i'd say over half the field has a good shot at the win depending on how qualifying, race strategy and any incidents unfold. I am really excited about this one and though i am currently off the pace put forth by a few drivers last week i think the camaro can definitely shine if i can get through the corners properly.
I find that prediction unlikely. I haven't been in the car since we were running laps after last week's race...and I was a good second off pace at that point. This track is about qualifying fast, staying off the rails, and making error free pit stops. I've got a good track record of staying off the rails but the jury is out on the other two. The mustang doesn't have passing power through the tunnel so I'll likely be stuck drafting people around the track for 50 minutes. I'll try to get on tonight to do some more suspension tuning. I haven't touched the gear box yet either...but I think our top speed is close to the same as Tokyo.
Been out of town all week so I haven't practiced at all. This is not the best track for that.

Plus, I caught the creeping crud, so stuff that is super easy is wearing me out. I'm about 5 days into it and don't want a setback. We'll see how it goes tonight.
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