1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Black ping pong table = dust city.


2017 MBX 29/125 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren. Let's compare it to my only photo of the 2009 release:


The older one has the side blinker tampo, and I'm going to say the windows are tinted. Hmm.


2017 Speed Graphics Ford Focus RS


2017 Art Cars Cool One. Almost missed out on the fact they made a red one.


2017 MBX 120/125 '68 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ40. So glad they went back to something that looks a bit more normal.
When have you seen a Land Cruiser like that!? j/k

Seriously though, I haven't seen Land Cruiser on pegs in I don't know how many months. Might be something like 1~2 years. :crazy:

I'm gonna have to look at my SLRs & see if there are more differences.
I only wished I didn't skip out on that Jurassic Park one when I saw it...

Probably have to go on TTP, find one, and then find other stuff to buy (that I probably don't need) so I don't pay $10 to ship just one car. GOD.

See guys, this is what Completionism does to you.
I could never find those Jurassic Park Land Cruisers. Obviously(since I haven't see them in over a year). I still remember the last MBX Land Cruiser I found in the wild & it was way before the Jurassic Park.

Edit: @AOS- Wow, this is a shock & a knock on Matchbox brand. Are they allergic to things like money? Profits? I check pegs at local stores all the time. All the time. Last time I actually found Land Cruiser on the pegs? Nearly four years ago.

It's official. In my area, Matchbox Land Cruisers are rarer than Super Treasure Hunt, Green Machine, or other chases from Auto World, M2. WTF Matchbox. Do you want to sell your cars to actual people, or are you just trying to protect the scalpers? :crazy:
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At my Walmarts, they have one aisle dedicated to pop culture merchandise... usually crappy milking sellout toys from recently released movies. When Jurassic Park came out, these Matchboxes were actually put together with the other JP toys. If your stores have sections in the toy aisles like this, perhaps they had stuff there?

In any case, that Gasser we saw in the multipack is indeed a future single. Found a Lamley J-case post containing that Gasser. Nothing on the Escort though. We can onry hope.
At my Walmarts, they have one aisle dedicated to pop culture merchandise... usually crappy milking sellout toys from recently released movies. When Jurassic Park came out, these Matchboxes were actually put together with the other JP toys. If your stores have sections in the toy aisles like this, perhaps they had stuff there?

In any case, that Gasser we saw in the multipack is indeed a future single. Found a Lamley J-case post containing that Gasser. Nothing on the Escort though. We can onry hope.
Thanks for the intel on the Gasser. I could swear I saw the yellow Escort somewhere, but I don't know, I'm old.

We got tons of Jurassic Park cars, just everything except the Land Cruiser. Having realized how rare these things actually are, I bought this tonight.
Decided that since I had other castings from action packs that had screws on the bottom instead of rivits, I would disassemble them as well. It's all just for show of course. ;)

Sojourner Mars Rover from the JPL Sojourner Mars Rover Action Pack.

A surprisingly complex casting. (For a Hot Wheels casting) I didn't think it even had the typical Hot Wheels axles, but it has 2 of them! The silver part is actually metal and despite owning it for years, I never knew this. :dunce: I love this little rover.

Dixie Chopper from the Home Improvement Action Pack.

About what you would expect, except it was a little trouble some getting it apart unlike the others. The body of the lawnmower itself and the piece on the back appear to be 2 separate parts, but they are glued together and I was worried I would break it, so I didn't separate them. I advise against taking this one a part unless you plan on customizing it.

Well that's all I really have left to show for the castings I own that have screws on the bottom. Hopefully I will get more in the future to show you guys.
A car pulled into my driveway and moments later I get a call from my buddy. It's him telling me to get my rear end outside and see him. I go outside and he hands me this, then backs up and leaves before I could thank him. :lol::lol:

Racing Champions 1997 Bill Elliott Team ASE/Wagner Brake Products Ford. This is now my only Truck Series diecast in any scale. :cool:

Stopped by Walmart, bin in the middle isle was over flowing when I walked up. I wouldn't call them fresh cases since there were zero treasure hunts, so I'll say slightly-stale D case cars were all piled on top. Picked up the FuguZ, yellow ND MX-5 and the Porsche 934 RSR.
For $5.99(same price as before the bump to $6.99), I had to pick this up at Toys R Us on the way home:


If this was Prius, I would've been all over it.... but it's not. Pass:


And when you have such great cars like this to pick up, who needs treasure hunts anymore? :cool:
I think the TH was that weird gold colored fantasy car with the white wheels, so it didn't matter anyway.

Picked it up about an hour ago. Screw you both!!
Yeah that ugly thing. :P
I wanted that thing around Holiday time. I recently found a killer deal online, so I ordered it, came home with it today & saw your post. Harsh(jk). Coincidentally, I also picked up the mainline version on the way home from TRU today, too. :lol:
That meme is too good. :lol:👍!
And my newest $uper Treasure Hunt?
GL Jeep looks pretty good, like the colour.
And my gold $TH?

Started collecting mainly Tomica a few months ago. Been lurking here for a few weeks and decided to join when a few members posted their Mazda 787B, which I just bought.
Love this box. Hmm..... Welcome to the thread. 👍
And my newest $uper Treasure Hunt?

And my gold $TH?

....Nope, doesn't ring a bell.

:P :lol:

Started collecting mainly Tomica a few months ago. Been lurking here for a few weeks and decided to join when a few members posted their Mazda 787B, which I just bought.

Sweet score on the Mazda. Welcome to GTP, mate. 👍

....Nope, doesn't ring a bell.

:P :lol:
Spacegoat Teriyaki. *sharpens knife*
Scored this after work last night:
Which brand is that?
I may have to pick up the Range Rover.
I passed on that from the "Land Rover" series, but it was more of personal taste thing..... Then again, both times my Walmart brought them in, these Evoques were the leftovers.... :P
Oh my god- this is gold.
Pun was intended("gold" car) you hoser.
Also I almost thought you actually had them address the parcel to "Shinji" .... almost. That was slick of you. :sly:
Thank you. :lol:
The deats are hella sharp, but we'll see how that shapes up after the paint comes down.
I almost wonder if they do what McFarlane figure company do? Prototype shown to the press looks really good, but they are much larger model than the retail version. My buddy told me that once, back when he used to collect their sports figures. I don't know, but this Evo looks so sharp for 1/64, I get little suspicious.
Still feels like the body is too narrow... or maybe it's the fenders that are too super wide.

Pun was intended("gold" car) you hoser.

You know what? It actually wasn't, but now I will pretend it was. Thanks.

but this looks so sharp for 1/64, I get little suspicious.

With that mentality, it will be why we can't have nice things. *questions the hobby*