1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
I found it at Albertsons (Southern grocery store, or at least I think it is). I mainly find the older ones at Kmart.

[Click for larger picture]

The Rat-ified I found at Kmart. It's an 08 and goes with my Team Rat Rod Way 2 Fast. The Twin Mill III's, well, Twinmill is my favorite if not one of my favorites and I've been looking for Twin Mill III for a while. Just happened to find two and bought em up. The Deora II was hiding behind the tracks (another of my favorites) and the Manx was just cool so I bought them as well. I'm debating whether to open them though, being a collection of four and having two of them (if they're even worth a damn).

I wish there was a place that would tell what to look for, I was seeing a lot of cars that I've seen before but in different colors. I also saw a car that is supposed to have big orange outlined tires but instead has BF Goodrich ones, but I wasn't sure if it was a mistake or not. Unfortunately I'll never be able to find a treasure hunt at my walmart, two collectors come in at 7am every day and snatch up all the good ones.
I don't really have a collection, but I keep mine in packaging. Way they package it, you can pretty much appreciate the design without opening them.

My nephew doesn't share my philosophy on this one, however. :lol:
Do you guys take yours out of the packaging?
I do, except rare ones I find (TH cars etc)

Any I used to buy here and there I opened. Now that I've noticed the picture they have on the packaging I have decided to keep them sealed. It just looks nice having the car and its artwork.
Do you guys take yours out of the packaging?
I do, except rare ones I find (TH cars etc)

I open pretty much all of them, except if I already have it or if I don't like it that much and don't have much of a wish to look at it.
Other than that it's a must open for me :sly:
I just realized the 65 red mustang treasure hunt car I picked up yesterday is a super treasure hunt! with the premium wheels, and Spectraflame paint!

This bad boy is staying in the package :P
EVERYTHING comes out the package. In fact I've liberated cars as rare as a Tomica 935 Porsche that had spent the last 30 years trapped in a transparent bubble.
EVERYTHING comes out the package. In fact I've liberated cars as rare as a Tomica 935 Porsche that had spent the last 30 years trapped in a transparent bubble.

You need to remember, that they ARE toys after all. And besides. Whats the harm if it gets looked after?
You need to remember, that they ARE toys after all. And besides. Whats the harm if it gets looked after?

No harm. But for maximum protection of the car and keeping what ever value it will have in the future, I keep them in the package.

You know how valuable an original Hotwheels Redline car is still in a mint package? Now take that same car, out of a package, and add a few imperfections from over the years. Not worth nearly the same.

I do enjoy looking at the cars, but this is kind of an investment for me as well.

Edit: and I have found nothing at retail lately. Zip.
I'm going to start over with my hotwheels collection introduction. I filtered through my old models and decided which to keep. Mostly kept the ones in perfect condition or something I thought was a bit memorable (clearly I played a lot with 2 of them).

Now as i had mentioned, some of the models were going to my nephew. So this is what I was left with after that.

Last weeks purchases as I forgot to update. No Treasure hunts unfortunately. Was really glad to find the Datsun though as I remember seeing it when it first came out and loved it.

This weeks purchases were way over my intended budget (keeping my spend at 20aud a week max (treasure hunts found are exempted). I hit double in the end only because of some specials otherwise I would have let some of those go. I expected to go over early on anyway given I am starting from almost scratch and have some older cars to catch up on.

Anyway hit a lot of unique stores that I thought might have some older stuff. I'd say I was definitely in luck. My favorite finds were definitely the 250 gto, 288 gto, lp560 and the cobra. Found another TH chevrolator which even though I already had one I was happy to double up on a TH.

Now for the most unexpected find. Hit a supermarket this evening and their HW display was full. Nothing from 2010 though. All 2009 and 2008's. About halfway down one of the pegs saw the green and there was the Mustang. Picked it up and left then looking at it on the drive home realised its a super TH so I'm really happy about that one. Funny that I did have a quick look at that store last week but didn't see anything that caught my eye. Either I missed it or they had just put a new box out. The box must have been pretty old though to have 09 cars in it.

I can get dozens of both. Could send you them but might not be worth the cost? The Mazda has literally only come out in the latest boxes.

Unrelated but I've noticed no shops have the ecto. Yet the shop I got it from 2 weeks ago had about half a dozen.

Was wondering, how exactly does distribution of cars from a year work. I know some 2010 cars aren't out and wont be out for a while yet, but do some cars that came out at the start of the year (eg. the lp560) still come in boxes later in the year?
I can get dozens of both. Could send you them but might not be worth the cost? The Mazda has literally only come out in the latest boxes.

Yeah, I'm sure they will hit here soon. Being a small town, it usually takes 2-3 weeks longer for us to get anything new.
Here are a few of the collection...




I'm going to start over with my hotwheels collection introduction. I filtered through my old models and decided which to keep. Mostly kept the ones in perfect condition or something I thought was a bit memorable (clearly I played a lot with 2 of them).

Nice whacky mid-90s stuff man, I have most. look Robin, there is your t-Bird and the other cars in the Glam series.

Anyway hit a lot of unique stores that I thought might have some older stuff. I'd say I was definitely in luck. My favorite finds were definitely the 250 gto, 288 gto, lp560 and the cobra. Found another TH chevrolator which even though I already had one I was happy to double up on a TH.

Ah, I was gonna say you dont have an idea of how incredibly lucky you are until I remembered you are not in Mexico, haha. That's because the 288 GTO in red was almost impossible to find in here. It was way rarer than a trasure hunt, you just didnt see them. heck, that year I left hundreds of THs on the stands but couldn't find the damn Ferrari. It is the single most difficult on-the-shelves car that I've ever faced, and it in fact beat me, I never found it.... but a friend of mine later stepped in and gave it to me. I was happy to say the least, as that car (and everything esle that came in that code-box, but nothing was as highly sought after as the GTO) was very very hard to find in here. Maybe that box was supplied in low quantities in Mexico. I dunno in Australia, but in Mexico the damn car was impossible to get. Heck, I've seen it soar to incredible prices here... equivalent of 10-15 dollars. You get the idea.

which, ahem, begs my question: were there more? (:

Also, nice find on the Mustang $TH, it was one of the more difficult ones to get last year. 👍
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Went hunting tonight. Struck out on the first four stores. Hit the last one (another WalMart) on the way home just when they were putting boxes out. My heart starts racing when I see a pallet full of Mattel boxes. Unfortunately there were no regular Hotwheels boxes on it. :( A store manager saw me looking at the boxes and asked if I needed something. I asked if they planned on putting any cars out tonight and he said that they have some in the back, and he would not bring them out right then. But he did say that he will have them put some out early in the morning. So I plan on hitting that store again bright and early before work.

I did however find some Garage cars that were pegged in the wrong place. Went through them to find a '68 Barracuda with a signature on the bottom. On the way out I searched the registers for short cards and found a super Old Number 5.5 Treasure Hunt! Also found a non-super of the same one and left it there for another collector to find. I already have three of them. :)


Nice whacky mid-90s stuff man, I have most. look Robin, there is your t-Bird and the other cars in the Glam series.

I actually have the one car that is missing from the gleam series in that picture. The Porsche 959. I just don't know where it is? I have a feeling my nephew has it. I know he doesn't play with it though so hopefully he hasn't broken it.

Ah, I was gonna say you dont have an idea of how incredibly lucky you are until I remembered you are not in Mexico, haha. That's because the 288 GTO in red was almost impossible to find in here. It was way rarer than a trasure hunt, you just didnt see them. heck, that year I left hundreds of THs on the stands but couldn't find the damn Ferrari. It is the single most difficult on-the-shelves car that I've ever faced, and it in fact beat me, I never found it.... but a friend of mine later stepped in and gave it to me. I was happy to say the least, as that car (and everything esle that came in that code-box, but nothing was as highly sought after as the GTO) was very very hard to find in here. Maybe that box was supplied in low quantities in Mexico. I dunno in Australia, but in Mexico the damn car was impossible to get. Heck, I've seen it soar to incredible prices here... equivalent of 10-15 dollars. You get the idea.

which, ahem, begs my question: were there more? (:

Also, nice find on the Mustang $TH, it was one of the more difficult ones to get last year. 👍

Yeah a '09 TH let alone a $TH was the last thing I expected to find in my hunt. The 288 GTO I never found myself. Had a mate send it to me from overseas. I guess I am lucky because it didn't cost me anything extra to get.
I've got a lot but there old stuff from a few years ago when I used to just pick up cars that I either liked or were unusual and I hadn't seen before, should probably get back into it as I like the look of the saleen, ACR and others.
Nice whacky mid-90s stuff man, I have most. look Robin, there is your t-Bird and the other cars in the Glam series.

Oh yeah, so it is! I bet they are everywhere! :lol: I think HW never did a glam series again so I guess they are somewhat unique.

I'm in a picture mood tonight. Here's a couple more.



I want both of those. The Ferrari is SO SCARCE here. I have not been able to pick it up, everyone is scooping them up. The Cuda is just arriving so I hope to find it soon.

Yeah a '09 TH let alone a $TH was the last thing I expected to find in my hunt. The 288 GTO I never found myself. Had a mate send it to me from overseas. I guess I am lucky because it didn't cost me anything extra to get.
Ah you darn lucky guy... well, at least it was rare over there also.

Went on a small hunt today. Found a bunch of older ones, some I bought because I liked, others just because they were old or first editions. The gem though is a first edition Deora II. It's been in a box in the sun for a while so the box was bent and faded so I just took it out.

[Click for larger picture]
Stopped by the local Wal-Mart today. The racks were still full to the breaking point, and I picked up a GP-2009, a Riley & Scott Mk III LMP car, and a mystery car. I always get a mystery every time I go just for the heck of it, and today I was rewarded with a sweet '65 Corvette convertible in white with some racing decals. 👍 I wanted to get a LOT more, but I'm saving up for other things so I had to conserve.

Oh yeah, since I still play with my cars, I bought a "Speedy Delivery" Matchbox step van and a Matchbox garbage truck.

I'll try to get pics of the batch I bought in my last post and this new one. If you want to see the delivery and garbage truck as well I can take pics of those too. :D
just won these two off ebay :)

sorry I can't save the pictures so links only I'm afraid.

205 T16


I've got versions of these two already but they are from when I was very young and as such have extensive play damage. I've been hunting for a like new condition 205 in that paint scheme for a while now and I've finally found one along with a equally good condition RS200.