I believe it was "I don't understand anything because you speak too early."
He must of fancied an ice cream.
Blitz24Maldonado: I have damage, lets just go into pit road and cut across traffic! What a brilliant idea! Surely nothing bad ca--- *bang*. Oops, did I do that?
Maldonado: I have damage, lets just go into pit road and cut across traffic! What a brilliant idea! Surely nothing bad ca--- *bang*. Oops, did I do that?
Where is rain when you need it?
Spa Y u no rain?
That pitlane entry lay-out is so horrendous.
Half layout, half driver. Still need to be aware of surroundings even if you have an issue and must get to pitroad.Did you really expect him to see all those cars in that tiny mirror in the outside of the corner?
Track lay-out at fault.
m8h3rThis, so much. Close up the field and bring some unexpected things to the race. 13 laps of Spa in the wet can be a very good race in its own!