2014 Final Round - Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 @ Spa-Francorchamps

  • Thread starter gm matthew
:irked:The inside cones are the biggest distraction every time I come near one I instinctively countersteer run wide an fail anyway :ouch:. Years ago I'd eat these tests for breakfast
now everytime I'm on a hot run I completely lose my nerve. Any advice outside the old practice chestnut would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance.

I'm sorry to say, but it sounds like you need Cone Counselling...
Hahaha! What a miserable session I had last night! One hour of total failure. I never even made through Eau Rouge! Seems to have forgotten how to do it flat out somehow.
Currently sitting at a 2:18.012, and not happy at all. I have at least 2 seconds left in me.
Sadly, Le Mans is on this weekend, so playtime will have to step aside somewhat.
New tries tonight, and hopefully my memory has improved by then...
How anybody can gold this event with a ds3 is beyond me. I have been at it all weekend non stop and still can't get gold, can do 1:23's all day have even got a mid 1:21 by accident I think as I can't repeat still not good enough for gold. I do think my best time I had some lucky drifting going on it's still a blur cause lack of sleep.:boggled:

Have a go at it with ABS on 10. Just try it.
(by the way Tidgney, congrats on UK rank #1 👍)

Cheers :)

I miss GTA too much, I'm going to run again tomorrow and pretend its physics revision. A 14.751 would be nice eh Tidgney :)

That would be cruel but epic to :) I mean it's ultra close now at the top of the UK boards! Also means the temptation to go for a .6 gets a little higher :D!
DS3 user been at this for a few days now, 2:23.02 is my best yet :irked:. The inside cones are the biggest distraction every time I come near one I instinctively countersteer run wide an fail anyway :ouch:. Years ago I'd eat these tests for breakfast
now everytime I'm on a hot run I completely lose my nerve. Any advice outside the old practice chestnut would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance.

Think about what you have to do to get it right, don't think about what you must not do to get it wrong.
Don't give up hope yet my friend, there is still time. Just relax for a bit and envision it, and it will come. And only 1900 km?...I have well over 3000 miles now just for this event. :crazy: Good luck mate, you can do it. 👍

EDIT: Just inproved another .242, down to 2'16.441 for 86th place regionally atm. Heading in the right direction....finally. My confidence remains high, look out cuz I'm coming through guys. :lol: Seriously though, still an awfully long ways to go. :indiff: And again, thanks for all the help everyone, wherever I finish, I owe it all to the good people here in the community, you all have been my guiding light. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: :cheers:

Thanks for having faith! I got gold today! I'm happy I decided to give it another go as I won it with a 2:20:951, I was behind my ghost going into the last corner and managed to gain enough speed coming out of it to take the gold and the car!

*DS3 Users*
I used automatic, TCS 4, ABS 10, and controller sensitivity 7! Good luck and have fun! It's sad that I'm 460th-470th in Canada with my slow time.

*NOTE* To those of you who like me received the 15th Anniversary Edition collection of cars the 15th Anniversary Edition GTR GT3 has a higher performance point rating than this GTR GT3 Team RJN.
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My DFGT brake pedal is gone crazy, applies constantly brake pressure at 20% and that is so damn annoying. So pissed off, had all my chances to achieve a top 10 at the very least, at the end of the upcoming week end. Won't receive a new wheel until Monday. Anyway GW IMMORTAL for this TT, had my wheel been working properly, I would have done anything in my power to prevent you from sleeping a whole night like I did at GTA Round 2 :). Good thing is I achieved the first step towards achieving my fondest dream ever: Win the GT Academy.
My DFGT brake pedal is gone crazy, applies constantly brake pressure at 20% and that is so damn annoying. So pissed off, had all my chances to achieve a top 10 at the very least, at the end of the upcoming week end. Won't receive a new wheel until Monday. Anyway GW IMMORTAL for this TT, had my wheel been working properly, I would have done anything in my power to prevent you from sleeping a whole night like I did at GTA Round 2 :). Good thing is I achieved the first step towards achieving my fondest dream ever: Win the GT Academy.
When my DFGT pedals did that I'd open the pedal base and spray some WD-40 on the white plastic potentiometers, and it fixed the problem both times. All you need is a small Phillips screwdriver. 👍
When my DFGT pedals did that I'd open the pedal base and spray some WD-40 on the white plastic potentiometers, and it fixed the problem both times. All you need is a small Phillips screwdriver. 👍
Oh thank's for the tip mate :) I'll try it ASAP.
What I did with my G27 pedals was depress the pedal fully then let it spring up on its own. I did that a couple of times and it fixed the problem temporarily until I could give the pots a proper cleaning. Not sure how good it will work with the DFGT pedals, but you could give it a shot along with what @Gravitron suggested. Good luck and hope you get it sorted out. :cheers:
My DFGT brake pedal is gone crazy, applies constantly brake pressure at 20% and that is so damn annoying. So pissed off, had all my chances to achieve a top 10 at the very least, at the end of the upcoming week end. Won't receive a new wheel until Monday. Anyway GW IMMORTAL for this TT, had my wheel been working properly, I would have done anything in my power to prevent you from sleeping a whole night like I did at GTA Round 2 :). Good thing is I achieved the first step towards achieving my fondest dream ever: Win the GT Academy.
When my DFGT pedals did that I'd open the pedal base and spray some WD-40 on the white plastic potentiometers, and it fixed the problem both times. All you need is a small Phillips screwdriver. 👍

I "fixed" my DFGT pedals when they started acting up by placing my foot over to the left so it wasn't in a straight line to the pedal, once I'd grown used to it it was great. It made using a G27 tricky though, I had to move my foot in front of the brake pedal again so I wouldn't hit the clutch... which hurts more than you'd think, if you aren't expecting it to be there. :lol:
When my DFGT pedals did that I'd open the pedal base and spray some WD-40 on the white plastic potentiometers, and it fixed the problem both times. All you need is a small Phillips screwdriver. 👍
I would recommend a tuner cleaner designed to clean, lubricate, and condition the contact surfaces of the pots. I use "Blue Stuff" on my vintage guitar amplifiers, but there are others on the market. I would be leary of using WD40, and electrical contact cleaners will work in the short term, but will lead to premature wear on the pots.
Having tons of fun with this combo, really like it! Currently 60th in Canada at 2:17.4xx, but I know I have plenty left. I think a low 2:16 is reasonable, high 2:15 would be great to hit! I really like how the more you push the car, the more stable it gets. It seems to get more unstable for me when I don't attack as hard.
Yess nailed gold, 2:20.837. JAYWALKER suggested ABS on 10 what a difference it made You're a genius.
Before that 2:23 was my best. 3rd lap in, bang gold .
For the record DS3 user, Auto, ABS10, TCS 0 and drive line, Steering sens 4.
Thanks for all the advice.:cheers:
I would recommend a tuner cleaner designed to clean, lubricate, and condition the contact surfaces of the pots. I use "Blue Stuff" on my vintage guitar amplifiers, but there are others on the market. I would be leary of using WD40, and electrical contact cleaners will work in the short term, but will lead to premature wear on the pots.
You are completely correct. 👍 It wasn't a good idea to use WD40, and maybe if I'd used the correct product the problem wouldn't have returned the 2nd time, 2yrs after the first time.

But those limp pedals are in the trash now and I have G25 pedals connected to my DFGT. :)
You are completely correct. 👍 It wasn't a good idea to use WD40, and maybe if I'd used the correct product the problem wouldn't have returned the 2nd time, 2yrs after the first time.

But those limp pedals are in the trash now and I have G25 pedals connected to my DFGT. :)

I was going to say something about against using WD40, but I figured you knew something I didn't. Besides, the last time I tried correcting a mod, it didn't turn out well. :lol:
You are completely correct. 👍 It wasn't a good idea to use WD40, and maybe if I'd used the correct product the problem wouldn't have returned the 2nd time, 2yrs after the first time.

But those limp pedals are in the trash now and I have G25 pedals connected to my DFGT. :)
Since we're only talking about relatively inexpensive pedals versus irreplaceable 50-year-old musical equipment, anything that keeps you racing through the night will suffice.

Since my last post, I discovered that Blue Stuff was discontinued over 10 years ago--thankfully I still have 1/2 can. I'm not sure there are still alternatives on the market since radios and televisions no longer use potentiometers. Sigh.
To be fair in IMMORTAL's case, I support what he's doing because, like what others have said, he only wants to win the time trial. Since the German competition ended on the 9th, German accounts are no longer allowed to register times.

If he just left with a week still on the clock for the rest of the world, he may not be able to win. Maybe Ti-tech could make a late charge. @DBRS007 could make some noise towards the end too.

IMMORTAL does not want this to happen. So he made a second account in a region not elegible for the competition and will continue his routine of running insane laptimes.
i agrre with u doodle he only whens to win a lot of people have enter this TT n everyone is trying he wants he's world record n thats what he cares about n i dnt care that hes taking 1st n 2nd dnt understand that people who bitch because there gone down 1 more place because of him do they know that thers people with more then 3 or 4 accounts in top 50 or 100? why not bitch about that IMMORTAL not the only 1
Yess nailed gold, 2:20.837. JAYWALKER suggested ABS on 10 what a difference it made You're a genius.
Before that 2:23 was my best. 3rd lap in, bang gold .
For the record DS3 user, Auto, ABS10, TCS 0 and drive line, Steering sens 4.
Thanks for all the advice.:cheers:

Glad it helped. :) (TC on 1 could probably get you an even better time.) I use a DFGT & ABS 10 seems to act almost like a type of SRF. Doesn't always work, though...
Yess nailed gold, 2:20.837. JAYWALKER suggested ABS on 10 what a difference it made You're a genius.
Before that 2:23 was my best. 3rd lap in, bang gold .
For the record DS3 user, Auto, ABS10, TCS 0 and drive line, Steering sens 4.
Thanks for all the advice.:cheers:
I cannot for the life of me get under 1:22, and that 1 lap I did was a fluke... 5 hours in until 2 am yesterday and I'm still nowhere closer than my 1 great lap...

I'll try with your setting today. (the standard TCS0 and ABS1 StSens0 was what I had...)