2014 Jeep Cherokee "Liberty"

  • Thread starter RocZX
There's an Aztek on my estate. In the UK. I thought I'd be safe from them here.

Watch as the house prices within a mile of it drop 30%. :lol:

And there must only be a handful of those in the whole country. I question why those who decided to import them here bothered to.
Watch as the house prices within a mile of it drop 30%. :lol:

And there must only be a handful of those in the whole country. I question why those who decided to import them here bothered to.

Lots of Americans live in my town. See some quite unusual (for the UK) cars sometimes.
There's an Aztek on my estate. In the UK. I thought I'd be safe from them here.

"A collapse of the British housing market today caused the Eurozone to slide into another financial crisis. Sources say that this is the worst sudden change in housing prices since the similar collapse in 2008 that led to the Great Recession, after the Renault Avantime was given a segment in Top Gear."
"A collapse of the British housing market today caused the Eurozone to slide into another financial crisis. Sources say that this is the worst sudden change in housing prices since the similar collapse in 2008 that led to the Great Recession, after the Renault Avantime was given a segment in Top Gear."

It's great. If I'm ever walking home drunk after a night out it's really easy to find my way home. I just walk towards the burning chariot of satan, then hang a left.
Hope that wasn't for me. I don't like that 2014 grand Cherokee thing.

Hahahaha. I don't know how that front looks good at all on that new one.

Wow people are just deucing on this car.:lol: I've not seen such detest for a design since the Pontiac Aztek (just disgusting to the eyes:yuck:).

I absolutely hate that thing. I think it was the worst car Pontiac ever made.
No, the late 80's lemans.

If so i think that this and the Pontiac Aztek cross themselves with being the worst.
I absolutely hate that thing. I think it was the worst car Pontiac ever made.

The Aztek wasn't actually a bad vehicle when you looked past the design of it. It had excellent practicality and could do many things other SUV's/Crossovers of the day couldn't do. It had it's downfalls for sure since it was from GM in the early 00's, but the worst vehicle Pontiac made? Not by a long shot.

With that said just because something is hideous doesn't mean it's a bad vehicle. I'm seeing quite a few statements, all over the internet, saying the new Cherokee will be terrible because of it's looks. That's sort of a stupid thing to say, especially since we haven't even seen it in action yet. Most Jeeps that have been produces are quite capable off-road, I don't see how this would be any different.
I absolutely hate that thing. I think it was the worst car Pontiac ever made.



"It's ugly" doesn't mean "it was bad." The Aztek was way overpriced, ugly as hell, mismanaged to an epic degree and marketed horribly for what it was, but it wasn't particularly bad as a car at the time and it didn't even suffer from most of the same downfalls that most GM cars did at the time (no typical UAW shenanigans, since it wasn't built in America; no major recalls to speak of, etc.).
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just because something is hideous doesn't mean it's a bad vehicle.

The problem is that most people are not going to look how well the car performs or what it will be capable of doing, they are look only how the the cars looks.
I think the Aztek also gets flack for being one of the first minivans marketed as an "SUV" (nothing is actually exactly marketed as such). Groundbreaking for it's time, since most car-based SUVs wouldn't come for a few years, but not a lot of sport.

Ugly hurts sales. + Who buys minivans? = Classic marketing bungle.

(Why do I recall it coming out before 2001?)
The problem is that most people are not going to look how well the car performs or what it will be capable of doing, they are look only how the the cars looks.

There's never really been a good looking Jeep save for the newest Grand Cherokee. If it can perform off-road, Jeep buyers will probably overlook the design.

It's any other Jeep. Big, pretty ugly, terrible and pointless!:grumpy:

You don't know much about Jeep's do you? They are far from terrible and they're point is the same as any other SUV, it's just that pretty much every Jeep can go off-road whereas many other SUV's can't.

Really for the money you can't buy a better off-roader than the Wrangler. Sure Land Rover's are probably better, but they are also twice as expensive.
Oh yeah, the X-Body wonders. The only way we can go further down the food chain at GM is by talking about the H-Body.


Despite looking fairly good, the Astre Lil Wide Track had not only one of the worst names I've ever seen on a vehicle, assuming that the cylinder block didn't twist itself in half, it isn't likely the car made it to the '80s after GM made them out of used Chinese tanker ships.
The back looks even worse than the front. This thing is hideous. One of the worst designs I have seen in a long time. 👎:crazy:
Gonna step on some toes here. My opinions:

-Ugly as hell, WORSE than the Aztec(which has grown on me over the years), on par with Chevy Aveo5(which I can't look at still without wanting to vomit).

-General Public = Magpies and tin foil. Why does everyone point to cars like Ferraris and Lambos even with their 'burning' reputation? Because they look incredible. No one cares that they are broke down on the side of the road, because they're in an Alfa, or an Aston. We, the people who like cars, know to look under the body panels, but most don't so the companies make soething that looks good, though I'm not sure how the 80s existed.
Gonna step on some toes here. My opinions:

-Ugly as hell, WORSE than the Aztec(which has grown on me over the years), on par with Chevy Aveo5(which I can't look at still without wanting to vomit).

-General Public = Magpies and tin foil. Why does everyone point to cars like Ferraris and Lambos even with their 'burning' reputation? Because they look incredible. No one cares that they are broke down on the side of the road, because they're in an Alfa, or an Aston. We, the people who like cars, know to look under the body panels, but most don't so the companies make soething that looks good, though I'm not sure how the 80s existed.

Except it's pretty clear most Jeep buyer don't care what the vehicle looks like as long as it's off road capabilities are excellent. Look at Jeep's line up since the dawn of their existence, they're designs range from uninspiring to down right awful, but they all could hold their own off-road. Even the Compass was better off-road than anything else in it's class.

Honestly a vast majority of new cars are just boring when it comes to design and they all look more or less the same when compared to other vehicles in it's class. The Cherokee is a pretty unique design, and while it may not be the best looking thing on the road, it really does stand out, especially when you compare it to other small SUV's on the road today.

And really, Chrysler is getting a ton of press over the design and they are getting people talking about the Cherokee. Remember, there's never such a thing as bad press. The more it pops up in the media, the more people will know what it is.
Gonna step on some toes here. My opinions:

-Ugly as hell, WORSE than the Aztec(which has grown on me over the years), on par with Chevy Aveo5(which I can't look at still without wanting to vomit).

-General Public = Magpies and tin foil. Why does everyone point to cars like Ferraris and Lambos even with their 'burning' reputation? Because they look incredible. No one cares that they are broke down on the side of the road, because they're in an Alfa, or an Aston. We, the people who like cars, know to look under the body panels, but most don't so the companies make soething that looks good, though I'm not sure how the 80s existed.