2015 TUDOR United Sportscar Championship

  • Thread starter MonGnoM
The impression I got wasn't that they don't care about Le Mans, it's that they want to go for overall wins which isn't something they can do.
"But I think Le Mans should not be even discussed anymore. It’s a complete and utter waste of everybody’s time"
Wayne Taylor

"You think about the life of a Daytona Prototype, and it’s been really a pretty strong car for the last 10 years, whatever it’s been. It’s like, “Listen, why don’t we just do that again with what’s best for us?” Maybe it’s based on a P2 chassis or P3 chassis, even. Something where we can still bring the budget back to reality."
Troy Flis

"It’s hard enough to keep a car running financially in this series, much less find another million dollars to do one race at Le Mans. Unless someone wants to pay for me to go, there’s no chance."
Taylor again

I got out of it the team owners wanting a good series in America and are more than willing to give Le Mans a pass if it means they can race here cheaper and have better competition.
Sweet, thanks! Just making sure that it wasn't a tape delay thing, also still getting out of the Grand-Am years of watching the race when it ended at night/dusk lol. Good, have something epic to watch tomorrow then. :D

On the Prototype note...I honestly don't get why DP teams don't just buy a GT3 car and go into GTD if they want to keep their own costs down. An LMP2 is a modern race car it's going to be pricey. :rolleyes: Or buy an LMPC car. Just stop ruining the party for the rest of us...the sportscar world can move on without your whining (aimed at DP owners).
Ego stroking. They want to be the big fish in a small pond and if they can influence the rules to keep out any of the funny smelling euro people that can come over here and kick their ass then all the better for them. The fact that Taylor wasted $800k on a single DP shows how bad of a business man he really is. Maybe Fonzie can be farmed out to a puppy mill to help grandpa pay off his bad debts.:lol:
Thats some awfully presmptive logical leaps you two are making. Id much rather listen to the guys who spend money to run here rather than those who might come here if I open up the regulations for their cars.

The most important thing to note here is that the ACO is making P2 into a secondary class, and that doesn't work for IMSA. I wouldn't care for TUSC if generic P2 cars headed it. They might as well drop the class at that point.
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Thats some awfully presmptive logical leaps you two are making. Id nuch rather listen to the guys who spend money to run here rather than those who might come here if I open ip the regulations for their cars.
Don't let rational thoughts from guys who have major skin in the game get in the way of a good IMSA bashing
Thought we were done with the idiotic ALMS vs. Grand-Am Bull 🤬

Someone just has to rehash the same old combative crap :rolleyes:

One article and people flip the hell out. Seriously, are you guys that easy to incite? No one wants to take the damn time to read, automatically its either interpreted as "Teams don't care for Le Mans" or "Ego stroking".
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Popping this quote from the le mans 24 thread in as it fits here.
You realize Riley doesn't build ANY of those Corvettes, right? Literally, the 01 is the only car that is built and even Mike Shank saw the writing on the wall that it was obsolete (Despite the Ford Money rolling in)

Seriously, the Grand Am bashing is old as hell and its seriously annoying to see this pop up in now two damn threads.

I noted below that Riley don't actually build all of them. DSC have summed up perfectly with this new set of articles. Part One, Two, Three

It's the opposite philosophies (privateer-orientated ACO vs manufacturer backed US) that means these regs cannot work properly.

Comedy story of the week goes to the Starworks PC boss not wanting LMP3's as a PC replacement because they can't contend for wins. Also maybe not occurred to him ORECA will not support the car forever.
Popping this quote from the le mans 24 thread in as it fits here.

I noted below that Riley don't actually build all of them. DSC have summed up perfectly with this new set of articles. Part One, Two, Three

It's the opposite philosophies (privateer-orientated ACO vs manufacturer backed US) that means these regs cannot work properly.

Comedy story of the week goes to the Starworks PC boss not wanting LMP3's as a PC replacement because they can't contend for wins. Also maybe not occurred to him ORECA will not support the car forever.

Its not even confirmed if the PC will be replaced (though given the closed coupe approach ACO is going for, it shouldn't be a surprise when it eventually does). Also, he (as in, NOT the owner of Starworks) is worried about "Competing for wins" in a spec class. Really?

Edit: Just read the article and his argument is even more stupid then I thought.

It’s just like the PC cars. They’re built to a price point and you put a lot more in it to make it an endurance car

And he says this despite the fact that the Ginetta made is debut in, where else, a 24 Hour race. Seriously grasping for thin air on this.
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It finished, didn't it? You said it had only been in 2-4hour races and I showed you the first race it was in, which was a 24 Hour race. Its a new car for goodness sake, you sound like you despise the thing already.
Despise it no, but it is disappointing that the car is this far off the pace so far.
Again, its a new car. Let them work it out. Remember how much of a bigger annoyance the Orecas were when they had pitiful straightaway speed (and power) in comparison to the GT cars? Its just the first year, give it time and it won't be as slow.
None the less the Dp has been a credible race car, mundane race car but still very credible, had 4? Chassis manufacturers with several different engine suppliers, and has provided some brilliant racing,

Though the key ingredient to the future is cost cutting,

On the other side of the coin, if IMSA do go down the path of silhouette bodywork, and have each of the 4 ACO manufacturers build the silhouette bodywork for their specific chassis, there is no reason in the future the ACO cant move in that direction, though its unlikely,
The future of the TUSCC looks good to me honestly. With GTE cars being given a small shot of steroids (and thus the GTLM cars getting spicer...which is hard to believe since they're already awesome), FIA GT3 coming into GTD, and the LMPC's being updated with the fantastic Ginetta (best...engine...EVER), and the possibility of Prototype becoming GTP...I'm excited for 2017. :D Good news is that the GTLM and GTD changes happen next year. :D

Now if we could just clean up the safety crew and the officials.......
Shame Junquiera got wrecked. He was catching the 38 by 2 seconds per lap, even if he was 70+ seconds behind.

Edit: These PC cars are eliminating themselves from this race quickly. Just after Conor Daly put in a fantastic first stint and had the 38 in 3rd overall when he pit, it promptly got crashed by whoever replaced him in the car.
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