2015 United Kingdom General Discussion

  • Thread starter Growling
Hey guys I have two questions wich are very important for me :)
I just made a 29,2 time wich put me
On place 14 in Germany. I will improve up to 28 during the competition but there are two things wich I have to know before I go on with the fight.
-First question is if the last jears finalists can participate again in the final round( round 4) because there are some guys I don't see in the actual rankings. Like TRL immortal etc... The new rules say that the past years national qualifiers can't qualify again. The point is that I'm not sure if in the actual rankings are people who will not qualify even when they are on the first positions. The first 4 will make it but what if the first 4 are past years national winners and they wont be choosen again because of the new rules. Will the people on place 4-8 be the ones ? Or are all of last years national winners not included in the actual rankings ?
-Second question is dealing with the handbrake. Is the use of the handbrake allowed ? Or will they ban me if I hit the handbrake ? I hit it in one corner but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to use it. It's important for me because if I fight I wanna do it legally :)
Thank guys
Good luck to everyone!

Greeting from Germany :)
Yes last years finalists will appear on the leaderboard but wont be able to get through so like you said if the top four where ineligable 5-8 would go through. The handbrake can be used but is not advised as loads of people frown upon it but its not against the rules.
Yes last years finalists will appear on the leaderboard but wont be able to get through so like you said if the top four where ineligable 5-8 would go through. The handbrake can be used but is not advised as loads of people frown upon it but its not against the rules.
I was worried about this. I'm not eligible simply because of the fact I only have a provisional licence :banghead:, but the reason why I don't want to get into the top 4 is in case I take up a spot that somebody else can have. But I'd think that they'd move on once they know I'm not ineligible. I'm not saying I will get in the top 4, but I mean, what if I do? Would they just move on to the next guy who is eligible and invite him to the finals?
I was worried about this. I'm not eligible simply because of the fact I only have a provisional licence :banghead:, but the reason why I don't want to get into the top 4 is in case I take up a spot that somebody else can have. But I'd think that they'd move on once they know I'm not ineligible. I'm not saying I will get in the top 4, but I mean, what if I do? Would they just move on to the next guy who is eligible and invite him to the finals?

If you're not eligible they move onto the next one in line. :)
If you're not eligible they move onto the next one in line. :)
Oh right, phew. That's cool. I'm doing it this year to see where I'd stack up. Next year (hopefully, if it's on) I'll have the requirements and try and get in. Cheers Spurgy. 👍 :cheers:
I was worried about this. I'm not eligible simply because of the fact I only have a provisional licence :banghead:, but the reason why I don't want to get into the top 4 is in case I take up a spot that somebody else can have. But I'd think that they'd move on once they know I'm not ineligible. I'm not saying I will get in the top 4, but I mean, what if I do? Would they just move on to the next guy who is eligible and invite him to the finals?
They will invite you stating the T&C's via email, you get a time period to reply to the invite and provide the information they require e.g passport driving licence. If you are ineligable then go as fast as you can in the tt but reject the invite when/if you make the cut. Dont worry about it.
If you're not eligible they move onto the next one in line. :)
Which is good news for me :D #1 in the UK of those people who've never been before and are old enough (not really, but who's counting?) :D
They will invite you stating the T&C's via email, you get a time period to reply to the invite and provide the information they require e.g passport driving licence. If you are ineligable then go as fast as you can in the tt but reject the invite when/if you make the cut. Dont worry about it.
Oh cool, cheers clark. :)
Which is good news for me :D #1 in the UK of those people who've never been before and are old enough (not really, but who's counting?) :D
What position are you in? Or better what is your psn name? And how do you you who is eligible and who's not
Hi everyone, just thought i'd ask if you guys know who is eligible thats fighting for the top? Not sure if id have a chance but it would be interesting to know the ranking you would need at the moment.
Hi everyone, just thought i'd ask if you guys know who is eligible thats fighting for the top? Not sure if id have a chance but it would be interesting to know the ranking you would need at the moment.

I'd say you'd need a sub 3.27 lap to get through.

Good luck :cheers:
Yeah it would be good to know who is ineligible this year, it's a real shame tbh for the guys who are missing out because they've only been to nationals before 👎

But at least it guarantees new drivers going through the programme rather than the usual suspects. From my point of view, I've never been to a national event before; in fact this is my first GT Academy attempt and I haven't taken part in any form of professional racing. So I should be eligible hopefully if I make the cut :)

Unsure where the cut off time will be atm though.
Yeah it would be good to know who is ineligible this year, it's a real shame tbh for the guys who are missing out because they've only been to nationals before 👎

But at least it guarantees new drivers going through the programme rather than the usual suspects. From my point of view, I've never been to a national event before; in fact this is my first GT Academy attempt and I haven't taken part in any form of professional racing. So I should be eligible hopefully if I make the cut :)

Unsure where the cut off time will be atm though.
There's only one or two top-timers I haven't seen set a time yet, with your time you'll make the cut, I think. :)
Stupid question I know (and probably answered 1000 times already on this forum), but do the top 4 go straight to race camp?
Using information off of granturismo.com/gb/academy/2015/, uh yes the top 4 go straight to race camp. 👍
Thanks mate. I couldn't remember whether PD had gotten rid of the Nationals.

I'm going to work my socks off to get close to the top times and see what pans out! :cheers:
I'm working extremely hard to get into the top 10 but all I'm coming out with is a cone in my front splitter! :banghead:

Just keep trying, you'll get it, promise :)
Hope you don't mind, being downloading your ghosts to improve myself actually, really good driving indeed! So thank you
I decided to join Bertboy75 over in the TC party. Managed a half second improvement to 27.5, but that might have just been due to the monster stint I did because I've been on for that with no TC..

If anyone gets the hump about the multi accounts, it's because I can't use the TRL account with any aids. I wouldn't usually do it, but this is GT Academy, so anything goes I'm afraid