2016 MotoGP/ WSBK/ Road Racing ThreadMotorbikes 

  • Thread starter Mike Rotch
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Thanks for that, hadn't seen a slow mo/zoom of the helicopter shot before. It's still not 100% clear to me whether Rossi stuck his knee out as a reaction to rubbing against Marquez's bike, or as a deliberate move. Although I think it does show there's really little to suggest Marquez was "headbutting" Rossi, which many had concluded from the (awful perspective) side-on footage.

What if you reverse the situation,if Marc Was Vale?
My point is actually useless,i know it myself (so nobody needs to tell me that) but still.
Every Rossi fan would say that Marc had kicked of Vale,now they disagree.

I can't disagree with this - if Rossi had gone down after Marquez had hung him out very wide and appeared to stick his leg out I would have gone beserk!
However what Rossi did was wrong, he should have continue fighting and not do what he did.
Given Marquez's reputation for pushing too hard and losing it, and for dirty tactics of his own, Rossi would have pushed on at his own risk. There were half a dozen times where I was sure they were about to have contact at high speed. There was no way they could continue like that - sooner or later, one of them was going to go down and take the other with him. And going by his form, I'd say Marquez would have been the one to drop it.
There's a difference between overtaking someone and forcing them off track. Marquez never stopped Rossi from taking a corner, he just got there first. It was all clean racing.
Again, not true. Marquez dive-bombed his bike into the turns several times and only the awareness of Rossi prevented the contact. Did you actually watch the race? Did you already forget those times when MM touched Rossi's bike?
Marquez hit him two times.
If his foot had slipped,he should have at least a moment of unstability,a wobble or something like that,he could even have crashed by losing his front.
This is 100% your assumption eventually based on your own motorbike experience and biker skills which are radically different from VR. He is definitely NOT new in saving moves at the limit.
Troy Bayliss tweeted that it would have ended in tears at speed if it hadnt concluded where it did.
Again, not true. Marquez dive-bombed his bike into the turns several times and only the awareness of Rossi prevented the contact. Did you actually watch the race? Did you already forget those times when MM touched Rossi's bike?
Marquez hit him two times.

Where does Marquez hit him,i haven't Rossi heared complaining about that.It was close racing but they didn't touch each other somewhere.Rossi was forced to aware that Marquez will pass him everytime when he leaves a little gap open.

This is 100% your assumption eventually based on your own motorbike experience and biker skills which are radically different from VR. He is definitely NOT new in saving moves at the limit.

I surely agree with you,if i had the same skills as Vale i would and i could probably race against him.
My skills on a bike ar indeed very poor comparing to him.;)

For information:
Maybe it seems that i'm after VR.That i hate him.
That's not true,i'm just saying that his kick (sorry,once again i still believe that it was) isn't tolerable.
This is an action that can't be allowed by any other rider.
I repeat,if Jorge,Dani,Marc,Maverick,Scott,Cal,the Andrea's,... would do the same i would say exactly the same.
VR is just an amazing talented racer and personallity,he's very charismatic and i do understand why people have such symphatie for him.No one will reach his level of popularity ever again,everywhere you go,you'll see a yellow wall and that's very impressive.He earned this respect,no doubt.
But he's trying to get away with it without having anything to blame.
He's playing mind games,but he has setted up Marc against him,by doing this in public.
Even when Marc accuse Vale him to lose the world championship,Marc didn't do that in public.
Marc actually has no right to claime that.
Marc lost the championship by his own mistakes.
Rossi took the "war" off track,Marc fight's on track.
It will always be an endless discussion if it was a kick or not,but i'm just sharing my opinion.
Again, not true. Marquez dive-bombed his bike into the turns several times and only the awareness of Rossi prevented the contact. Did you actually watch the race? Did you already forget those times when MM touched Rossi's bike?
Marquez hit him two times.
I can't believe what I'm reading here. Read http://m.crash.net/motogp/news/224594/1/motogp-race-director-explains-rossi-punishment.html
Mike Webb says Marquez didn't break any rules and clearly states there was no contact between the two leading up to the incident.
There is very little logic in this thread.

Rossi of all people complaining about the racing Stoner had a feud with him in the first place.

Someone better post up some evidence of Marquez dirty racing tactics if they want to add some logic to their emotional argument.

Fact is everyone saw when Rossi went dirty.
You know, since the stewards have basically declared that selective racing is within the rules, I'd like to see everyone willingly give way to Rossi in Valencia.
You know, since the stewards have basically declared that selective racing is within the rules, I'd like to see everyone willingly give way to Rossi in Valencia.
Since when has Selective racing ever broken any rules.
October 12;
I wish MotoGP was bigger here on GTP. It's my favorite sport and I
notice there's not a whole lot of traffic in this thread.

Funny how this thread went from ~5 regular posters this season to what we see now.

I hope you guys will stick around after Sepang-gate is concluded and not just come here for the negative discussions and then never visit the thread again.

The more MotoGP regulars the better.
Where does Marquez hit him?
Watch the race again.
i haven't Rossi heared complaining about that.
It's not my fault if you didn't hear it. He said it after the race.
I can't believe what I'm reading here.
It's not like if someone is not telling the truth we have to believe him.
"We heard from both riders. Marquez told us that he was just riding his normal race and minding his own business, making passes on Valentino without contact. Which is true. And that he had no intention of disturbing Valentino"

This is NOT true. Go watch the race from the start people.
Someone better post up some evidence of Marquez dirty racing tactics
Simple, just youtube the race replica from the start.
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"The scrap that developed became legendary, Dario Romboni, Fausto Gresini and Bruno Casanova all blocking Spaan at every pass and trying to push him wide. The plan of the Italians worked, Spaan finishing fourth and Capirossi taking the crown in his rookie season."
/David Emmett
Maybe someone doesn't know this but it seems Alzamora confirmed that Marquez was racing against Rossi. And by "racing against" I mean "trying to disadvantage him all the way to the finish line". Even if I think there was no need of a confirm, it was pretty clear to everyone who watched the last two races.

"I think that he (Marquez) is angry with me, because he thinks that what happened in Argentina was done on purpose, plus he's angry about Assen, where I don't really know what happened", said Rossi sarcastically before getting serious and adding: "Alzamora told me as much when we spoke after the race. He told me that he (Marquez) behaved as he did because I caused him to lose the world title. On top of that, I think that he would prefer that Lorenzo win it ahead of me. That's what I think".​

It's not like if someone is not telling the truth we have to believe him.
"We heard from both riders. Marquez told us that he was just riding his normal race and minding his own business, making passes on Valentino without contact. Which is true. And that he had no intention of disturbing Valentino"

This is NOT true. Go watch the race from the start people.
I'm happy to say Marquez was making moves on Rossi more aggressively than normal because of what Rossi said to him on Thursday, but your argument that Marquez hit Rossi twice is just flat out wrong. You're questioning whether I or others have even watched the race yet it's you who seems to have watched something different to us.
but your argument that Marquez hit Rossi twice is just flat out wrong. You're questioning whether I or others have even watched the race yet it's you who seems to have watched something different to us.
It's not my fault if you pretend you didn't see it. I watch'd the race from the start and it did happen. If you are lucky to find a link Dorna has not yet took down you'll see it. If you don't then I don't care the only thing I can say is it did happen. That's all. Good luck with youtube.
Those Dorna scums are censoring everything.
It's not my fault if you pretend you didn't see it. I watch'd the race from the start and it did happen. If you are lucky to find a link Dorna has not yet took down you'll see it. If you don't then I don't care the only thing I can say is it did happen. That's all. Good luck with youtube.

Those Dorna scums are censoring everything.

well can you prove where did MM hit VR,good luck with that.
why do whe need to prove that MM didn't hit VR,why don't you prove us wrong?

*4:18 ,yes indeed VR slipped of his foot-peg and yes it was caused by contact with MM.
*5:39 ,very nice and clean pass by VR,not pushing away MM to the outside of the corner.
couple seconds later he did slipped again from his foot-peg,indeed Marc was causing this.
again seconds later he's waving to MM ,"hey come on,let's get them".
*6:04 MM had a chanche to hit VR his rear wheel,did he do that,indeed,from my point of view he just does the opposite,avoiding contact.
*7:45,MM is indeed driving into VR,not trying to avoid contact.
The only contact i see is where VR knocks down MM.
but maybe i'm just blind,can somebody confirm this.

I think i know what's going on,VR and his fans are affraid that they won't get what they are hunting for and dreaming of.
His 10th championship.
VR is maybe looking for a scapegoat when he fails.
The only one to blame if he don't succeed is himself and no one else.

hope you can see it before it's got deleted.

if you got facebook,try this link

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You know, since the stewards have basically declared that selective racing is within the rules, I'd like to see everyone willingly give way to Rossi in Valencia.

It will happen,don't be affraid,VR will be back in the front in no time.
It's not my fault if you pretend you didn't see it. I watch'd the race from the start and it did happen. If you are lucky to find a link Dorna has not yet took down you'll see it. If you don't then I don't care the only thing I can say is it did happen. That's all. Good luck with youtube.
I still have it saved on my tivo box, the most aggressive move before the incident was Rossi on Marquez at turn 7 lap 6, when Rossi waved an arm to tell Marquez to calm down. As if that would have done anything other than wind him up further.
I hope at some point you realise that when you disagree with 99% of people who watched the race, including those whose job it was to study everything from every angle and hand out punishment accordingly, you are probably the one in the wrong.
It will happen,don't be affraid,VR will be back in the front in no time.

Unlikely. Anthony West put something on his Facebook page (taken down quickly) saying he gave up his life to be a Moto gp racer and he won't slow down to let anyone past. It doesn't really matter though, if they don't let him through he'll kick them out the way anyway! :lol:
I still have it saved on my tivo box, the most aggressive move before the incident was Rossi on Marquez at turn 7 lap 6, when Rossi waved an arm to tell Marquez to calm down. As if that would have done anything other than wind him up further.
I hope at some point you realise that when you disagree with 99% of people who watched the race, including those whose job it was to study everything from every angle and hand out punishment accordingly, you are probably the one in the wrong.
Post the video from the start if you can and if Dorna stop being a scum taking down all videos I'll tell you where Marquez hit Rossi. The worst thing they can do in my opinion is try to censor people posting stuff. We are no longer in Middle Ages, we are in 2015 and if they try to control the media like this it means they have something to hide.

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I asume that this screen was taken from the facebook vid i've posted,for me it still does not prove that there was contact,there is another replay from another angle of this pass seconds later and still (from that angle) it doesn't prove that there was contact.
Hopefully that wasnt VR's work....

It also seems more clear now why Lorenzo was booed on the podium - is that him giving VR the thumbs down whilst Rossi is acknowledging the trophy (circa 30s)?

It also seems more clear now why Lorenzo was booed on the podium - is that him giving VR the thumbs down whilst Rossi is acknowledging the trophy (circa 30s)?

It sure does look like it. Can't wait for Valencia to see how this ends. Rumors enough already (as usual).
Can Yamaha continue with both drivers after this???
Rossi is going to the CAS to see if there is a chance to get rid of the penalty he received.
Rossi is going to the CAS to see if there is a chance to get rid of the penalty he received.

This might be interesting (if true):

"As such, Rossi has also filed an "urgent application" for a "stay of execution of the decision". In other words, Rossi wants the three penalty points to be suspended while the CAS reaches its verdict. CAS expects to decide on whether this suspension will be granted by November 6, the date of Friday practice at Valencia.

Since Rossi's punishment involves penalty points rather than championship points, any decisions made by the CAS after the Valencia race are unlikely to have an impact on the 2015 title outcome.

For example if, after the season finale, the CAS upholds the three penalty points during its full judgement, Rossi would simply serve his last place start at the 2016 Qatar season opener (or whichever race followed the judgement)."

(From crash.net)
So as far I understand it, CAS only needs to regard the decision as debatable for Rossi to have his penalty removed for the last race of this season at least?
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