I'm quite relaxed as are others willing to take the time and debate you. There is nothing really emotional about this or other racing debates I find myself in, nor should there.
what exactly are you debating? You haven’t had anything to add to the convo, you just seem extremely hung up on the fact I mentioned Brian Deegan.
As in you're acting as if people (myself being one of them) is overly sensitive or dynamic in this conversation when in reality we're just arguing your points as they appear. You tell us to lighten up, and I simply ask why? There is nothing to lighten up about because we're not stressed or angered to begin with. So is it because we are willing to continually debate you on this subject? Because you don't like to entertain said continual debate? I'm confused as to why people who are showing no ill will should "lighten up", when you were the one that decided to take part in the debate of your own accord.
So you’re upset I made a comment about hailie, upset I mentioned Brian’s racing career, and feel you need to “correct” me on this, all while trying to say I’m getting upset...but I’m the overly sensitive one here. Okay then
I’m good with debate, but you’re not debating anything. All you’re doing is repeating that you corrected me on something that wasn’t meant to be a right/wrong statement. Furthermore, I corrected myself before you entered the convo.
Not at all. No I'm not. Glad you say it "straight from the dome." I would never read your posts as such. There is a difference between someone wanting to seem knowledgeable and resourceful and actually be such.
You make no sense. You claim I try to write with gravitas...that claim can only come from your end, it’s how you read my posts. And now you say, “I don’t read your posts like that.” So either they try to have gravitas, or they don’t...which is it Mr candle burner?
In regards to my “jab” at her being female.
I said
My take away from that is that Danica hasn’t noticably enhanced female participation at a very young level...seems the author of the article is still waiting for that wave to occur.
I do find it interesting that the daughter of one Brian Deegan needs factory assistance from Toyota. It’s not quite on the same scale, but it’s similar in nature to saying Mick Schumacher needs Ferrari support to get through junior formula. Deegan was a professional Motocross racer in the 90s and early 2000s (a bad one, and a cheat), who’s real rise to fame (and relative wealth) came from being one of the pioneers behind The Metal Militia and freestyle motocross.
So SHE needs assistance from Toyota, meanwhile the son of Joe the construction worker who lives on a fraction of the money as Brian Deegan, that kid doesn’t get any help from Toyota because he made the mistake of choosing to grow a penis while in the womb.
I suppose that’s what you take as the jab at her for being a woman. It wasn’t meant as such, if anything it was a jab at Toyota for supporting her because she was a woman.
However, before you even started posting to “correct me”, I said this:
I don’t follow American junior oval racing at all. That article is the first I’ve heard of Deegan since I last heard about her father a few years back. So if I’m wrong in this, and she is being supported by Toyota because she is fast, and has been a champion in nearly every previous series she’s run, then good on her, and good on Toyota for finding a young talent. If, however, Toyota are supporting her primarily because she is a girl, that I don’t support.
So, I made my initial comment, then clarified that it was just a guess at the situation, but that if Toyota’s backing was because of talent, then I support it.
Then half a page or so later, you come along and need to “correct me” about something I already corrected myself.
Furthermore, when i say “Deegan was a professional Motocross racer in the 90s and early 2000s (a bad one, and a cheat), who’s real rise to fame (and relative wealth) came from being one of the pioneers behind The Metal Militia and freestyle motocross.” I’m not saying that to slander the name or anything, I mentioned it to indicate that she doesn’t come from a family completely new to motorsports.
You’ve now spent 2 pages “debating” me over what was nothing more than a throw away comment. Instead of taking it an an insult against her or whatever, you could have just asked for clarification (you know, like I did when my “question lacked gravity”.)
I’ve agreed that Deegan’s racing career has no impact on her career, I’ve said I support Toyota backing her becaus talent (again, something I mentioned before you got involved in the convo)....what more else can I say to appease you? Or do you want to continue to try to psycho analyze me further?