- 777
- Canada
Make the penalties severe enough that teams can’t strategize around them. They say a team can get excluded from a championship for a severe infraction, but I don’t see the FIA enforcing that for any of the big teams, especially the one that just won the wdc.The problem is, as soon as you say 'you'll get this penalty for breaking this rule', the teams start calculating how to absorb the penalty and whether the advantage gained is better than the punishment. By leaving it open ended, it makes the punishment fitting of the breach.
However, Toto Wolff came up with a good point - if a team has massively overspent last year to gain an advantage, and massively overspent this year because it wasn't caught last year, then whatever punishment they receive at the end of this year, they'll still have a massive advantage next year unless they're excluded - which the FIA won't do for Red Bull because they're too much of a draw (and they'll find some legal way around it by declaring themselves a new team or suchlike).
Some reports are saying the 2 teams only had minor infractions. Another one says 1 team went over the cap by up to 10 mil. If a team did the latter, I don’t see how they couldn’t get excluded from last year’s championship at the very least. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out given the FIAs ability to screw everything up.