400PP Nordschleife Shootout

  • Thread starter CSLACR
The MR2's have caught my attention thus far.
The MR2 was the go-to car for my Lemons competition. The '99 was the best car given the restrictions. It had to be at least 10 years old, had to engine refresh to 385pp or under, and only parts that affected pp could be installed (ie, no transmissions, LSDs, or suspensions). We started on CS tires too. Only a few drivers picked it because it wasn't easy to drive in stock form.

I'll have to check my stable for some cars that fall between 385-400 that I didn't test for that series but I will likely be chasing the lap time of an MR2 through the first few sectors since it will likely run faster in stock form than some cars after they've been tuned.

Can you put me down as a tuner? PSN: chuyler1
Do miles even get recorded in borrowed cars? I though the borrow system didn't tax the owner of the car with any wear issues?
They do, until you un-borrow them, then they return to state before borrowing, I believe.



I've done enough break-in runs at SSRX to know that this isn't the case. On a fresh car you'll gain power for a bit due to break-in, then the "oil advantage" will start fading back away after about 120 miles or so.
I think it's 150 miles they start to lose power, fully lost by typical 186, isn't it?

But when you did these break-in runs, you're saying the cars speed increased while you were on the track, slowly as mileage increased? Or after your run, you checked and the power, etc was down?

SailIC took a car out for something like 10 laps at Sarthe (roughly 85-88miles-ish) and gained zero top speed the entire time. After he stopped to check power, power was up as you'd expect, and once he took the car back out, the top speed immediately increased around 2-3mph.

If you found something different, I'll have to try it out.
They do, until you un-borrow them, then they return to state before borrowing, I believe.

I think it's 150 miles they start to lose power, fully lost by typical 186, isn't it?

But when you did these break-in runs, you're saying the cars speed increased while you were on the track, slowly as mileage increased? Or after your run, you checked and the power, etc was down?

SailIC took a car out for something like 10 laps at Sarthe (roughly 85-88miles-ish) and gained zero top speed the entire time. After he stopped to check power, power was up as you'd expect, and once he took the car back out, the top speed immediately increased around 2-3mph.

If you found something different, I'll have to try it out.
During your 600PP event I couldn't lay down consistent laps with praiano's ZZII because it was losing power while driving. Most noticeable on the oval as the top speed down the front stretch slowly got worse.
Perhaps it's different online to offline then, I believe Sail did his test in an online race.
I'll have to look into it.

Updated OP with 200 mile/322 kilometer rule.
This sounds like the coolest thing ever, without even exaggeration. (Since there are all those seasonals up with 400PP limits.)

A couple things:

1. Is it your intention that the testers be above average drivers? It might be amusing to have some terrible drivers test these out, as long as it does not mess up the results.

2. I think you may want to have at least 3 winning cars selected, as I worry one car will be the one every zeroes in on. Such as best NA, EU and Asia tuned cars.
My intentions are that test drivers test and drive each car an equal amount, and submit equal, unbiased reviews of their opinion of each car and how it drives, along with the best lap times. Reviews can be 10 words, or 150, doesn't matter, just something basic to let the tuner know what could be improved, in that driver's eyes.
Speed is great, but the above are far more important, and speed is not required in any way to be a test driver.
They do, until you un-borrow them, then they return to state before borrowing, I believe.

I think it's 150 miles they start to lose power, fully lost by typical 186, isn't it?

186 is when the car is fully broken in, power starts dropping off from oil quicker than it gains from break-in after somewhere around 120 it seems.

But when you did these break-in runs, you're saying the cars speed increased while you were on the track, slowly as mileage increased? Or after your run, you checked and the power, etc was down?

Yep, then it started to drop back down as the oil advantage faded.

SailIC took a car out for something like 10 laps at Sarthe (roughly 85-88miles-ish) and gained zero top speed the entire time. After he stopped to check power, power was up as you'd expect, and once he took the car back out, the top speed immediately increased around 2-3mph.

If you found something different, I'll have to try it out.

Got no idea why that's the case for him, I was lapping SSRX for a much longer stint than that. Saw about 2mph variance.
I may take a shot at this. I may be the only GT5'er to feel this way, but I've avoided running the 'Ring like the plague for a year because it's such a crap track to race on and running hot laps isn't really my thing but I got the bug recently and started running some laps there and tuning a few cars and even sent a PM to Praiano to ask him about my lap times and if I was in the ballpark at your typical 450/500/550/600 pp levels. Also, tuning or even driving on CS tires is not something I'm real familiar with so it could be a double learning experience. I see that 8:30 is sort of the competitive time to shoot for so I'll take a swing at tuning a couple of cars in the next week or so and see if I can come within a John Elway Hail Mary of that time and if I think I can add something decent to the mix, I'll jump in. Could be lots of fun to test drive as well but so many cars for so many laps:crazy:
You missed Theo777 as a tuner :D.

Always looking out for the Clueless family. :dopey:
Is PSN and GTP id the same?
As a tuner or tester?
FTW, I'm skipping people who express interest but don't confirm themselves specifically as "in as a tuner/tester".

186 is when the car is fully broken in, power starts dropping off from oil quicker than it gains from break-in after somewhere around 120 it seems.
I never really checked, I'd thought it was 150 when it started, maybe it's 150 when it's finally lost the whole gain from the change?

Yep, then it started to drop back down as the oil advantage faded.

Got no idea why that's the case for him, I was lapping SSRX for a much longer stint than that. Saw about 2mph variance.
I'm assuming it's an online/offline mileage difference, as I believe his was done online.
Now I have to try it. :crazy:
I may take a shot at this. I may be the only GT5'er to feel this way, but I've avoided running the 'Ring like the plague for a year because it's such a crap track to race on and running hot laps isn't really my thing but I got the bug recently and started running some laps there and tuning a few cars and even sent a PM to Praiano to ask him about my lap times and if I was in the ballpark at your typical 450/500/550/600 pp levels. Also, tuning or even driving on CS tires is not something I'm real familiar with so it could be a double learning experience. I see that 8:30 is sort of the competitive time to shoot for so I'll take a swing at tuning a couple of cars in the next week or so and see if I can come within a John Elway Hail Mary of that time and if I think I can add something decent to the mix, I'll jump in. Could be lots of fun to test drive as well but so many cars for so many laps:crazy:

It took this game to get me to like the track. I hated it in GT4, but with the inclusion of online racing, I knuckled down and learnt the course. I too became hooked.

At this PP you can really attack the course, there's plenty of grip from Comfort tyres. Like xDee mentioned somewhere further up the thread, I've had to go back and check what tyres I was using sometimes.

There's a bucket of cars that fit the bill, so you better get your testing boots on, Sir...

This sounds like the coolest thing ever, without even exaggeration. (Since there are all those seasonals up with 400PP limits.)

A couple things:

1. Is it your intention that the testers be above average drivers? It might be amusing to have some terrible drivers test these out, as long as it does not mess up the results.

2. I think you may want to have at least 3 winning cars selected, as I worry one car will be the one every zeroes in on. Such as best NA, EU and Asia tuned cars.

Is PSN and GTP id the same?
As a tuner or tester?
FTW, I'm skipping people who express interest but don't confirm themselves specifically as "in as a tuner/tester".

I believe as a tuner for sure, and maybe tester? And his PSN is Zigatan. Thanks.

EDIT- HERE is his post as well. :D
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Is PSN and GTP id the same?
As a tuner or tester?
FTW, I'm skipping people who express interest but don't confirm themselves specifically as "in as a tuner/tester".

Thank you Krenkme and CSLACR for pointing this out. Its been a busy weekend and Monday. I should have specified my intent to compete as a tuner in the post.:ouch::)

I already narrowed my tuning choice down to two cars. Sadly, neither one is an orange Kubelwagen but, the cars should still be good fun to toss around the Ring.


So... add me as a Tuna :dopey:
Maybe he recognized you from the Nurburgring times thread?

My bad i understood it the wrong way !! haha
I thought he meant you choosed terrible drivers as testers :scared:

Ive added all the current tuner on the list to my friend list, Theo777 doesnt appear to be a valid psn account, thats what it says when i try to add him.


edit: oh i see now why... i will add Zigatan and the next tuner tomorow...
The 86GT don´t go under 400PP but i test it against my 2 best cars for the moment. Strangely ,premium cars have more grip but less top speed. At least the ones i have tested. i have a car at 8.23 and i stick to the ghost car with the 86GT till the straight but there is 9 kmh less top speed. At the end this 9 kmh less represent 3 seconds more.

I think i have tested all the potentials cars. Just fine tuning now. From my 2 best cars one is easiest to drive, i don´t know what i will choose. There is only 2 seconds between them.

It depend how harder to drive it is, but for 2 seconds it may worth going for the easiest to drive. Goodluck in your choice! :D
It depend how harder to drive it is, but for 2 seconds it may worth going for the easiest to drive. Goodluck in your choice! :D

I would like to see also how low in time a fast driver like you can go with the faster one. Also i have time to try to transform the most difficult in a fast easy car. Just some fine tuning and let´s see if i find the right balance....:)👍
It took this game to get me to like the track. I hated it in GT4, but with the inclusion of online racing, I knuckled down and learnt the course. I too became hooked.

At this PP you can really attack the course, there's plenty of grip from Comfort tyres. Like xDee mentioned somewhere further up the thread, I've had to go back and check what tyres I was using sometimes.

There's a bucket of cars that fit the bill, so you better get your testing boots on, Sir...


Turns out I don't have a lot of good lower PP cars but I found a couple that may suffice. Guess I'll have to pay more attention to the UCD in the future...lol. One car holds on to the road like your ex-wife holds on to your wallet but lacks some power, the other is faster but a little loose. Can't see anything else in my garage competing with these two but I'll try out a few more and see what I can do tuning when I get a chance over the next few days. There is a surprising amount of grip with these tires offline but I don't see me getting anywhere near Praiano's 8:20ish time :crazy:
Sign me up as a tuner :) sorry I didnt finish testing in the last one, my life kinda went bang but it's all settled down now. 400pp around the ring hmmm this will be a tough one
Ok&#8230;I think I might have got something for this, it's much faster than the MX5, feels better, is more exciting and have more power. :D

It's dubbed the ugly duckling. :lol:
Thank you Krenkme and CSLACR for pointing this out. Its been a busy weekend and Monday. I should have specified my intent to compete as a tuner in the post.:ouch::)

I already narrowed my tuning choice down to two cars. Sadly, neither one is an orange Kubelwagen but, the cars should still be good fun to toss around the Ring.


So... add me as a Tuna :dopey:

No problem, just making sure that Clueless has at least one tuner in the shootout :dopey:
I cant even find a car that drops the 8.40 barrier! although i dont have many standard cars.. :S only 250.. -.- i wish i had bought some more now.:banghead::banghead:
Please put me down as a tuner. PSN chuyler1.

So you guys are way under 8:30 now huh. I can see an 8:28 in the car I'm tuning now but that's only if I put together all the sectors perfectly. I'm not really sure if it's the car, the tune, or my driving. I've been focusing on making the car easy to drive but I may have to see if I can get more grip out of it too.
Turns out I don't have a lot of good lower PP cars but I found a couple that may suffice. Guess I'll have to pay more attention to the UCD in the future...lol. One car holds on to the road like your ex-wife holds on to your wallet but lacks some power, the other is faster but a little loose. Can't see anything else in my garage competing with these two but I'll try out a few more and see what I can do tuning when I get a chance over the next few days. There is a surprising amount of grip with these tires offline but I don't see me getting anywhere near Praiano's 8:20ish time :crazy:

Fortunately for me, I have a bucket of cars that fit. This is the realm I live in, low(ish) PP, street cars. I'm only expecting the very fastest drivers to hit sub 8:30s, unless someone posts something that's both super fast and super easy to drive...

I took a car round at 397pp (needs running in) and that was 9:16.322 but I did hold back quite a bit. I'm surprised how good it held the road on CS tyres. Understeer wasnt even a problem seen as its an ff car
I took a car round at 397pp (needs running in) and that was 9:16.322 but I did hold back quite a bit. I'm surprised how good it held the road on CS tyres. Understeer wasnt even a problem seen as its an ff car

Premium…FF…a CRZ? Or a Fiat 500?