Getting old? You got that right, but my thumbs have callouses on the end of them, towards the r/hand side on the right one and l/hand side on the left one, however even so, after a spell from playing they become so sore I just can't continue.
I have heard wheel players here say they have played until their hands bled,
but I take that with a grain of salt.[/QUOTE]
Really?.....because I've got the blood stains on my wheel to prove it.

After all I have played through, I don't wanna hear about your little fingers getting sore with callouses.

Talk to me after you have played right after a back operation, (which I have been doing again here recently by the way-4th back operation a few weeks ago) stitches busting (a few years ago after another back operation during the Academy), pain so bad that you can hardly see straight.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

So yea, I don't wanna hear about your little fingers hurting.