Made for this event. managed 57.3.
Lol, my bad. I had seen your formal screen name (the Andromeda one) on the leaderboards in a bunch of the previous TT's, and I was looking for an alternate but was looking for the Spanish Flag, so, since I am still pretty inexperienced/n00bish on here, I couldn't figure out if you had skipped this event or not. I apologize for the awkward phrasing of the question lol, was the least weird way I could think of phrasing it to try to figure out if/what your alt sn was and/or if you had participated in this event or not or if it was a "team tune" or what the scenario was. I guess I understand now why they called you "Elias" in the Matterhorn thread. Was confused from the Sweden/Spain thing.
Much respect for the 57.3
Btw, I wonder how many of the Top 250 are of alternate names of the top people. Like, I see you have the Erazer and Elias name also, and then I've seen some of the other guys have alts as well. So like, if I finish 200th, I wonder if that is more like 170th or 150th or 120th or what, once adjusting for the people who have more than 1 time in the top 250.
I think, if I was Polyphony Digital, the way I'd do it is maybe like, have it where people can attach screen names to their main name, so the system automatically knows which account is alternates attached to what, that way people could put up as many alt attempts on different cars, or different Driving Options settings (active steering on/off, TC 0, 1, 3, etc etc) on various different names to see how high they can go in different scenarios, but without it affecting the numerical rankings. Like, for each time underneath their top time on the board, instead of putting a number next to it, it could just leave the number blank and put in parentheses their screen name/alt name.
So, as a hypothetical made up example, instead of the Leaderboard rankings list of some random TT event looking something like this:
1. Immortal
2. Wolf
3. Doodle
4. Andromeda
5. Ed Night
6. Erazer
7. Yuhki
8. GTRP_Ed
9. BocaWeird
10. Elias
It would instead look something like:
1. Immortal
2. Wolf
3. Doodle
4. Andromeda
5. Ed Night
- Erazer - (alt Andromeda)
6. Yuhki
- GTRP_ED - (alt Ed Night)
7. BocaWeird
- Elias - (alt Andromeda)
8. Rio
9. Vitesse
10. Kilou
If you see what I am saying. Like, it would still list the alt results into the Top 250, but without it taking up a numerical spot. That way people could still do runs on alt accounts but people could still know what spot they were relative to number of people, rather than number of people + alternates of same people. But those who want to try to see how high they can finish in a 2nd model of car, or do a run for their Team acct vs personal account, or try and see how fast they can go first on their wheel rig and then on their DS3 joysticks, or one with Active Steering turned on and one to see how fast they can go with it turned off, or so on and so forth, would still be able to do that, but have the rankings still show the person vs person rankings without any effect from alternates, if that makes sense.
Btw, I wonder if your home planet is in my avatar pic