A month later, your opinion on GTSport?

  • Thread starter queleuleu
A month on i'm feeling like i did with the closed beta disappointed and that it's just seems like quick match in pretty wrapping. Yet i'm conflicted because i also like it, graphics, driving etc and think there's more still to come if this is to define motor sport for the next 100 years as kaz said, some where, it'll have to evolve.

The SR doesn't work right i've been rank S since week 1, 10% of my races are clean 10-20% i mess up but in at least 70% of my races some1 rams, pushes me or another driver. Dropping back and letting them wreak havoc hurts your DR.

I'm hopeful though, that it'll evolve soon ish with the addition of more tracks and cars. Tweaks to the SR ranking, i think it should be harder to reach S. A better selection of races closer to real life racing like longer ones with pit stops and restrictions on driving aids.

As it is at the moment the only reason i can say that will keep me playing the game for as long as gt6 is the race series' here on gtp. I've met and raced with some great people from gtp with gt6 and hope to do so again with gtsport.

But if the game doesn't evolve or the additions come at a cost near that of the original cost of the game i'm off.
I think the biggest disappointment I am seeing is that the online daily races it seems to be harder now to find clean races than it was when the game was first released. It is starting to get to the point for me that what is the use as you will be rammed multiple times. One race I ran in earlier today as an example on dragon trail gr4 which I saved a replay on I was hit between the first and second corner and lost 5 spots, I made those spots up in the first couple of laps mainly taking advantage of other drivers errors.

One of the cars that had passed me at the beginning of the race I made a clean pass and regained my original starting position back. He tried to battle back but could not gain the position back. Finally he punted me in the right hander at the top of the hill before the chicane, I went off course and hit the wall and picked up one of the famous 10 second victim penalties as well as lost about 7 spots.

Anyway watching the replay I "rode with this driver" that punted me .
He started the race in 12th place and finished in 5th, with the exception of 2 cars which he passed while they were off track he did not make 1 clean pass on any car on the track that entire race and punted all of them out of the way.

At race end he had no penalty and a blue SR so this was one of those racers that has learned to game the penalty system. Riding with him he had good lines and was fast on an empty track but had no skill in racing off of his hot lap line around other racers.

Unfortunately this I am seeing more instead of less.
After a month of intense play, this week I felt tired and lost the excitement.

I got to level 33, and rating B / A.

But I lost the horn in playing again. The same circuits, a tiring delay to start a new race ... Enough!

I want more circuits!

I want more cars!

I want new game modes available in SPORT.
Up to now my opinion is what have PD been doing for 4 years since GT6! :confused: Even without any proper offline mode it seems such a small game. I don't do the online racing, never have, so that part of the game means nothing, as it did in previous games, so I'm on about the rest of it. I'm enjoying the Livery Editor, always love watching the replays and taking pics, but haven't really 'clicked' ;) with the Scapes, and I'm a keen Photographer. I like setting up the Custom races, but would like a bit more control with regard to choosing the cars to race, rather than having a 911 or Audi Quattro leading every race.

I know a lot of the info was there before the game was released, but the reality of so few cars and no actual offline really makes it overall a disappointment. :( A limited number of tracks doesn't help either. Why they don't have every previous track in I don't know. It can't be that hard to update the graphics as the basic layout and design is all there.

If there were rumours about what they have planned, and a timescale, the future may look a bit rosier, but there isn't afaik. I've nearly got all the cars I'm interested in. :rolleyes: Not interested in racing the GT Vision cars, as on most of the tracks they are too fast. And if I wanted to 'drive' imaginary cars, I could put on Ridge Racer. :rolleyes: ;)
Nah man, not my point. I just don't think spending 400 dollars on a gaming machine so it can sit in the closet till the game you want to play get released makes any sense at all. Just the fact that consoles go down in price throughout their lifecycle alone belies that fact.
Also by doing so you have missed on getting the ps4 pro for the price of the OG’s launch price. The pro is way better than even the slim. Best place to play GT by far so you kinda gimped yourself by buying a system and just storing it away. You also missed a good amount of other great games.
i started to discover the custom race making in arcade mode and am having a blast aside from sport-mode
i actually chose a N600 car and matched myself against N800 cars and put myself last on the grid. challenge was to get to the front in a disciplined manner. tyre wear on 5x and a 7 lap race. gotta say: that was damn intense, really great racing!
just choose your opponents stronger than you, put them on "professional" and you'll have your challange in offline mode. and get nice credits too.
this game-mode is highly underrated and should be featured more.
it does a better job in letting you customize how and who you wanna race than FM7
Its lack of content considering development time is excessive. Won't deny it. But I wouldnt trade this for a port of 6, like what 6 was to 5 and basically what 5 was to 4, with an overhaul to only portions of the game's graphics. Only comparing to the past in the series, not the competition. GT just wont ever blow anyone away again like it did in its heyday and the competition is ahead in a lot of ways, this is true.
We’ve been conditioned to believe this dev time is excessive. The gaming industry is known for their abhorrent labour mispractices so maybe PD is one of the few places where working conditions are proper.
Nice sale on GT Sport in the UK. I am in the USA and do not know retail price, is this 50% off? Hefty discount. Not a positive sign for a franchise game only released one month ago.
From memory it was about £48 at release so not quite half price. Looking around though every one seems to be selling at a discounted price. Which doesn’t look great only 4 weeks in.

We’ve been conditioned to believe this dev time is excessive. The gaming industry is known for their abhorrent labour mispractices so maybe PD is one of the few places where working conditions are proper.

Some of us have also been conditioned to believe PD can do no wrong and will trot out any old guff in their defence.
I like that PD is keeping us in the dark about stuff, it leaves wanting. I like the idea of presenting unique cars in the daily workout and mileage exchange that you can't just buy, and not everyone will get the same cars. I like that they're not saying much about scoring rules, SR rules, and easing everyone into managing tires/fuel to keep it somewhat fair. I think a lot of people just need to learn how to cope with what we've been given and learn to be adaptable.
I like that PD is keeping us in the dark about stuff, it leaves wanting.

So bad (or total lack) communication is a ...good thing?

I like the idea of presenting unique cars in the daily workout and mileage exchange that you can't just buy, and not everyone will get the same cars.

Unique cars?How about getting the same car everyone else have for 3-4 times in a roll as a daily workout gift?I am not moaning about this but what unique cars?

I like that they're not saying much about scoring rules, SR rules, and easing everyone into managing tires/fuel to keep it somewhat fair.

So its fair because people dont know what rules they have to follow,how penalty/rating system works......
Its fair that someone that can manage tire/fuel,is forced not to do that because others cannot.Fair for who?

I think a lot of people just need to learn how to cope with what we've been given and learn to be adaptable.

In order to adapt you need first to know how things work.If you dont know the "rules",you cannot adapt to them..

PS: I hope this was not a bait post.
With the custom races and the ability to set up pretty much whatever you may prefer for an off line race I do not understand people saying this game does not have offline content.

Want fun races, set up 5 lap or longer races on course of choice, set AI to pro, full grid, boost none, slipstream real, damage high, corner cutting high, tire wear at least 5x and fuel consumption on.

Start at the rear and advance to the front totally clean, no contact, no bumping, no off tracks. Totally fun, decent challenge until you hit the front. If you want a little more challenge either restrict your power or run the opposition 1 class higher than yourself.

A blast and also prepares you for when hopefully in the future tire wear and changing grip levels will become more common in the daily or weekly races.

Great practice for learning to run a course contact free at race pace. The only thing this mode will not give you is a trophy or tell you you are winning a championship which against the AI is nothing but an ego stroke to begin with.

I didn't even know I could do this had a look I don't really understand how to do it but my son is down at the weekend so he can show me.
Many thanks for the advice.
So bad (or total lack) communication is a ...good thing?
It's not even something that needs to be communicated, you're given a set of cars, race what you have and stop asking for more (more are being given, as news serves up)

Unique cars?How about getting the same car everyone else have for 3-4 times in a roll as a daily workout gift?I am not moaning about this but what unique cars?
Sorry if my message came off confusing, I mean getting cars that you wouldn't normally buy (unique) and yes you may get the same cars a few times but the chance of getting something good is there, sort of the fun in the "gamble".

So its fair because people dont know what rules they have to follow,how penalty/rating system works......
Its fair that someone that can manage tire/fuel,is forced not to do that because others cannot.Fair for who?
Yeah, figure it out as you go and see what works, trial and error, you're not always going to get a set of rules and be prepared for everything, learn as you go. If you need to be told absolutely everything, what fun is there in the learning experience? We all know by now that pretty much any contact is bad for your SR so be aware of your surroundings and let the A-holes get past because they'll go off track eventually. for someone who can manage tire/fuel and not having to is not a big deal, but if someone who cannot is quick but runs out of gas will learn (awareness).

In order to adapt you need first to know how things work.If you dont know the "rules",you cannot adapt to them..
You don't need "rules" to adapt to your surroundings. You learn by the "if/then" rule. If I make contact, then my SR goes down. If my SR is red, then it goes down, etc etc. just learn from your mistakes, see what others are doing and what works, do your own trial and error. I remember one of my cup races I started 3rd and finished 1st, clean race bonus, fastest lap, and my DR only went up by a pixel, so I learned I have to do more and be faster if I want my DR to increase and i'll figure it out eventually, I don't need to be told the answer.

PS: I hope this was not a bait post.
It is a great game. Need more content and features. I hope we get free updates not paid DLC though like other games. I do not buy DLC. 1.06 is a huge surprise :eek: I hope we get free updates for a year at least to spec 2.0 or something
We’ve been conditioned to believe this dev time is excessive. The gaming industry is known for their abhorrent labour mispractices so maybe PD is one of the few places where working conditions are proper.
No. Just because there are known bad practices in the indusrty...I don't even know where to start with such a random comment. PD might just be the biggest developer with the most resources compared to the main competition (Arsetto, Forza, PC2, iRacing). Regardless of any neg. working conditions on any of those teams, of which I have never read of anything notable, PD is 100% slacking on the content they provide comparatively.

Ultimately, for me, the point mentioned in a prior post, I am OK with this sacrifice, since they answered the issues I had in the past for the series. But I would never try to deny that their competitiors seem to be doing more with less. GTS is a quality game, with insane levels of detail for sure, but it's a fair criticism given the time they take with it and randomly bringing up neg practices for a broad industry as an excuse in any way makes no constructive argument for anything.

Side note: I ld prefer 3 to 4 year development time for any Kojima, Naughty Dog, Take Two, etc. game vs those co's pushing out yearly cash ins. Different genres with different competition but same goes for PD....doesn't change my criticism.
Nah man, not my point. I just don't think spending 400 dollars on a gaming machine so it can sit in the closet till the game you want to play get released makes any sense at all. Just the fact that consoles go down in price throughout their lifecycle alone belies that fact.

I don't know if you're being intentionally obtuse or not.
The fact that you've chosen a scenario where it sits in a closet, for whatever reason, makes it seem like you're grasping at straws. I don't know what twisted, made-up scenario you've got going on here now. Who the hell buys a new-gen console and puts it in a closet?

To act like somebody's "not being smart" by choosing a product based on what it's expected to deliver, is pretty ridiculous. That's probably the smartest way there is to buy something.

I know you think you're in the know and all, but you know 73% of GTPlanet members in the GTS forum in early 2016 were reasonably certain the beta would release before 2017.
No, you didn't know more than the GTP community.
We’ve been conditioned to believe this dev time is excessive. The gaming industry is known for their abhorrent labour mispractices so maybe PD is one of the few places where working conditions are proper.

Nope. They brag about sleeping under their desks.
Nope. They brag about sleeping under their desks.
I read that too...10, 20 years ago.
No. Just because there are known bad practices in the indusrty...I don't even know where to start with such a random comment. PD might just be the biggest developer with the most resources compared to the main competition (Arsetto, Forza, PC2, iRacing). Regardless of any neg. working conditions on any of those teams, of which I have never read of anything notable, PD is 100% slacking on the content they provide comparatively.

Ultimately, for me, the point mentioned in a prior post, I am OK with this sacrifice, since they answered the issues I had in the past for the series. But I would never try to deny that their competitiors seem to be doing more with less. GTS is a quality game, with insane levels of detail for sure, but it's a fair criticism given the time they take with it and randomly bringing up neg practices for a broad industry as an excuse in any way makes no constructive argument for anything.

Side note: I ld prefer 3 to 4 year development time for any Kojima, Naughty Dog, Take Two, etc. game vs those co's pushing out yearly cash ins. Different genres with different competition but same goes for PD....doesn't change my criticism.
“Known bad practices”?? You make it sound like it isn’t ubiquitous and pervasive. So PD being well resourced is in favour of my argument, I hope you’re able to understand why.

And I also hope you see the irony of trying to veto a discussion as a constructive argument.
A month later, I'm still enjoying it but not as much. Sticking to my word, it's very polished & the gameplay is good. But I'm starting to get a bit bored now, I'm not going to lie. I just feel like I keep doing the same races all over & over again. Has anybody created any decent races? Need some ideas because there is not much choice of track. Now that I've got all the cars, all I do now is collect milage points & try to create some decent races.

You will get new single player campaigne soon
So I fired up the game for the first time in two weeks after the excitement of the announcement yesterday and man it's a poor drive. I really don't like the handling/physics model and ffb. Braking is the biggest issue for me, you just get absolutely zero feel for what the car is doing when braking. I hope the changes that are made in the two upcoming updates are enough to tempt me back because at the moment the game is just meh for me.
Do you think the game is worth getting on old standard PS4? Is the framerate okay in the final game? I like what they are doing with updates, adding older cars etc. I thought Kaz's "500 cars plans" from few years ago were just words but now I don't know. :D
I don't know if you're being intentionally obtuse or not.
The fact that you've chosen a scenario where it sits in a closet, for whatever reason, makes it seem like you're grasping at straws. I don't know what twisted, made-up scenario you've got going on here now. Who the hell buys a new-gen console and puts it in a closet?

To act like somebody's "not being smart" by choosing a product based on what it's expected to deliver, is pretty ridiculous. That's probably the smartest way there is to buy something.

I know you think you're in the know and all, but you know 73% of GTPlanet members in the GTS forum in early 2016 were reasonably certain the beta would release before 2017.
No, you didn't know more than the GTP community.

You bought a dictionary. Nice.

As for the rest of your post, I'm not even gonna bother. It ranges from putting words in my mouth to blatantly misrepresenting what you previously said. All good. Based on your past posts I had no better expectations.
A month later this is what I think:

On the pro side:
- the multiplayer racing is still the best there is on consoles
- scapes are still nifty
- I still like the awesome menu music
- interesting times ahead with GT league and new cars.

On the con side:
- I can’t be arsed anymore to do the few remaining campaign challenges, just lost interest
- I play less due to Assassins Creed Origins and thus gather less mileage points. Sucks to having to revert to Nothern Isle AFK mileage farming to keep up with the mileage store offerings.
- the game URGENTLY needs new tracks
- next time I get a gifted BMW i3 I will buy PSVR just so I can jump from a virtual building.
As long I accept it as an arcade racer and not a sim its ok. Today I entered two races and both were like destruction derbys, half the entrants did not even have a qualifying time. I really do think they should drop the word sim from there description because it aint no sim.
So I fired up the game for the first time in two weeks after the excitement of the announcement yesterday and man it's a poor drive. I really don't like the handling/physics model and ffb. Braking is the biggest issue for me, you just get absolutely zero feel for what the car is doing when braking. I hope the changes that are made in the two upcoming updates are enough to tempt me back because at the moment the game is just meh for me.

I read that too...10, 20 years ago.
“Known bad practices”?? You make it sound like it isn’t ubiquitous and pervasive. So PD being well resourced is in favour of my argument, I hope you’re able to understand why.

And I also hope you see the irony of trying to veto a discussion as a constructive argument.
Your argument would have validity if there were current and known controversies going on...say reports from Slightly Mad Studios or other competitors, that emp's were being overworked and abused. To my knowledge that isnt the case and the generalization of an issue in the industry as a whole, used as an excuse for PD's lack of content doesnt hold up well. Not to mention overworked 'bad practices' extends to much more than just the gaming industry. My field (accounting), its not absurd to avg 90hrs/week for months at a time. However if PDs competitors ever come out with reports of significant abuse in this regard...we can for sure look back and say, it cost us some content, but at least they (PD) were better to their emp's, and your point would then have legitimate merit.

Regardless, the news drop the other day about the new content coming Nov through March is awesome and promising! I stand by my original post that Im grateful PD chose to build from what theyve done with Sport, despite the sacrifices its meant, vs continuing the formula since GT4.
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So against my better judgement I decided to get the game. This is not impressions 1 month later, but impressions of the game as it is today.

- Online matchmaking system seems to be well thought out
- Graphics look good
- Nice photomode/scapes
- Seems like a low amount of bugs present

- UI is useable but it sure is ugly, coming from pCARS2.
- Sound is acceptable, but nothing to write home about. Much better sound in other games out there like AC, pCARS2, even Forza.

- Physics seem to be stuck at GT5 level. I may be wrong here, haven't played that game in a long time, but coming from AC/pCARS2 its a massive step below
- Terrible music. I'm surprised some people have liked it. I like all kinds of music in general (electronic, classical, rock, etc.) but the music in the game is just exceptionally bad.
- AI is really slow even at maximum level. I'm still learning the tracks and even then I can beat them easily. It seems like they dont use 100% throttle on the straight as I can just cruise by them. It's not a big deal since the game is online focused, but again coming from pCARS2 this seems like it belongs in a last-gen game.
- Collisions. WHAT??? Are you kidding me? First of all, the collision sound is just wrong. Second, it seems like there are no collision physics to speak of.
- Lack of content. This has been talked about a lot and there isn't much to say here. They are going to add a few more cars soon, which is nice. But they need like 15-20 more real world tracks to bring it to a decent level. Maybe in a year or two...
- No dynamic weather or time of day. It's 2017 guys...

Overall I'd give this game a 6/10. I'll still play it for the graphics and just because it's easy to pick up and play it for a while without much stress, but I'm surprised it took so long to develop. It's a clear step back from previous games in many ways. I guess I've been spoiled by pCARS1/pCARS2 and AC in terms of what to expect from a modern simulator.
as for the weak AI: try to make a custom race (under Arcade) and set your opponents higher than your class. for example you take N600, set opponents to N800. you'll get a proper challenge.

i just tried out the PCars2 demo on my pretty capable PC in 4k/60 and i have to say: not impressed.
set up my T300 RS and it feels very nice, but i can't say that i like it more than AC or GTS. i basically like all three although each of them feels a bit different, but thats okay to me. and the sound i have to say is in PCars2 all over the place. I drove the Huracan and i found it too high pitched for example. And in replays the engine sound of the cars is just "noise", its all meshed together its really weird, i cant even describe it. like a dissonant cacophony. Graphics are fine, but except the 4k resolution i find GTS prettier. The dynamic weather was nice though with that drying line and all.