Aww...thanks bud. Them's some kind words there.
It means a lot to me to hear something like that. Being bullied my whole life, I really never got to hear words like that. It's nice that there are folks out there who aim to HELP people, not HURT people. I feel as if I could have never improved if I hadn't met you on here. The countless trades, the countless hybrids on GT5, the hidden paint color hunt, and now time trials! You've helped me out so much, that a simple "Thanks" doesn't really show 100% how truly thankful I am for all you've done. People may give you crap on here, but they don't see that you're trying to help them by showing them where to improve, and they all just take it like an insult.
I've learnt to just keep my head up, ignore the bad eggs on here, and move on. Heck, I'm sure my block list is somewhere in the hundreds by now. People can't seem to be nice sometimes. I'm sure you do the same, with the whole blocking the bullies and moving on. It's probably the best thing to do on here to be honest, especially when someone goes out of their way to make fun of your past (whoever that Michael guy or whatever his name was). That's just rude and inconsiderate. We could do with less people like that on here.
But anyway, getting a bit off topic, so I'll just say, thank you so much Mitch for helping me out in many, MANY situations, and may we continue to help each other in the future!