Abortion: Right or Wrong?

Is abortion right or wrong?

  • Abortion is fine with me.

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • Abortion is totally wrong!

    Votes: 16 53.3%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by lotus350
I must be stupid person too then ! 4 kids by aged 24, 1st baby at 16, I'm now 28, but am happy to have got it over with I can be a glamourous granny at least! :lol: :rolleyes:

I'm against abortion as a contraception (hence the 4 kids already! :lol: ) That doesn't make me a stupid person though does it ? And when I look at my kids I don't think oh look what I did when I was stupid, no I feel proud to have created such smart arses :)

There is also a lot of good reasons for having an abortion (all of which have been mentioned) You shouldn't tarnish peole like that TarnishedAngel .

Abortion should remain legal IMO, otherwise your taking away a persons choice . As for the poll ...I'm a bit in the middle so I won't vote .

There are other reasons that I say she's got issues you know. Not just because she has a bunch of kids...there's nothing wrong with that. One of my closer friends comes from a family with 6 kids in it.
It's just that Debbie isn't exactly aware of her kids. She can't control them. Her oldest beat up the kid next door to them because her dad told her to "Defend herself." The poor boy is only 6, and Kimberly is 9!(Heck, Debbie can't even feel a Tick crawl into her own ear! That did happen too.)
Her husband can't seem to keep his pants on either. He got to the point where he raped two of the little kids that she babysits!They've killed nearly every animal they've owned (Including 3 goats, a bunny, countless fish, and a turtle) and happily supplied the whole neighborhood with a large amout of inbred cats. :mad:

Ok, I'm done ranting now. *pants*
Originally posted by TarnishedAngel5
There are other reasons that I say she's got issues you know. Not just because she has a bunch of kids...there's nothing wrong with that. One of my closer friends comes from a family with 6 kids in it.

Ok thanks for clearing that up 👍

It's just that Debbie isn't exactly aware of her kids. She can't control them. Her oldest beat up the kid next door to them because her dad told her to "Defend herself." The poor boy is only 6, and Kimberly is 9!(Heck, Debbie can't even feel a Tick crawl into her own ear! That did happen too.)
Her husband can't seem to keep his pants on either. He got to the point where he raped two of the little kids that she babysits!They've killed nearly every animal they've owned (Including 3 goats, a bunny, countless fish, and a turtle) and happily supplied the whole neighborhood with a large amout of inbred cats. :mad:

Ok, I'm done ranting now. *pants*

Now that's some mad **** right there :eek: :odd: they need locking up by the sound of it. Mothers like that (and fathers) give people like me a bad name :mad: I'd move house if I lived near that lot!
Originally posted by lotus350
Now that's some mad **** right there :eek: :odd: they need locking up by the sound of it. Mothers like that (and fathers) give people like me a bad name :mad: I'd move house if I lived near that lot!

Exactly what we did. And now we're moving again. :D But it makes me so mad...they're living off of her parents because he lost his job and all....gad....:irked:
Originally posted by I Look So Good
Because he's not the one having the baby.

Of course not...but he helped create it. If the child is carried to term, he will help raise it. Why be involved with all facets of the child's life except one?
Originally posted by risingson77
Of course not...but he helped create it. If the child is carried to term, he will help raise it. Why be involved with all facets of the child's life except one?
Because it's the woman's body. I'm not saying that the father doesn't have a right to raise his child, or have a say in its fate, but the final decision comes down to the one actually carrying the baby, and that is the woman.
Sorry, but the baby is not part of the woman's body. It is dependent upon the mother to live, but it is a foreign body. But that's beside the point.

To me, the attitude that says men shouldn't have an opinion on abortion is basically saying we shouldn't be responsible for our actions. Yes, I realize that carrying and delivering a baby is enormously difficult and painful, but that makes it doubly important that men are involved and responsible.

I know the facts, I have weighed them, and I haved formed my opinion is based upon that. Don't hold your breath waiting for me to change it. ;)
Originally posted by TarnishedAngel5
I remember that too! It was like, I told you that and then I hear this gaging/choking noise and you were like, "He said WHAT?!?!?"


Good times, good times...

Remember this one?
Originally posted by M5Power

Fine. Let's remove your brain and see how you do.

:D what about human vegetables?

or severe mental patient should we kill them too?

as far as I'm concerned after 7-8 weeks its too late.....the heart is beating and the brain is functioning so It's alive.....


When does the heart begin to beat?
At 18 days [when the mother is only four days late for her first menstrual period], and by 21 days it is pumping, through a closed circulatory system, blood whose type is different from that of the mother.

When is the brain functioning?
Brain waves have been recorded at 40 days on the Electroencephalogram

Brain function, as measured on the Electroencephalogram, "appears to be reliably present in the fetus at about eight weeks gestation," or six weeks after conception. J. Goldenring,

Only several generations ago, doctors used the ending of respiration to measure the end of human life.
This is no longer true, for the use of artificial ventilators is common. Only one generation ago, doctors were using the ending of the heartbeat to measure the end of human life. This is no longer true, for now the heart can be stopped and restarted for different operations. It also may stop during a heart attack and sometimes can be restarted.

Today, the definitive and final measure of the end of human life is brain death. This happens when there is irreversible cessation of total brain function. The final scientific measurement of this is the permanent ending of brain waves. Since all authorities accept that the end of an individual’s life is measured by the ending of his brain function (as measured by brain waves on the EEG), would it not be logical for them to at least agree that individual’s life began with the onset of that same human brain function as measured by brain waves recorded on that same instrument?

When are all his body systems present?
By eight weeks

Lol....I couldn't give a ratz azz...I wasn't "aborted" so i'm glad about that....But I don't care if...conchita down the street gets an abortion...

"Oh it's alive, you can't kill something alive"...I play football, I step on the grass..I killed a blade of grass, I gave the grass an abortion...I eat red meat..the cow COULD have been pregnant...I was responsible for an abortion.....and i'm beating myself up over it :rolleyes: I can understand if it's like 8 months old and like all that...cause that would just be like "eh..me and marge decided we didn't want it cause we wanted that trip to tahiti next march"...but if it's like 2 months or 3 months into pregnancy...I mean there are some women who don't even realize they're pregnant till the 3rd month..What do they do then?...Are they like "aww it's to late, oh well, there goes my life"
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
:D what about human vegetables?

or severe mental patient should we kill them too?

Severe mental patients have a brain. They also have a disorder affecting its use.

Human vegetables don't function - I said "try to function without a brain."


Only several generations ago, doctors used the ending of respiration to measure the end of human life.
This is no longer true, for the use of artificial ventilators is common. Only one generation ago, doctors were using the ending of the heartbeat to measure the end of human life. This is no longer true, for now the heart can be stopped and restarted for different operations. It also may stop during a heart attack and sometimes can be restarted.

Today, the definitive and final measure of the end of human life is brain death. This happens when there is irreversible cessation of total brain function. The final scientific measurement of this is the permanent ending of brain waves. Since all authorities accept that the end of an individual’s life is measured by the ending of his brain function (as measured by brain waves on the EEG), would it not be logical for them to at least agree that individual’s life began with the onset of that same human brain function as measured by brain waves recorded on that same instrument?

I've been saying that this whole time.
Originally posted by Shinez

"Oh it's alive, you can't kill something alive"...I play football, I step on the grass..I killed a blade of grass, I gave the grass an abortion...

I hope you see the difference between a human and some grass. Probably not.
Abortion is a womens personal choice to make. Who are we to tell another person what is the right or wrong thing to do with her body ? Sex is a choice you make,, just like not using birth control is a choice you make. the consenquence of your actions if they lead to an abortion or a STD or worse are something the individual will have to live with and deal with for the rest of their lives.
I do not see anyone out there with the right to legislate morality, and right now abortion is legal. Leave the right or wrong between the individual and her god and or consience.
Originally posted by DGB454
Thank you. So again it was voted on by either legislators(who people vote in) or the people themselves voted it in and it was signed into law by the Federal Gov't. whom we elect.

That was what I was eventually getting at.

I'm still against paying for them but because it's law I am obliged to do so until it is changed.

Thanks everybody.

Sometimes I wonder if it would help our economy if we chose what we wanted our taxes to go to. But then again that might be a bad thing.
Originally posted by ledhed
Abortion is a womens personal choice to make. Who are we to tell another person what is the right or wrong thing to do with her body ?

who are we to tell a person that she can kill another human being....It may be inside of her but it is still a human and Im sure if it (the baby) had a choice it wouldn't want to die......

how can we give the woman a right to choose but not a child?

I understand that it has not been born yet but it should have the same rights a child that is already born has....they are gauranteed the right to LIFE, liberty and the persuit of happiness.....well in the US atleast.....
Originally posted by ledhed
Abortion is a womens personal choice to make. Who are we to tell another person what is the right or wrong thing to do with her body ? Sex is a choice you make,, just like not using birth control is a choice you make. the consenquence of your actions if they lead to an abortion or a STD or worse are something the individual will have to live with and deal with for the rest of their lives.

It's also a person's choice to get plastered, then go out driving. Yet we have laws against that to protect people... Stupid, huh? Protecting people?:odd:
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
alright.....but I still think that even before 7-8 weeks you still know that the baby has a potential to live so you should let it....
Well of course it has potential. I don't disagree there.

I do disagree that it has to live, though.
When someone drives while intoxicated , they make a decision to break the law and are guilty of reckless endangerment as soon as they start the car.
Now how does that compare to the thought prosess that is behind deciding for an abortion ?
Abortions are legal . The mother is deciding to terminate a potential part of her very being.
I'm not a mother in the biblical sense but even I can see how hard it must be for most people to come to that decision. I have two children of my own and it is not possible for my wife and I to even think about abortion unless it was a direct danger to my wifes life...and even then knowing my wife she may decide to sacrafice herself for her child if its viable.
My point is that we have no right to judge others on such a personal and difficult decision. A case can be made by many mothers that they were protecting an innocent life from the torture of being born into a situation that was dangerouse, lacking in resourses, love , and physicaly problematical.
There are so many storys behind each individual decision for an abortion. My bet is that most of the mothers who decide for them do it out of concern for the future of the life they may be bringing into the world before its time.
Originally posted by ledhed
My point is that we have no right to judge others on such a personal and difficult decision. A case can be made by many mothers that they were protecting an innocent life from the torture of being born into a situation that was dangerouse, lacking in resourses, love , and physicaly problematical....

...But there's still adoption... I know that not all kids get adopted, but it's still a chance....
anyway so by seven weeks it's alive...when someone is injured the first think you check for is a pulse to signal that they are alive...therefore if a person id considered alive by a pulse caused by a heart beating then achild should be considered alive if it has a beating heart..... but even before this the baby is a single cell it is still alive because a cell is a living organism....

Did you know that in many heart operations, the doctors do actually stop the heart of the person being operated on. By your definition of death, the person is dead during the operation.

A person is not considered alive by a pulse. That was true 100 years ago, but now a person is considered alive by their brain activity. Someone in my high school was in a car accident and became brain dead. Her heart kept beating, but her brain was basically gone. Was it murder to pull the plug on the life support?

If it is murder to kill a fetus when it's a single cell, is it murder if I shave off a tiny bit of skin, with living cells, and kill them?

If it is murder to kill a fetus because it could be a baby given the right conditions, is it murder to kill any cell in the body because its DNA allows it to replicate an entire human (given good cloning technology)?

ALL pregnancy is endangering to a woman's health--much more dangerous than a safe, controlled abortion. Giving birth is an incredibly dangerous activity. About one in twenty women dies from a pregnancy related cause. Forty percent of women experience complications before, during, or after childbirth. Yes, you can also find examples of people being hurt or killed during abortions. You can also find examples--many more examples--of people being hurt or killed during childbirth. Legalizing abortion never made abortions completely safe--like ANY medical operation, there is some danger. And, like ANY medical procedure, you may get a scumbag doctor who is worthless and only in it for the money. But I hate to say this, but it's like removing a kidney stone. Yes, that can be dangerous too.

Oh, and about it being two murders to kill a pregnant woman but not murder to kill a fetus--it shouldn't be two murders to kill a pregnant woman. It should aggravate the sentence because the perpetrator killed not only the woman but her family's and her hopes to have a child. The person did not kill the child.
I'm a bit of a unique situation concerning this subject. My mother, a rape victim, gave birth to me when she was 14. I could've been aborted in a heart-beat,... but obviously I wasnt. So, you might think that I'm anti-abortion/pro-adoption,... well, your mistaken,... about the anti-abortion part at least ;)
I don't know anybody, except one person, who is pro-abortion. It is always a decision made under duress, and always a difficult one.

The real issue is whether or not it should be allowed. The answer is "yes". People should be allowed to make even the tough decisions for themselves. Taking responsibility for these tough decisions is freedom. The freedom to **** up your life and choose wrongly, too.
Originally posted by TarnishedAngel5
There are other reasons that I say she's got issues you know. Not just because she has a bunch of kids...there's nothing wrong with that. One of my closer friends comes from a family with 6 kids in it.
It's just that Debbie isn't exactly aware of her kids. She can't control them. Her oldest beat up the kid next door to them because her dad told her to "Defend herself." The poor boy is only 6, and Kimberly is 9!(Heck, Debbie can't even feel a Tick crawl into her own ear! That did happen too.)
Her husband can't seem to keep his pants on either. He got to the point where he raped two of the little kids that she babysits!They've killed nearly every animal they've owned (Including 3 goats, a bunny, countless fish, and a turtle) and happily supplied the whole neighborhood with a large amout of inbred cats. :mad:

Ok, I'm done ranting now. *pants*

I killed four goldfish once, not on purpose though. Oh, I've killed a turtle once too -- not on purpose either. No goat fatalities yet.

I hate cats.
I've killed many fish. I also killed a turtle. I hit a cat once. Unavoidable situation.

So... this guy rapes goats?! Those poor goats.

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