I wasn't that impressed when I first loaded this demo, I guess having played HL2 made me realise how dated GT4 is starting to look (no suprise after all these delays). Although after a while I came back & appreciated the graphics more, after ignoring the some times appalingly low-res textures (Falken dashboard) etc... Anyway...
Its nice to finally try the newer physics engine with something other than the crappy 1 series. Most of the demo cars seem quite easy to drive without assists, except the MR2 which seems abit tempremental with the ol' weight shift
The Ring looks the same as the BMW demo, Trial Mountain is a bit nicer but not much different (car still lifts if you hit embankment before main straight) & the Paris track doesn't look as good to me as when I first saw it, not sure why but interestingly the spectators are all silent (Weren't they supposed to cheer?). Its also very apparent whilst racing around the Paris circuit that the spectators repeat, again & again & again, I'd have prefered none rather than that personally.
The car engine noises have very slightly improved outside the car, but somehow they've made the engine noises inside the cars even worse. Some cars you can barely hear at all over the AI cars.
The photomode has obviously had alot of time spent on it, which is a pity since in my view its just a cheap gimmick & a complete waste of time apart from taking a pic or two of your fave car in the final game. Personally I'd have prefered another feature or even 10 more cars.