Thanks again Akira.
Using the Multi LAN RaceLAN cable, you connect PS2, oppose with the other prayer. Plural PS 2 and the monitor become necessary, but each prayer using one picture, because the car can be operated, as for the battle the expectation which heat is raised well even concave. In Yamanouchi's story, to 8 people you verify that the simultaneous battle it is possible, is. There is also a possibility with of course, playing at number of people above that finishing. At in the the pre- this journal article it probably will keep introducing details. In the house of the friend, gathering PS2 and the monitor, it enjoys the battle. It is difficult to arrange environment, but the battle of the person is pleasant highest. As for 2Player Battle this, the mode which can enjoy the friend and the battle with 1 monitor and PS2. It is easy, degree is much higher than multiple LAN opposition, but 2 dividing the picture, because it becomes opposition, the appearance impression it is quick and moderate. When there is a difference in capability, restricting the car which is used, acquiring difference to efficiency of the machine with ÉNÉCÉbÉNÉ`ÉÖÅ[Éì, when it does race/lace from, it probably becomes ÉAÉcÉC opposition. Single race/lace (CPU game) with you cannot taste, enjoying the delicate running pulling by all means, it is desired. If there is 1 each PS2 and the monitor, it can start even directly. The result of always intensive training, is exhibited with race/lace of the friend! !