American Trans Am Series Season III

  • Thread starter Kalmiya117
How was everyone else doing on tires?

Well I generally go for 0 or 1 pit when I do an endurance race in general and gain positions in while others are pitting. And I have perfected that strategy because I am obviously not the fastest guy here, ever. But during the race at lap 18 I really didn't want to pit and defy Kal. But my conscience said "No, pit or" I was way up on 5th & 6th at that time too. So I went around once more and was like "Oh yea, Kal said 1 mandatory pit, wtf, I guess I have to...ughh". So on lap 19 I went in and everyone passed me, so my strategy of long stints that I have worked so hard to perfect was F#@!d. I think it should be up to the driver. This isn't some kinda amateur series where there needs to be a competition/mandatory pit stop. And if it isn't the best Trans Am series out there then maybe there should be more regulations that actually makes the racing tighter from 3rd to last place. But on another note...say I was the fastest out there....I would have pit 1 time for sure if not 2...because I'm sure if I was out front I would have burnt the $h!t outta my tires hangin' with Titus.

And question: Is Titus on GTPlanet? Just wondering, no reason in particular
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Just my humble, part-time opinion, I do not care for the mandatory pit. Rarely do I need to pit, my driving style does not wear tires that bad, hence the reason I am usually in the middle of the pack, (maybe I should work on this).

Great to race with you guys again. I'm probably going to miss the next few, I have hockey games during the races.

Anyway, Skel wanted some pics, so here ya go.

The whole mandatory pit rule was just left over from the vintage class. If it wasn't in place, it would have been a Camaro RM show all night long... Well it kinda turned out that way anyways.

I know Titus reads the threads, I don't think he has signed up yet. Why, is still a mystery.

Very nice Cobra
Yea I ask about Titus because some guy Idk (that I meet in a random online lobby) asked me if I ever raced with him before and I was like....stalker LOL....but then I said yes that I race in a series with him and he praised Titus like some kinda god. So it got me thinking that Titus was on GTP and has a cult-following or something LOL. So then I searched his name here and came up with nothing, thats when I asked you guys about that.
Titus keeps up on the thread using his PS3 browser, and we all know how much fun it is to navigate with that, so that's why he's not registered yet.
My ps3 browser works fine on this site. I can sign up, sign in, and post messages. It doesn't suck THAT bad. But most of the damage I do on this site is while I'm at work.
I think just about 90% of the people on GTP chat and post while at work LOL, thats a sign of a bad economy I guess.
To be honest, I havn't tried the ps3 browser in years. All my chatting/posting in here is from my phone. I'm actually sitting at my tool box having lunch right now, browsing through all the latest threads.
As Stated, the rule was just carried over. We don't want it that's fine.

I may end up buying the Spec II Test GT. I am use to running with the over head view and using the bumper cam throws my calibration of the car off. I did end up cutting some corners but if it was bad enough I would purposely lay off the throttle a bit. Some reason ever since 2.0 the overhead cam only shows a tiny smidge of the GT instead of the hood like before.

Does anyone know if the Test GT can be painted?
I don't really see anyone online. Maybe daylight saving time got some guys confused. If no one is around in an hour, then next week I guess.
I'm not confused, but the time change has got my day all messed up. I'll be on in just a bit, I'm good for some racing tonight, but if no one else shows I'd say reschedule for next week.

My lounge is open for tonight's race.
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Hopefully you can make it next week Ken.

The new scoreboards are uploading as I type. I went ahead and deducted the lowest 2 races each of us have thus far to put things in perspective. I'm still a little distraught about getting disconnected in BOTH races after taking pole & having a sizable lead in both races. Oh well, it's online racing.
Like to point out the top runners have more disconnecting issues than anyone else I have noticed. Just saying......

I watched a bit of the race last nice and there was def some racing going on. I really do wish we had more people, but on the other hand the people we have I think we are more comfortable with and do not worry so much about cheating. So it is a double edge sword sometimes.

I find the Test GT about on the same level as the White GT. The only reason why I want to switch is ever since the 2.0 update, the hood view, which I use no longer shows a full hood, but just a tiny sliver of the end at the bottom. This throws my personal alignment with the car and where to catch the turns. I've tried using the bumper cam but I just do not like it.

Now the Camaro LM, I am surprised how stable is it comapred to the GT. It felt alot less scary pushing it than all teh GTs I have used. The ford GT is very fast even when limited, but it also punishes you alot worse for any mistakes.

On a second note, Spa is next week. You guys better bone up on your braking into that first corner. I got hit pretty hard on the test races. I have some practice there so I am pretty good at the lines. I assume that is why I was bit quicker in the GT and Camaro last night there.
Titus & Drivetheguard were going at it in both races the entire way. One thing good about getting disconnected was that I got to watch some of it. The G2 race came down to last chicane drama. Good stuff.

I would like to practice up a little at Spa. Since I can't buy the DLC (kinda don't want to anyway). I know the '10 SS RM is about 3-4 seconds off the pace. I'm hoping to shave off at least a second, but fast & wide open tracks is not what it's good at. And this track is not what I'm good at.
One thing good about getting disconnected was that I got to watch some of it. The G2 race came down to last chicane drama. Good stuff.
I pretty much benifited from the cluster foxtrot at the end with a almost Wheldon-esque result. (See last lap of the 2011 Indy 500;)) If you get a chance to watch the replays, have a look at the tire levels going into the final lap of the Group 2 Vintage race. I think I had barely more tire life left compared to those who had the issues in the chicane.

I would like to practice up a little at Spa. Since I can't buy the DLC (kinda don't want to anyway). I know the '10 SS RM is about 3-4 seconds off the pace. I'm hoping to shave off at least a second, but fast & wide open tracks is not what it's good at. And this track is not what I'm good at.
Well, if the lobby host has the track selected, you'll be able to race on there. This has me wondering what nights this week you guys would like to do practice. Does Wednesday and/or Thursday night sound like a good idea to you?

As for lap counts, what are they going to be for Spa this week?
I think the track schedule still says 25 laps but that was from before we switched from Fuji. That's gonna be extremely long, we might consider shortening it a few laps. Skel, I set Spa to the 'home' track in my lounge, check and see if you can enter my lounge and use it without me being there. As for practice, I'm good for Wed, and I'm still working on the ZR1. That thing just refuses to turn like the Camaro's will, but I'm getting closer.
I think the track schedule still says 25 laps but that was from before we switched from Fuji. That's gonna be extremely long, we might consider shortening it a few laps. Skel, I set Spa to the 'home' track in my lounge, check and see if you can enter my lounge and use it without me being there. As for practice, I'm good for Wed, and I'm still working on the ZR1. That thing just refuses to turn like the Camaro's will, but I'm getting closer.

We did 25 laps @ Nurb GP last Sunday and that has similar lap times as Spa. (about 2 mins/lap in G1, Spa slightly longer). But that was kinda a long race. Everyone had to balance tire wear & pit strategy (which I like). I would like it to remain at 25. We shouldn't go any less then 20 in G1 & 10 in G2 if everyone else wants a shorter race.

I'll have to pull out the ZR1 RM again. I haven't driven it in a long time. I find it hard to believe that it's worse then the Camaro SS RM.

Oh, and Wed. is good for me as well.
I think I may have caused my ZR1 problems myself. I'm running great at Forest, and it's my favorite at High Speed Ring, but my setup is causing the front to push wide through turns at Nurb G/P and Spa. I worked on it last night with Kal and made some improvements. I think the real problems is that until recently, there has been no where to race an RM ZR1 against anyone, all of my tuning on it was strictly at HSR, and tuning a car there forces it tight in order to keep the rear under it.
Anyone up for turning some laps at Spa tonight at around 7 pm Eastern?
Room Open
Alright guys, Tonight is Spa! I will have lounge open around 6:30 EST for some extra practice for those without DLC.

See ya there!
Last week I got disconnected twice, this weekend I got yellow lighted. I should get the Medal Of Valor for the YLOD repair and being back in time for the 2nd race. Thanks guys for holding up.

I credit the speedy repair on the fact that there's nothing holding the thing together. Note the power/eject circuit board that flaps in the wind.


Soon as I know the results of the G2 race, I'll get the scoreboard updated.


Guys, this thread has seriously died. I've noticed alot less updated posts and news. I have also noticed out attendance for the races is dropping immensely. I do not care for a 4 person race. No matter how you slice it within 10 laps everyone is spread apart and it becomes no longer a challenger or a thrill, but a like a practice day where your just hoping the other guy messes up enough to catch up.

It is, in my opinion and thought, that if the series continues such a slow death, I will not put in the effort and time to make a thread or what have you. I also would not expect others to do so as well. I am sure within the few people we race we can just PM our way in a series without all the flash. Cause we def are not getting any new people.

I understand Life gets in the way, I understand all the reason why a person cannot show, it is just a game in the end. But I do wish for a little courtesy info so at least everyone is up to speed.

And maybe, I am just frustrated. So take it all with a grain or two of salt.