Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
It's also not true. In their AC chatter video they talk about the problems of the console versions. They also talk about serious performance problems on Xbox. According to VVV the final release builds perform worse than older preview builds.

dopedog must have bought some kind of special version of the game because the stutter is there. Even with the day 1 patch.

If it wasn't Kunos wouldn't have released a statement on their official Facebook page.

VVV also talks about the console trailers which advertise content that isn't in the final game
It's also not true. In their AC chatter video they talk about the problems of the console versions. They also talk about serious performance problems on Xbox. According to VVV the final release builds perform worse than older preview builds.

dopedog must have bought some kind of special version of the game because the stutter is there. Even with the day 1 patch.

If it wasn't Kunos wouldn't have released a statement on their official Facebook page.

VVV also talks about the console trailers which advertise content that isn't in the final game

Screen tearing is there, inside sim racing comment on it on both xbox and PS4, but after a bit i honestly didn't care about it, i did mention that it was there though so no need to be narky about it, the stutter i am not getting though so hopefully you can sort that out.
Look both VVV and inside sim racing are both very honest about its faults and missing bits, but they then rave about the driving...which i can confirm is nigh on perfect.
For me honestly i agree with inside racing guy, I love the way this game looks, its crisp sharp and just very mature, no fancy motion blurs or fancy graphical artifacts, just solid. Hopefully the screen tearing on the consoles will be patched though.
Try 6pm light cloud Barcelona, it looks ace!
I do find the lack of wheel calibration very very odd though, can't understand how the FFB performs so well having not calibrated it...weird.

edit, also watch VVV preview till the end Alan confirms the patch sorts the stutters, go watch it again. All i've played is the version with the day one patch and whilst not perfect (screen tear) it runs very well IMO and i'm a guy who will say if something isn't right believe me..
So wait.. you just set the few FFB strength % in the menu and the FFB feels great while driving the cars? .. I just, wow.. no rabbit hole for me to go into like in pCARS?

Yes, i mean, no. No rabbit hole, i'd say lower FFB to say 40 and your pretty much golden. Crazy, I think PCars 2 will look remarkably different to PCars FFB settings wise.
For example i drive a car in AC and i think hmmm feels weird compared to last car... keep lapping, oh yeah better... few more laps nailed it, FFB was find just had to get used to the car...
But with PCars it was that but followed by "hmmm, if i change that setting, oh and the FX and spindle arm, and then change the SOP and the FY, nope still not right...hmmm the mz like this then the fy like that..." rinse and repeat...
I think a lot of the time i just needed to get used to a car in PCars but instead messed with ffb settings.
Screen tearing is there, inside sim racing comment on it on both xbox and PS4, but after a bit i honestly didn't care about it, i did mention that it was there though so no need to be narky about it, the stutter i am not getting though so hopefully you can sort that out.
Look both VVV and inside sim racing are both very honest about its faults and missing bits, but they then rave about the driving...which i can confirm is nigh on perfect.
For me honestly i agree with inside racing guy, I love the way this game looks, its crisp sharp and just very mature, no fancy motion blurs or fancy graphical artifacts, just solid. Hopefully the screen tearing on the consoles will be patched though.
Try 6pm light cloud Barcelona, it looks ace!
I do find the lack of wheel calibration very very odd though, can't understand how the FFB performs so well having not calibrated it...weird.

Have you done any testing on the physics vs Pcars ? Changing setup like alignment, tire pressure, damper etc ? Physics should not be mixed with FFB, I see Kunos have done great job on FFB side, works straight out of the box, must have cheat code for each wheel :P, totally different to what I hear from Pcars with the over detailed FFB settings and needing a lot of fiddling.
BTW, with FFB, how does the steering feel when front tire loses grip + regaining grip ? Does the self centering affected by caster ? if you drift, the high caster will help with self centering/steer, most BMW have high caster, so they should be more prominent. On FWD and AWD, does the high caster influence the torque steer ? or on cars with very wide front tires giving understeer effect ? Also, the clutch, how well it works, have you tried to pump the clutch while sliding/drifting ?
Frankly I think this game is stunning. Runs well on Xbox, have noticed a bit of stuttering when the going gets frantic but nothing major. Certainly looks the part.
Probably a silly question, but i take it there is no tyre temperature gauge or icon? Or tyre wear for that matter? is it purely down to "feeling" it?

I'm a bit gutted that the buttons can't be mapped, only the 3 presets which isn't really enough.
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Well my copy arrived in the post this morning :D

First Impressions. PS4

After reading on here I updated the small patch 200mb approx before starting the disc/game. UI is nice and neat and simple and I found my way round it easy enough.

First car I thought I would go for was the little 500 Abarth on the DS4 controller at Brands Hatch Indy on practice, I am not sure what I was expecting but the graphics are good and screen tear are pretty non existent and first impressions are that I was pretty impressed with the car interior detail and the track side graphics. The handling straight out the box was pretty easy to control on the DS4 with TC off and had a nice few slides around the track.. it felt good and was pleased.

Then I got the T300RS wheel out and plugged in and went for a 15 car race in the new Ferrari 488GTB then the little BMW M2 motorsport car. You have to experience this game on a wheel if you get a chance- controller was good fun though still and a lot more manageable than Pcars on a controller, reminded me of Forza4 or Gt6 a little in its handling on the DS4.

but Wow, the Force feedback and feel of the kerbs and cambers!! (I had it on 90!) but will reduce this down to probably 40-50 next time as it nearly ripped my arms off around the Nordschleife but the race was good and I worked hard but got no where near 1st- this will be a work in progress I can see, the little BMW I upped the difficulty around Brands Hatch and again thrashed the car but still got no where near first but I didn't care as I really enjoyed the FFB and the cambers, bumps and the fantastic audio screaming the M engine out to 8-8.5k revs!..lovely

This is still a very short visit as I have other stuff to do but will definitely be buying the season pass soon and spending time on this.

Pros-Price only £30 full price! new-cheapest game-not much more than ratchet & clank
Cars engine Audio and gravel sound fantastic
Graphics nothing like I was expecting in between GT6 and Pcars/DRally and hardly any screen tear from what I saw
Handling&FFB-Played nothing like it - outstanding

Cons (only small niggles that can be fixed)
No photomode on replays or in game from what I can see but had a look at the PC one it looks good and I am sure it will come if enough people ask :cheers:
Controller/Wheel only a small number of options (fixed) -on a controller I prefer square and x to change gear not the other way round but couldn't change this-not a big deal but in future there could be more options.

A small review I know for now but I will think of more things later probably:

Overall Recommended and value for money over long term and an impressive little game engine if you like cars and track racing and want something small and different, as others have said if you go in to this not expecting much then it will over deliver.

In answer to the driving positions I took some screen shots as I thought it was easier, you can change the FOV but I kept it as around 55-56 as this is what I use on PCars but I am sure you can change this (not sure on the chase cam yet)

Here are the 6 available views + you can view to the side quick on the wheel with L2 or R2 for any blind spots 👍

Edit: I also forgot you can change the time of day from 8.00am to 18.00pm with clear.mid cloud, cloudy or foggy weather-I haven't tried them all yet but the sunshine through the windscreen was really good.
Assetto Corsa_18.jpg
Assetto Corsa_17.jpg
Assetto Corsa_16.jpg
Assetto Corsa_15.jpg
Assetto Corsa_14.jpg
Assetto Corsa_13.jpg
Assetto Corsa_12.jpg
Assetto Corsa_11.jpg

Here are a few quick screen shots from replays that don't come out too bad
Assetto Corsa_7.jpg

Assetto Corsa_3.jpg

Assetto Corsa_5.jpg

Assetto Corsa_10.jpg

Assetto Corsa_9.jpg

Assetto Corsa_8.jpg

Assetto Corsa.jpg

Oh and I love this classic :)
Assetto Corsa_19.jpg
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One question, it's impossible to buy Performence pack or Prestige Pack, i just buy my game not preorder, How make it if i want drive 488GTB???
The Performance Pack was a general pre-order incentive but the Prestige Pack was a pre-order exclusive for certain retailers. I am lucky in that I got Prestige. It should be made available relatively soon as DLC, maybe in a few weeks, so be ready.

I just finished driving the Ferrari 488 GTB and it is a magical thing. Just a stunning machine.

I think my game is still installing something in the background (I can't access the locked cars yet, for example), but I'm already having fun with the 4C at Brands Hatch:

It just feels so... natural. I had no problems adjusting to the game straight away.

I changed a couple of things already, like disabling assists (including TC in this particular car, but excluding ABS), lowering the tyres volume and lowering the FFB to 40.

I'm not going to add much to what pretty much everybody said already, but I can tell you that I'm still hot lapping the 4C around Brands and haven't tried anything else. :D
Anyone get the Fanatec CSW wheel to work on the PS4 with this game? I'm assuming it would since it works with PCars and Dirt Rally.
@torque99 Photomode IS coming to console versions. Kunos has confirmed.

Nope to all of those, which coming from PCars is massively disappointing. I run pCars with the HUD totally off and pCars dash and Crew Chief apps running on my Nexus 6, I can only hope that AC supports the same in a future update.
Wow. Kunos needs to give console players options to at least turn those things on/off if they aren't going to give movement/placement capabilities. There are so many helpful apps that can be thrown on the screen in the PC version, I figured at least some of them would also be available in the console version. :grumpy:

On another note, AC is definitely more unforgiving than Forza, GT or even Pcars when you race with everything pretty much off. I am enjoying it immensely though :cheers:

The F40 is most certainly tail happy and needs to be treated with great respect.
I finally see someone talk about the F40...Oh, I love the F40 so much. I like to put the street tires on it and go hit the Nordschleife. It's terrifying! :lol:

I have discovered I am very, very, very good at crashing the Yellowbird.

Oh and 100% mechanical damage is brutal, clip the banner in an open-wheel car and your done.
When I'm just out hot lapping or trying different setups, I almost always drive with damage at 10%. That way I'll see what I'm damaging, but it's very light even if you totally bash the car up. That way I don't have to start my entire lap over which can be a pain if you're trying to practice on a course like Nordschleife. BTW, the Yellowbird is so much fun. Like the F40, I like driving it with the older street tires. That thing is so crazy. :eek:

Probably a silly question, but i take it there is no tyre temperature gauge or icon? Or tyre wear for that matter? is it purely down to "feeling" it?
There definitely IS tire temperature and tire wear. I'm on PC though, so I don't know what's up with the console settings.

For people who are interested in checking their lap times versus many Assetto Corsa PC players from around the world, check out RSR Live Timing ... You can select any car/track combination to see the times being posted from AC players. This is a PC only feature, unfortunately, but you can still check out and compare your times against a bunch of other AC players while waiting for built-in leaderboards.

For instance, to see the fastest reported times from RSR Users of the Ferrari 488 GT3 at Spa-Francorchamps, click:

Again, this is only reference material for console players and the owners of RSR reset the leaderboards often, usually with new versions of Assetto Corsa especially if there are changes done to the aero or tires of cars.
I've just been asked to review assetto corsa by
Just buy it.

Anyone had this problem online, cross the line to complete the last lap then the gas pedal stops working? every race I played.
I'm hyped. After the pcars release, where it took a PhD or two, to rally start enjoying it, I've been luring on AC. Honestly, i was afraid that the release quality of pcars had set the precedence for consol sI'm racing. So these out of the box reviews are extremely motivating to read !!!!
There's currently no Performance Pack for everyone to download in my country. That's odd as some players have said it's now free DLC.
the xbox version is good, I'm not seeing the Screen tearing you are talking about .... just in the replay has

Kunos has acknowledged an issue causing sluggish framerate. They are working on a fix. Isn't that the general concern on Xbox One right now?
The LaFerrari sounds incredible and the backfire is insane!! Just makes me smile from ear to ear :D Definitely a bit of a shock though coming from Forza, GT and even Project Cars. You slightly catch a camber hatch marking going round the corner and it could make you spin. Need to be very cautious...
warning for anyone who plays with gamepad on xbox

don't touch the last adjustment (Linealidad del volante) as it is with a bug and will ruin everything

moving, even if you go back to the default value, is enough to make the wheel of the car completely crazy. I had to delete the save of the game to fix the problem. I don't know if this problem occurs in version PS4

a good setup for xbox

100% (don't touch that, until they fix - If you change, even going back to 100% the wheel will be completely broken)

warning for anyone who plays with gamepad on xbox

don't touch the last adjustment (Linealidad del volante) as it is with a bug and will ruin everything

moving, even if you go back to the default value, is enough to make the wheel of the car completely crazy. I had to delete the save of the game to fix the problem. I don't know if this problem occurs in version PS4

a good setup for xbox

100% (don't touch that, until they fix - If you change, even going back to 100% the wheel will be completely broken)


Good catch :)