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24h de Barcelona Bas Koeten Racing

4k only

drag and drop install

No AO this car cannot have it.

!! You will need to raise the shader value on the window on both versions of this car. This skin is for the FIA GT version so you need to raise the value for the sticker on the rear, on the other version you need to raise the value for my other skin to get the front widow banner brighter (i forgot to mention this in my last upload for the L.V.C skin)

how to rasie a shader value:

open CM showroom

click on the glass

click the 3 dots next to "material"

another box will pop up go ahead and click "change values"

change "KsAmbient" value to whatever you want i changed mine to 0.3 up from 0.1

hit save


Few area's where the mapping is bad so i have worked round it but nothing to bad, its still close enough to the real thing.

Screenshot (692).png


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Hey guys,

i'm playing with the excellent @alexlockout Lotus Cosworth 23 available here

On the _shock 60s skin of Reboot Oulton Park.

I was talking with Alex and i have - again- the windshield shadow eating issue using the car, where the dark shadow under the car disapears when seen thru the windshield.

I know there is a fix going into the ext_config file and tweaking the windshield material, but i want to be sure it's not related to my settings before going into further investigation.

Alex is not using Pure, but i do. He's not having the issue.

For what it's worth, I use Pure and have the same thing with some cars, I think it's usually the windscreen texture I swap out for it. With this many combinations of CSP, base game settings, weather controllers and PP filters, it doesn't surprise me my personal cocktail sometimes needs a tweak.

Thanks for your AI BoP post a couple of pages back BTW.
a few factors will prevent a car from reaching theroetical (gears+tire diam+rpm)
1. in AC tire parameters other than radius can affect this
2. in real life it is AERO DRAG vs HORSEPOWER

If the tires, max rpm and gearing are proper, either the aero drag is too high or the horsepower is too low

In the car mods I have made and/or edited, AERO DRAG was always used to balance performance and top speed.
And in this case the 241 is pretty close to the IRL 245 so I would call it spot on, giving that those cars didnt have any speed limiter.
So asking that Gadu change it to whatever user got instead of doing it themself... :rolleyes:
@Zin5ki does it again! thanks for this.

1 question am i able to use what you have done on the other skins to remove the passenger seat?. Probably as simple as copy and pasting the ext_config over maybe?

edit: as far as i am aware you need to copy the ext_config file over to the other skins and add a "banner.png" and thats it as far as i can tell...........just been fiddling more and i have got the banner to show on the original skins and removed the passenger seat, the only thing i need to figure out is which bit of code to remove from the ext_config because this borks the skin up on the front on the OG skins which it would as its a different front bumper. Any idea's on how to sort this last little bit so what you have done is useable on all skins?

basically what i am looking for is to just remove the passenger seat on the other skins

pretty sure after some more fiddling i have got the passenger seat removed from the other skins and the front of the skins are now all correct, there are no holes or anything in the car either (i removed some wrong code before)

so yeh all good cheers Zink5ki
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The way i've done it, was, copying a preview image of EVERY car i have, pasting it to AC Screenshots and naming it as the car's folder name. Then ticking the box "use car images from AC screenshots". But that's really time consuming and using extra valuable storage space.

I was just looking for a faster and more efficient way to do this (with a click of a button in CSP).
So either we need a new app or a new csp option from Ilya!

Anyway, again, thanks a lot guys for trying to help me!!
did you try to paste just a link to the original preview and rename the link?
Opel Calibra DTM - DENSO TEAM Livery WIP

One BIG family that joins the collection for this mod... Some changes were made at the last minute eg. mirrors have been carbonised, instead of colour-matching - so have the front splitters.


Onwards we proceed! Might get some 'cake & tea' for the next one.
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You are converting so nice tracks. My question: Mills Metropack is a really wonderful track and layout, but its from 2016 and many trees are "out of time" and especially the road texture gives no feedback. It fells like a new asphalt without feeling to the wheel.
Is there any chance that you can upgrade it?
You are converting so nice tracks. My question: Mills Metropack is a really wonderful track and layout, but its from 2016 and many trees are "out of time" and especially the road texture gives no feedback. It fells like a new asphalt without feeling to the wheel.
Is there any chance that you can upgrade it?
Why don't ask to the creator "Rigel" ?
He's alway active on Overtake
You are converting so nice tracks. My question: Mills Metropack is a really wonderful track and layout, but its from 2016 and many trees are "out of time" and especially the road texture gives no feedback. It fells like a new asphalt without feeling to the wheel.
Is there any chance that you can upgrade it?

Why don't ask to the creator "Rigel" ?
He's alway active on Overtake
View attachment 1390429
I could be missing something here, but imo @RMi_wood converted Milbantos (Mills Metro Park meets Toban), not Mills Metro Park.
Si it's not from Rigel, but from frasie...
And should it be Milbantos you are pointing at:
  • the trees look absolutely good enough, X-times better than 95% of the 3D tree crap that certain modders tend to use lately.
  • road feel is certainly there without being exaggerated (at least on my Simucube DD wheel) and even more present than on Rigel's Mills MP.
I could be missing something here, but imo @RMi_wood converted Milbantos (Mills Metro Park meets Toban), not Mills Metro Park.
Si it's not from Rigel, but from frasie...
And should it be Milbantos you are pointing at:
  • the trees look absolutely good enough, X-times better than 95% of the 3D tree crap that certain modders tend to use lately.
  • road feel is certainly there without being exaggerated (at least on my Simucube DD wheel) and even more present than on Rigel's Mills MP.
I have a question: how install custom pacenotes for new Codriver? Can't undestand this step from small amount of info.
For example, this pacenotes.
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View attachment 1364458

F1 2025 V0.5 BETA is here!

  • Mode X and Mode Z (Mode X both wings open and Mode Z both wings closed) You can activate this in any part of the track and with no restraints. The LEDS are the same than the old DRS.
  • NEW MOM system. Also known as 'Manual Override Mode' which performs like the P2P in Indycar, and at the moment we don't know how it's gonna work. It's been told that it will be used when you are 1 second behind another car. In this case it would require more work on it. For the moment, it's able in any moment and you'll have 200 uses of it (which also will be showed in the screen display), with a cooling time of 10 seconds and a working time of 5 seconds. For obvious reasons this only work for practices and race sessions. Hotlap and Qualy this is not working due AC vanilla restraints.
There has been some tweak in the 3d model, such as the new Mercedes styled windscreen and a new headrest. Some sections of the mesh has been revamped such as the halo or the rear wing endplates. There are still some things to improve on the UV map. There's also a new decal mesh layer on top of the car. I know that it will be floating 1-2 cm about the car, but i'll try to fix this in the next updates. The templates for the decals will be included with the AO textures. The main kn5 file size has been reduced drastically to something decent.

We are still pending on the official rules coming allegedly later this month. Any hotfix will be released in THS discord server.

Enjoy it!

I've just made a hotfix for liveries and windscreen shaders. Link updated in the post. Sorry!

New improved 3d model for the F1 2026 mod coming later this year, with some tweaks in physics too.



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