Audi R8 Meets Gran Turismo (inc Nürburgring video footage)

  • Thread starter MGR
I never out-lasted Bob on tyres, but I have a very aggressive driving style. Bob is much smoother than I am driving, but anyone watching him would be forgiven for thinking 'smooth isn't fast'. :lol:
I didn't play the Demo so I don't know what those angles were, but in case some of you don't know: if you select the Left and Right views on analogic buttons, you realize they're not exact angles (the Rear one is), because with the analogic buttons while doing more or less pressure you can view more or less to the Left/Right. There's basically a 180º angle rotation for the front part of the car.

Every button on the PS3 pads is analog except for start & Select and R3 & L3.
But in the demo, you could also look left and right while looking behind iirc.
I never out-lasted Bob on tyres, but I have a very aggressive driving style. Bob is much smoother than I am driving, but anyone watching him would be forgiven for thinking 'smooth isn't fast'. :lol:

Same here. :D
I can't stand that kind of 'smoothness' that Bob offers while racing my car, as I always try to race as fast as I can throughout the race and therefore, my tyres always wear out faster than Bob does. I know that Bob's driving is smooth, but not fast enough to compete against other AI drivers IMO. :P
Appologies if someone stated this earlier, but in the english pdf of this article there is this text..

"The sun,
for example, which either blinds the driver on some parts
of the track or plunges the cockpit into deep shadows on
others. The dirt that flies against the windshield if the car
in front of you leaves the road and skids across the grass."

Not sure if thats poetic license, but I didn't see any evidence of these things in the video, here's hoping though!

On the camera views topic, sometimes when you are on the grid in an online race you get a weird centre cockpit view with crappy textures, just for a split second.
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Sunday is the 24h race on the Nürburgring Norschleife and PD,Sony germany and Citroen will bring the GT by Citroen car there.

Also the Nordschleife track will be officialy playable in the playstation gaming truck in GT5P.So i hope we will see some videos from the new version of the Nordschleife.


How come people keep saying there will be a new version of nordschleife, is this fact or just assumption?, i hope it's true but all the videos have shown the gt4 track updated, just like suzuka. If they have already updated it then why would they model a new one. I hope it's true because people keep saying this, but the videos show otherwise.
How come people keep saying there will be a new version of nordschleife, is this fact or just assumption?, i hope it's true but all the videos have shown the gt4 track updated, just like suzuka. If they have already updated it then why would they model a new one. I hope it's true because people keep saying this, but the videos show otherwise.

You do realise that an "updated" Suzuka is still a new Suzuka. Same goes for Nürburgring. Their was once a time when Nürburgring videos were shown with GT5 cars and blocky guard rails and and corners, so if Nürburgring is shown with curvy guard rails and corners, it would be a new Nürburgring, even it is just "updated".
You do realise that an "updated" Suzuka is still a new Suzuka. Same goes for Nürburgring. Their was once a time when Nürburgring videos were shown with GT5 cars and blocky guard rails and and corners, so if Nürburgring is shown with curvy guard rails and corners, it would be a new Nürburgring, even it is just "updated".


Yeah that was what I mean with "new"... They don´t need to model it new but on the Norschleife Videos we´ve seen the track was only an upscaled GT4 version... so I think we will see a better version now...

Yeah that was what I mean with "new"... They don´t need to model it new but on the Norschleife Videos we´ve seen the track was only an upscaled GT4 version... so I think we will see a better version now...

No it wasnt upscaled....
Blah, they still used GT4 assets, but the Ring was already a new model, they already had some of the safety fences and some of the redone corners build in. The textures, guard rales and some parts of the track were just placeholders. We will see if this version here is improved (the one in the Audi video had at least new textures as far as i can tell).
it will bbe the best game ever, it will be the true next gen game ever, it will be the best...

I completely agree with you here, or should I say you better be right. Anything else would be an epic failure. The competition is stepping up their game, so PD needs to show them who's the best and develop a game that would be too good to run on an xbox or even on an average gaming PC.

Utilize PS3 computing power to the maximum and continue improving the game with DLC and wait for the PS4 to come out before we see GT6.
Here's a video I made of GT4 in 1080i vs GT5p on Suzuka.
The graphics are not drastically different but good enough to make my mouth water just thinking about GT5 Nurb in cockpit view using G25 with clutch


Yeah that was what I mean with "new"... They don´t need to model it new but on the Norschleife Videos we´ve seen the track was only an upscaled GT4 version... so I think we will see a better version now...
Not so good video, if you want to compare do it with direct feed captures or you cant really use it.
The filming fakes the lighting in both games.
Not so good video, if you want to compare do it with direct feed captures or you cant really use it.
The filming fakes the lighting in both games.

Agreed:tup:, besides YouTube ruins everything, even in HD. I know that I notice a difference everytime I go back to GT4.
Not so good video, if you want to compare do it with direct feed captures or you cant really use it.
Yep I don't have capture hardware and youtube sucks the life out of quality but still I think it was a fun video.

The filming fakes the lighting in both games.
Incredible I think you are right, the lighting effect simulating how your eyes reacting to changing light conditions is also represented in GT4 lol

Agreed:tup:, besides YouTube ruins everything, even in HD. I know that I notice a difference everytime I go back to GT4.
I still can't believe how good GT4 looks especially when you consider it's running on PS2 hardware, but obviously GT5p looks better.
Well dont get me wrong, i appreciate the effort, but it isnt really worth it.
GT4 upscaled on the PS3 looks crappy compared to GT5P, especially the aliasing and colors. But thats how it should be, or we wouldnt need a so powerful PS3. lol

EDIT: Even in your video the colors and texture details in GT5P are so much better, not mentioning the dozens of small details.
The jump isnt as big as from GT2 to 3, but thats normal, the jump from PS3 to PS4 will be even smaller, just look how close we already are to photorealism.
Agree'd, with the amount of programming and developement thats required there will become a point were huge improvements are no longer possible.
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Agree'd, with the amount of programming and developement thats required there will become a point were huge improvements are no longer possible.

That's why you need to start focusing on content rather than graphics. I want a game that is fun to play rather than one that just looks good.

I would bet that you could easily get people to tone down the graphics (if such an option existed) in order to be able to play against 30 competitors on-line on the same track.
Well i think although the graphics in gt5 are good there not close to photorealistic yet. People have said this even when gt4 was out and now look how people say gt5 looks so much better. You will think gt5 looks like crap when gt6 comes out, when the next generation of games come out it always makes you realise just how far off the last gen was. come on the grass and trees are still textures let alone polygons, so is the road, the sky is a picture not realtime like games like crysis, the cars still have squared edges, theres no dust or dirt particles, skid marks, exhaust fumes, heat waves. The hdr is crap and you cant see the details at the back of some cars in certain spots because it is glowing white, especially the blitz. There is a long way to go yet, and as for the physics even further. Im not bashing the game just stating how it's nowhere near what it could be with unlimited computational power, it's bloody good for ps3 though considering the graphics card is worse than the one in my 3 year old laptop, geforce 7, i would love to see what this game would look like on current pc hardware though..
^ If people aren't satisfied by GT5's graphics, then it's just not worth trying to satisfy them since most people will be able to look at GT5 and enjoy it. The few that can't get over themselves and nitpick, trying to prove to people that GT5 looks like crap, forever are only diminishing the fun in a game for themselves.

Also, any game becomes pure crap when it gets made to run on PC. This is a scientifically proven fact.
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Also, any game becomes pure crap when it gets made to run on PC. This is a scientifically proven fact[/B].[/QUOTE]

Lol what a fanboy post, how is it scientifically proven a game becomes crap when it's on pc. I think gt5 is amazing for ps3, i really do think the graphics are great, just not anywhere near photoreal, except maybe the cars when their in the pit station before the race. Ps3 is old tech the graphics card is worse than my 3 year old laptop, but people without a good pc tend to treat it as the holy grail of gaming, plus you don't get any control lag when playing on pc with the wheel like you do playing ps3 on your tv, thats part of the reason games like lfs and gtr2 feel so much more connected. You can tell this especially at the s bend on london when in f1 2007, you have to turn before you reach the corner for the car to respond in time.
but people without a good pc tend to treat it as the holy grail of gaming,

I have a top end PC and frankly if it wasn't for Gran Turismo I wouldn't even have a PS3. I have played all the latest 'benchmark' PC games with excellent frame rates (all setting sliders to the right) and IMO they still don't compete with GT5P in visuals. Sure GT5P is not photorealistic but it still in my opinion out does anything the PC has yet (in real time).

I play GT5P with a wheel the same as I play my PC sims (LFS, iracing, GTR etc) and notice no difference in control lag. If I ever had to antisipate control inputs to counter control lag I wouldn't even bother playing, you must have a problem somewhere if you are getting any.