Audi R8 Meets Gran Turismo (inc Nürburgring video footage)

  • Thread starter MGR
I have a top end PC and frankly if it wasn't for Gran Turismo I wouldn't even have a PS3. I have played all the latest 'benchmark' PC games with excellent frame rates (all setting sliders to the right) and IMO they still don't compete with GT5P in visuals. Sure GT5P is not photorealistic but it still in my opinion out does anything the PC has yet (in real time).

I play GT5P with a wheel the same as I play my PC sims (LFS, iracing, GTR etc) and notice no difference in control lag. If I ever had to antisipate control inputs to counter control lag I wouldn't even bother playing, you must have a problem somewhere if you are getting any.

Well you probably just don't notice the lag, i do. You can tell if you turn the wheel really fast, i can get it about a third of a turn if i do it fast before any response on the screen. I don't get that on pc, it's pretty much instant. Plus gt5 has a lot of fakery, crysis is way better graphically. Things like the mountain backdrop is merly a photo, the sky doesnt move, The lighting is not the greatest, the shadows are jaggy and blocky/ no soft shadows, it's only really the polygon count of the cars thats impressive.
Well you probably just don't notice the lag, i do. You can tell if you turn the wheel really fast, i can get it about a third of a turn if i do it fast before any response on the screen. I don't get that on pc, it's pretty much instant. Plus gt5 has a lot of fakery, crysis is way better graphically. Things like the mountain backdrop is merly a photo, the sky doesnt move, The lighting is not the greatest, the shadows are jaggy and blocky/ no soft shadows, it's only really the polygon count of the cars thats impressive.

i can tell you why you notice imput lag.... its the tv.... not the game...many lcd tv suffer ....
me to i played crysis in 1600x1200 very high, and its a different game than move 16 cars at same time...
and my pc its 20 times more powerful than a, gt5 is absolutly huge grafically for me...
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Crysis looks totally fake to me, as most PC games do. In videos, the lower quality has moments of reality, but then I see all the surroundings that look like plastic plants planted by union workers.

Now it's the same thing for me in Prologue when I look at the Daytona track behind the pit lane, at all the missing details real life includes. But other than that, it looks like live racing video. And if you compared Prologue to the typical PC game, not the best looking game so far, it shows them all up. Especially every PC racer, which it takes a big steaming dump on.

By the way, the RSX is the equivalent of a GeForce 7950, which is still no slouch. And after playing some PC games on my new cutting edge rig, I'm just not that impressed. Shooters are great and all, but what shooters have been since Counterstrike for the most part.

I also notice no controller lag on my Bravia. Your TV must be processing the image.
Also, any game becomes pure crap when it gets made to run on PC. This is a scientifically proven fact[/B].

Lol what a fanboy post, how is it scientifically proven a game becomes crap when it's on pc. I think gt5 is amazing for ps3, i really do think the graphics are great, just not anywhere near photoreal, except maybe the cars when their in the pit station before the race. Ps3 is old tech the graphics card is worse than my 3 year old laptop, but people without a good pc tend to treat it as the holy grail of gaming, plus you don't get any control lag when playing on pc with the wheel like you do playing ps3 on your tv, thats part of the reason games like lfs and gtr2 feel so much more connected. You can tell this especially at the s bend on london when in f1 2007, you have to turn before you reach the corner for the car to respond in time.
Because, me with my computer can't even run a strategy game like Red Alert 3 since it always stops and goes, stops and then goes, and that's with all the technology like shadows and stuff turned to minimum with the game looking like junk, and I just bought my PC! I used to be able to play red alert 2 on any crappy PC I could find, but now unless you spend thousands of dollars, you won't be able to run anything with visuals even remotely close to even a PS2 game.

GT4 looks superior to any PC game I've played in the past 3 years on my computer, save for red alert 2 and Age of Empires 2. Keep in mind that PS2 has like 25mb of RAM and a 300mhz processor. So why can't consumer PCs with hundreds times that power even match a fraction of its performance? PC gaming sucks, period.
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The problem with PC games is that devs cant optimize the engines on a specific hardware.
When i look at games like GT5P, Uncharted 1&2, KILLZONE 2, Heavy Rain etc. the graphics power of the PS3 really is my last concern.
Because, me with my computer can't even run a strategy game like Red Alert 3 since it always stops and goes, stops and then goes, and that's with all the technology like shadows and stuff turned to minimum with the game looking like junk, and I just bought my PC! I used to be able to play red alert 2 on any crappy PC I could find, but now unless you spend thousands of dollars, you won't be able to run anything with visuals even remotely close to even a PS2 game.

GT4 looks superior to any PC game I've played in the past 3 years on my computer, save for red alert 2 and Age of Empires 2. Keep in mind that PS2 has like 25mb of RAM and a 300mhz processor. So why can't consumer PCs with hundreds times that power even match a fraction of its performance? PC gaming sucks, period.

Sry m8, but your statement is full of ****. I have PC, PS3 and XBOX360, and i can tell you that any game looks better on PC then on ps3 or xbox360.

programing for ps2,ps3,xbox or any other console is easier then for PC, cause the components of console are the same in each console whilst on PC there are lots of other hardware components that might not work properly.

Nowadays you don't need the latest hardware to play new games. My rig is two years old, and i can run Crysis on full settings on 720p, as it is the common resolution for ps3 or x360. COD4 i am running at 1080p with full graphic settings + AA and i get avg 84fps, and it's look awesome.

GT5 or GT5p are not true 1080p and can only support 16 online cars. I bet you that you can't see a difference between 150k poly cars from 200k poly.

one more example : TDU on my rig (1080p) looks far clearer and better then on xbox360.

You are forgetting is that PC calculates more data regarding physics in the game then PS3 or X360, but this is off topic.
As far as racing games are concerned GT5 is the benchmark. I have a very good pc but all the racinggames i have (iRacing, GTR2, GTR Evolution, GT Legends) dont look good, though i play them at 1080p. At least i get more then 60 frames, which is good for the sensation of speed.
(My pc is build from used parts and didnt cost more than 500 euros with 2 nVidia 8800GT , a brand new ASUS mainboard and Intel E8400 CPU and 4gig of used ram. I connected it to my TV, so i dont need any aditional peripherals other than mouse and keyboard, G25 and Gamepad, wich are the same i use with the PS3. The Dualshock can be connected to the pc)

But we are not here to talk about the visuals of GT5, its about content and physiks and i think GT5 Prologue is really a BIG step foreward. Although i have all these games on my pc, i usually prefer GT5p, just because of the good implementation of forcefeedback and the overall feeling, wich is superb. The onboard view is really good, but they should have a feature like GTR has, adjustable apexview. You can basicly decide how far the virtual driver will turn his head towars the apex of the next corner.

PC Gaming is good , i really do play lots of RTS, Shooter and RPG but for other genres console is the place to be.
Well you probably just don't notice the lag, i do. You can tell if you turn the wheel really fast, i can get it about a third of a turn if i do it fast before any response on the screen. I don't get that on pc, it's pretty much instant. Plus gt5 has a lot of fakery, crysis is way better graphically. Things like the mountain backdrop is merly a photo, the sky doesnt move, The lighting is not the greatest, the shadows are jaggy and blocky/ no soft shadows, it's only really the polygon count of the cars thats impressive.
Read this:

You have a post process problem with your tv, try dissabling all screen enhacements or search for a "game mode" preset and you will notice a perfect wheel sync.

About the graphics you're comparing a FPS with a car game... change "GT5" in your quote by your favourite PC car game and it will be even worse.
Sry m8, but your statement is full of ****. I have PC, PS3 and XBOX360, and i can tell you that any game looks better on PC then on ps3 or xbox360.

programing for ps2,ps3,xbox or any other console is easier then for PC, cause the components of console are the same in each console whilst on PC there are lots of other hardware components that might not work properly.

Nowadays you don't need the latest hardware to play new games. My rig is two years old, and i can run Crysis on full settings on 720p, as it is the common resolution for ps3 or x360. COD4 i am running at 1080p with full graphic settings + AA and i get avg 84fps, and it's look awesome.

GT5 or GT5p are not true 1080p and can only support 16 online cars. I bet you that you can't see a difference between 150k poly cars from 200k poly.

one more example : TDU on my rig (1080p) looks far clearer and better then on xbox360.

You are forgetting is that PC calculates more data regarding physics in the game then PS3 or X360, but this is off topic.
I don't even know what half of what you said means. I guess PC gaming is good if you don't value your time and spend hours making a computer or something. But I tried playing GTR on my laptop and it always freezes when I try to turn and then moves again, it's too annoying. Now with GT5P, you don't have to do anything and just drive, it's far superior, besides, you can play on a 50 inch TV as opposed to a 15 inch one. I don't know what kind of 2 year old computer you have, but my brand new 2 CPU computer with 3GB of RAM can't even open crysis.
I'll have to add another argument to the PC vs console battle. I've gad nothing but headaches trying to get my racing wheels to work right with the PC, even the G25. Meanwhile, the PS3 is plug n play. Start the game, and any compatible racing wheel is instantly and PROPERLY recognized. Forget the 360, which requires you to buy an M$ wheel of some kind.

I had to laugh when I downloaded the GRID demo. Not only was it arcade crap, with ridiculous speeds in the HUNDREDS of mph, but the poor G25 was all mis-assigned. The game wouldn't recognize that it was actually there, and when I started a race, the clutch worked the throttle! :lol: And because I can't get to any settings since it doesn't recognize that the wheel is even there, I can't fix it. Unless something Godly happens with a magical PC racer in the future, I'm done with it.

By the way, I did the swerve test, and the PC "lags" as badly as the PS3, which it doesn't. Your TV isn't set up right or something.
GT5 or GT5p are not true 1080p and can only support 16 online cars. I bet you that you can't see a difference between 150k poly cars from 200k poly.

I know I would, especially in the interiors.
ONLY support 16 on line race cars with 200.000 polygons ?

Ok... show me something better than that. =/
I know I would, especially in the interiors.

@Watevaman:well what if less polygons are only on the car not cockpit?????
I would trade polygons for more racers online anytime. When i race or play GT5p (from cockpit) i hardly ever look at thing in interior cause i'm racing and my focus is on race.

@Cocomoto: did you ever race with 40 cars on track, did you experience that kind of racing, 24h la Mans, day/night cycle, temperature variation etc.

Don't get me wrong I love GT5p, but graphic is nothing compare to gameplay. This is a problem with this generation of consoles, they are more focused on graphic rather then on gameplay.

I never had any problem with my PC and G25, and Grid is not something i would play with G25.
yes... quote...
i'd bet to have many racing simulation in physic when i saw first new gen consolle, but its only graphic.. the physic in gt is the same from ten years.....
the physic in gt is the same from ten years.....





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Amar nice one.

I don't think that physics is 10 years old, it's quiet good, but still needs improvement which will be done by time we have gt5, i can only assume.
ahahahahahaahahahahaha nice post amar...

but how you could see improvement in that physic????
the AI go straight in predefined lines, if you brake late inside them they crash on you always... where you see improvement???
Physics is not AI.

And if you also imply that AI is the same from the first game I'll be more than happy to post the same pictures again.

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ahahahahahaahahahahaha nice post amar...

but how you could see improvement in that physic????
the AI go straight in predefined lines, if you brake late inside them they crash on you always... where you see improvement???

AI != Physics

I really think that AI and Physics have improved a lot. I've played every single GT released, on its release date, and through the years I still remember how shocked I was for example from the physic changes between GT2 and GT3 A-Spec. It was amazing. One of the bigger things I remember is the Differential (I think it's called like this on english), it gave me load of days enjoying different changes on different GTs, and its touch have changed so much through the different games of the series.

But there's a thing I've always seen not good enough on GT recently (and no... I'm not talking about the tyre noises, although they are): I'm talking about the gear box. People who have used te manual gear boxes in Ferrari Challenge for example, will understand me perfectly. I'm not a mechanic, and I do not have huge knowledge about gear boxes so I can't say that all the gear boxes in GT are unreal (the sequencial ones, the disconnections at high rpms..) but for sure the best gear box I've used on a sim would be a mix between the manual one in Ferrari Challenge but with a few clutch touchs of the GTR one on PC. That's simply one of the only things that I think GT needs, because Ferrari Challenge for example made me remind the times I take the old Alfa Romeo 33 on the road while I've to be so precise chaging to 2nd gear in order to avoid damages on the gear box. I love those feelings. Unfortunately on GT, with a Ferrari BB512, you can change the gears insanely without hurt anything. I hope this changes one day, and I'll the happiest man on the simulators land.
It was amazing. One of the bigger things I remember is the Differential (I think it's called like this on english)

Indeed, It reminds me about how happy I was when I took some of the cars out and one wheel was slipping due to them modelling a open differential in GT3.
Ah. And btw guys, 2009 24Hr Nurburgring started at 16:00, you can watch it on DSF, Porsche 911 GT3 RSR wants to take the lead from Ford GT, and there are on every car marked on windsheild ''GRAN TURISMO'' ads and a lot of GT ads on Nurburgring track. Whats that mean?
Agreed, PD have sponsored many race events in the past, that doesn't mean the cars in the event are going to make it into GT5. I do maintain a little hope though.
Ah. And btw guys, 2009 24Hr Nurburgring started at 16:00, you can watch it on DSF, Porsche 911 GT3 RSR wants to take the lead from Ford GT, and there are on every car marked on windsheild ''GRAN TURISMO'' ads and a lot of GT ads on Nurburgring track. Whats that mean?

It is a sponsorship. It means they get ad space. What did you think that meant?

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